How many are enough? (5 Viewers)

It simply amazes me on how some individuals continue to be negative when people decide to sell their Collections or Toy Soldier Items they have purchased. Who cares what people sell there items for ? Who cares that certain individuals find offensive ? Basically - who cares about this ridiculous argument that we must have time and time again. :rolleyes:

For the record - Webster's Dictionary : RARE ~ "Of an uncommon nature, unusually excellent, valuable to a degree seldom found." SYNONYMS: UNCOMMON. ;)

On the answer to the question - How many are enough ? : Well - Countless - because there is always a market for RARE older K&C figures on the secondary market. :D
Capitolron is 100% correct! If collectors have the money, they will pay what ever the price is to acquire a rare/older King & Country Figure or AFV. "The I Want That Figure No Matter What Syndrome."

This is what happens in art, coins, and sports memorabilia. I could go on and on, so who cares. We buy what we like and what we can afford!

I have ton of old stuff!!!!! Willing to sell at the "Highest Possible Price" as long as you are willing to pay for all my new figures at the same "Highest Possible Price!" Just kidding!
I forgot to mention that, in connection with Frank's (Vezzolf) comment about people buying two or three of each item in anticipation of retirement, when K & C UK announced the retirement of the Crimea range and I made the suggestion that the amounts that people could buy be limited to avoid speculation, I got my head handed to me on the Forum! :eek:
I forgot to mention that, in connection with Frank's (Vezzolf) comment about people buying two or three of each item in anticipation of retirement, when K & C UK announced the retirement of the Crimea range and I made the suggestion that the amounts that people could buy be limited to avoid speculation, I got my head handed to me on the Forum! :eek:

No offense Brad - Toy Soldiers are a business for the retail merchants - not a social program or government control industry for the common good. It is ridiculous to put controls on others so a few may benefit.

My advice to all - Work Hard ... Make More Money - then you can afford this hobby. And please stop the general whining. Again, not directed at you Brad.
I probably should have noted that point Ron. If someone wants to buy two or three or four, who are we to stop them. If people then post them on ebay, no one is forcing anyone to buy them.

Thanks for the advice but, surely my forum friend everyone is entitled to whinge if they feel in their own circumstances it is warranted. Thats what colours the fabric of the hobby as, with life, its not all black and white and, I want to hear everyones concerns be they good or bad.

Maybe, it could be said of those who have been on here for years that they could refrain from responding to posts with the 'same old same old syndrome' as compared with telling others to be quiet.

A one sided hobby with everything smelling of roses is an unrealistic entity and, we should not stick our heads in the sand over issues which, are negative however, much some want that this hobby has good and bad sides just like everything else in life. But, IMO they should not be ignored.

I enjoy everyones opinions on here and its an education for free about something I love.

3909]No offense Brad - Toy Soldiers are a business for the retail merchants - not a social program or government control industry for the common good. It is ridiculous to put controls on others so a few may benefit.

My advice to all - Work Hard ... Make More Money - then you can afford this hobby. And please stop the general whining. Again, not directed at you Brad.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the advice but, surely my forum friend everyone is entitled to whinge if they feel in their own circumstances it is warranted. Thats what colours the fabric of the hobby as, with life, its not all black and white and, I want to hear everyones concerns be they good or bad.

Maybe, it could be said of those who have been on here for years that they could refrain from responding to posts with the 'same old same old syndrome' as compared with telling others to be quiet.

A one sided hobby with everything smelling of roses is an unrealistic entity and, we should not stick our heads in the sand over issues which, are negative however, much some want that this hobby has good and bad sides just like everything else in life. But, IMO they should not be ignored.

I enjoy everyones opinions on here and its an education for free about something I love.

While I agree with you that every one is entitled, (and with all due respect Mitch as a newbie on here) it does grow tiresome as they are the same comments over and over again. Sometimes people just either need to change the record or perhaps find another hobby.

I fully appreciate that I have only been on for what, about three months or just over so, every comment is quite new as I find who sits where etc. But, is it not all about hearing what people have to say and tolerating that even if you have heard it thousands of times before?

I am totally on board with the fact that some are here to provoke but, I have said that they can easily be identified. As I said I am just fascinated with the opinions of everyone.

While I agree with you that every one is entitled, (and with all due respect Mitch as a newbie on here) it does grow tiresome as they are the same comments over and over again. Sometimes people just either need to change the record or perhaps find another hobby.

I fully appreciate that I have only been on for what, about three months or just over so, every comment is quite new as I find who sits where etc. But, is it not all about hearing what people have to say and tolerating that even if you have heard it thousands of times before?

I am totally on board with the fact that some are here to provoke but, I have said that they can easily be identified. As I said I am just fascinated with the opinions of everyone.

I have to disagree with you here Mitch, I am sure you would grow tired if I moaned that your collection was garbage every time I came over for a visit. I am all for constructive criticism but saying something is garbage for the sake of it is a comment that would be best left unsaid.

That was my point in that post. Its easy to tell what is being naughty and what is, as you say, constuctive critique. Some of my points to some members on here was that it seems IMO that all critique is being stiffled and being placed toghether in the 'whingers' section. This is not the case with everyone and, I can see what would get up peoples noses but, speaking for myself I have raised points and been told either its been thrashed to death before or, not to open a can of worms and, that to me is stiffling firstly, the experience of this forum and, secondly, creating a very one sided view of the hobby.

I have no time for people who just want to create an argument for no other reason than its a fun thing for them but, I just worry that it (which, can easily be dealt with) spoils it for every new member. That was all I wanted to get over to the 'time served members'

;313970]I have to disagree with you here Mitch, I am sure you would grow tired if I moaned that your collection was garbage every time I came over for a visit. I am all for constructive criticism but saying something is garbage for the sake of it is a comment that would be best left unsaid.[/QUOTE]
Store them under the bed, on the top of wardrobes, anywhere you can but never throw them away!


Yo Troopers, just love these K&C wars lol, its nearly as good as "Two and a half Men" its like Charlie & Alan having a go at each other. As for boxes guys pick up some old large suitcases from the Charity shops etc make really good storage for the boxes and as Jeff says put them under the beds. As for the guys who cannot understand the keeping of boxes for added value, last year in a Vectis auction an empty Hornby Train box sold for £3,000.00, just something to think about.
You are very right with your statement. I have this job in a retail store just to keep up my K&C addiction. It would be hard to say that it is a "job". This weekend I said to myself, "I am payed to have this much fun"?? I have a job during the week as a counselor and spend my weekend unpacking these wonderful items, what a great way to relax.

N. Baer
I've been building my house for the last two years & playing with my soldiers just give me so much fun & does help with chilling out ,just need my wife to fill the same :(
Store them under the bed, on the top of wardrobes, anywhere you can but never throw them away!

Best place is up the loft then your wife does not know how much stuff you got ;)

That was my point in that post. Its easy to tell what is being naughty and what is, as you say, constuctive critique. Some of my points to some members on here was that it seems IMO that all critique is being stiffled and being placed toghether in the 'whingers' section. This is not the case with everyone and, I can see what would get up peoples noses but, speaking for myself I have raised points and been told either its been thrashed to death before or, not to open a can of worms and, that to me is stiffling firstly, the experience of this forum and, secondly, creating a very one sided view of the hobby.

I have no time for people who just want to create an argument for no other reason than its a fun thing for them but, I just worry that it (which, can easily be dealt with) spoils it for every new member. That was all I wanted to get over to the 'time served members'

I gotcha now Mitch and this is a question I have often wondered myself. When we had that last explosive spell I did think to myself, how does this look to someone just joining the forum.

I forgot to mention that, in connection with Frank's (Vezzolf) comment about people buying two or three of each item in anticipation of retirement, when K & C UK announced the retirement of the Crimea range and I made the suggestion that the amounts that people could buy be limited to avoid speculation, I got my head handed to me on the Forum! :eek:

Brad, I think that this would not be feasible (nor proper) to do this anyway....however I do feel obligated to respond to statements like "older K/C will never lose their value"...(some of us have tired of these comments as well)...Older K/C is not a Picaso Painting nor a Mona Lisa...Some of the older stuff although quaint in style is not high level quality by today's standards.... nor is it a work of art........give me a break......There are many other products being produced today of "better quality" by various manufacturers......Also the K/C "retirement game" simply does not hold today.......all I'm saying is let's keep things in perspective.....Some guys are always under the misguided impression that their collections are worth more then they really are.....Buyers Beware on secondary markets

I agree everyone does have a right to state their views and give thoughts - concerns. Most of the time I agree that these views are interesting and note worthy.

However, there is a small list of the few - who you will get to hear over, and over, and over, and over again - who complain with no end in sight. That does becomes tiresome.

You have been on this forum for a short time and already racked up over 900 posts - I have found some your remarks very interesting. The longer in the tooth you get here - you come to my understanding of these non-sense arguments which we have here - to be honest its more about baiting other members of the forum than adding something constructive.

Keep posting ! Just don't whine about others - focus on the hobby not the argument - a few thoughts to live by IMHO. :)



Thanks for the advice but, surely my forum friend everyone is entitled to whinge if they feel in their own circumstances it is warranted. Thats what colours the fabric of the hobby as, with life, its not all black and white and, I want to hear everyones concerns be they good or bad.

Maybe, it could be said of those who have been on here for years that they could refrain from responding to posts with the 'same old same old syndrome' as compared with telling others to be quiet.

A one sided hobby with everything smelling of roses is an unrealistic entity and, we should not stick our heads in the sand over issues which, are negative however, much some want that this hobby has good and bad sides just like everything else in life. But, IMO they should not be ignored.

I enjoy everyones opinions on here and its an education for free about something I love.

3909]No offense Brad - Toy Soldiers are a business for the retail merchants - not a social program or government control industry for the common good. It is ridiculous to put controls on others so a few may benefit.

My advice to all - Work Hard ... Make More Money - then you can afford this hobby. And please stop the general whining. Again, not directed at you Brad.
Brad, I think that this would not be feasible (nor proper) to do this anyway....however I do feel obligated to respond to statements like "older K/C will never lose their value"...(some of us have tired of these comments as well)...Older K/C is not a Picaso Painting nor a Mona Lisa...Some of the older stuff although quaint in style is not high level quality by today's standards.... nor is it a work of art........give me a break......There are many other products being produced today of "better quality" by various manufacturers......Also the K/C "retirement game" simply does not hold today.......all I'm saying is let's keep things in perspective.....Some guys are always under the misguided impression that their collections are worth more then they really are.....Buyers Beware

Frank with all due respect it is your comments that are growing tiresome. It is the same thing over and over again and again. We are all entitled to our opinion but I think that you are way off on this. Have you heard of a company call WIlliam Britains??? Have you seen their hollowcast soldiers? Some times the eyes aren't even level, the castings can be crude, alot certainly have much play wear.......yet they command very high prices. I don't collect K&C but it doesn't mean I think they are worthless, I don't think the Mona Lisa is all that great of a picture, doesn't mean it isn't a priceless work of art. Price isn't necessarily set by it being of the highest caliber and neither does it have to be old.
Do you ever watch the Antiques Roadshow? or go to auctions. If not I suggest you do it may open your eyes to the big wideworld of collecting. I think you are making your opions based on the members of this forum and of course we are just a small minority.

I simply just don't understand why some of you are in this hobby to begin with ? :confused: Your posts are usually negative - mostly pointed towards one Toy Soldier producer - or another - and always seem to take delight in jabbing other members of this forum.

I think the question for this thread should be "How much is enough?"

People should buy - sell - collect - whatever they want - period. Who is anyone to judge another's actions. Wonderful thing about this freedom we have in our society's across the World is we can participate in this hobby and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Please stop this underhanded baiting for argument sake - and do something constructive or even funny - yes maybe even crazy like:


:D :D :D :D

But, refrain yourself from this mean spirited debate which we seem to have week after week. :rolleyes:
Frank with all due respect it is your comments that are growing tiresome. It is the same thing over and over again and again. We are all entitled to our opinion but I think that you are way off on this. Have you heard of a company call WIlliam Britains??? Have you seen their hollowcast soldiers? Some times the eyes aren't even level, the castings can be crude, alot certainly have much play wear.......yet they command very high prices. I don't collect K&C but it doesn't mean I think they are worthless, I don't think the Mona Lisa is all that great of a picture, doesn't mean it isn't a priceless work of art. Price isn't necessarily set by it being of the highest caliber and neither does it have to be old.
Do you ever watch the Antiques Roadshow? or go to auctions. If not I suggest you do it may open your eyes to the big wideworld of collecting. I think you are making your opions based on the members of this forum and of course we are just a small minority.


Great post and very true with regard to value. Frank, just because you don't value Old K&C, people do and they put a huge value on it, remember, we may not always agree with each other, but you have to respect the facts out there no matter how incredulous they may appear to you!

As I said before, it is like art, one man's junk is another man's treasure!


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