How many are enough? (3 Viewers)

Frank,when I reffered to spite it was not aimed at your posts,I don't think you are a spiteful person,it was meant in a more generic way,apologies if you thought it was aimed at you.

The only thing I must disagree with you is re the ra ra posts. As I said before Frank,this is the K&C area,why shouldn't folk appreciate and celebrate their collections here?. Where should they go and do this?. And would you go onto the FL thread and tell them not to ra ra their favourite product???. Sorry by telling folk they shouldn't do it you are (not on purpose)telling them what to do and what not to do. There are many threads in this area, some are ra ra some are not,I enjoy all the threads on here and hope others do too.

All the best Frank


Thanks Rob...Peace to you.....It's OK to cheer for your favorite manufacturers on the forum......I wish however that we could ALSO get helpful "realistic reviews" and critique of products as well as unbridled enthusiasm....This is beneficial to collectors to make purchasing decisions and get feedback on quality and value of product......... K/C "retired" is not something that rests well with me as it has exhibited too many times the potential to be abused by those seeking to exploit......All the best to you also my friend....Sincerely and with respect...Frank
As I said earlier, it is really up to the individual to decide how to react to what is said on a thread, and does it really matter what someone says as long as they don't use offensive language or stupid song lyrics, poems etc.

What usually happens is that someone states something contrary to the general trend of the thread and then others counteract what they said, then visa versa etc etc. Few of us are likely to change our beliefs so why get upset if someone doesn't agree with you. I don't see such differences as spite, more often it's that they don't feel they are being treated fairly by the majority.

Oz you have taken my quote out of context. I said I have no problem with someone disagreeing or having differences of opinion this is what makes the forum interesting,what I said was if having disagreed they continue to come on here and snipe at folk for no other reason than to wind them up, that would appear to be out of spite.

Thanks Rob...Peace to you.....It's OK to cheer for your favorite manufacturers on the forum......I wish however that we could ALSO get helpful "realistic reviews" and critique of products as well as unbridled enthusiasm....This is beneficial to collectors to make purchasing decisions and get feedback on quality and value of product......... K/C "retired" is not something that rests well with me as it has exhibited too many times the potential to be abused by those seeking to exploit......All the best to you also my friend....Sincerely and with respect...Frank

And thanks and peace to you Frank:). Realistic reviews are to be encouraged I very much agree,for those of us who havn't got the object yet they are very useful:cool:

All the best

Oz you have taken my quote out of context. I said I have no problem with someone disagreeing or having differences of opinion this is what makes the forum interesting,what I said was if having disagreed they continue to come on here and snipe at folk for no other reason than to wind them up, that would appear to be out of spite.


No, I didn't quote you out of context, I suggest that what you perceive as spite may be persistence from their point of view.
No, I didn't quote you out of context, I suggest that what you perceive as spite may be persistence from their point of view.

Then your suggestion is completely wrong.There was for instance someone (who will remain nameless) who disagreed with an opinon of several people re the quality of a recent release,having stated his opinion several times his posts continued on and on and included baiting of opposing views leading to his post being deleted, this was clearly spite and not persistance,most people saw this as a plain fact.

Hi Guys,
Will he ever stop ? From his last 2 posts here we had :
"how their prices are "inflated" in the secondary markets..".

"K/C retirement game because there is a pattern I have observed for quite some time now with K/C"

"Not Fantasy and tiresome K/C rah rah"

"K/C "retired" is not something that rests well with me as it has exhibited too many times the potential to be abused by those seeking to exploit"

And on the K&C Crimean thread he says "Refuse to purchase at inflated prices" and mentions a "boycott".

So I guess all the individual Ebayers buying and selling K&C are "inflating" the prices and setting a "pattern" and "seeking to exploit". Shame on you whoever you are but if you don't do it with K&C it seems to be OK. (who gave immunity to those who buy and sell Britains and Jenkins etc ? - note no offence meant here to collectors of those brands ).

To quote two words
"E-nuff said".

But we know he can't help himself.

My question to the moderators is at what point does this constant repetition of the same point about re-sale value, often de-railing a thread, become "trolling" ?.
Then your suggestion is completely wrong.There was for instance someone (who will remain nameless) who disagreed with an opinon of several people re the quality of a recent release,having stated his opinion several times his posts continued on and on and included baiting of opposing views leading to his post being deleted, this was clearly spite and not persistance,most people saw this as a plain fact.


No I'm not wrong, I was speaking in general terms rather than specifics. Btw, when does opposing views become baiting. Does it really matter what other people say about what you collect. If you are happy to collect what you collect why would you care what other members say? Further more, how do you know most people saw that as plain fact. I suspect it only takes one person to report a post to have it deleted, surely you don't think that person represents the majority.
There's obviously been a lot going on through the night, a lot of back and forth regarding the sale of toy soldiers/military miniatures on ebay, regardless of whether we're talking about K & C, Britains, Trophy, Jenkins, Somerset or what have you.

Sometimes, the goal of the seller is not speculation but everyday needs. I've seen people post that they need to sell their collection to fund their son or daughter's college education. Let me leave with you a small story and I hope Dougie doesn't mind if I tell this one.

When I first met the late Doug Stork (who used to be a member here) at Louis' first symposium, Doug was very ill and wasn't able to work anymore. Doug had been collecting K & C for years; he might have been one of the first collectors. Doug, who had served in the Navy, only collected German stuff. George Guerriero, his dealer, would only send Doug the German stuff and if there was a mixed set George would only send him the German stuff and keep the Americans because he know Doug didn't want it.

As I mentioned Doug was ill and wasn't working anymore and he had promised Louis that if he ever sold his wooden Tiger, he would sell it to Louis. Finally in 2005, Doug decided to sell his Tiger to Louis and Doug used the money to buy a new boiler.

End of story except to say Dougie was a great guy whom we all still miss.

BTW, if you want to see some of Doug's collection, go to Bill Sager's site under Collections.
No I'm not wrong, I was speaking in general terms rather than specifics. Btw, when does opposing views become baiting. Does it really matter what other people say about what you collect. If you are happy to collect what you collect why would you care what other members say? Further more, how do you know most people saw that as plain fact. I suspect it only takes one person to report a post to have it deleted, surely you don't think that person represents the majority.

You are wrong. I did not say opposing views are baiting,it was baiting of other members with remarks that got the posts deleted,that is nothing to do with opposing views.The opposing view posts WERE USED AS A COVER TO BAIT other members. And again your suspicions are wrong,because I was told by someone who dealt with it that there were many complaints about various posts on that day,it was far far from one person. I think the majority of us can spot people who set out to bait others, there are past masters at it, even now we have suspected false identities on this forum.

You are wrong. I did not say opposing views are baiting,it was baiting of other members with remarks that got the posts deleted,that is nothing to do with opposing views.The opposing view posts WERE USED AS A COVER TO BAIT other members. And again your suspicions are wrong,because I was told by someone who dealt with it that there were many complaints about various posts on that day,it was far far from one person. I think the majority of us can spot people who set out to bait others, there are past masters at it, even now we have suspected false identities on this forum.


LOL - well let's root these double agents out and shoot them like in WWI :D
Yeah lets!:D;)


Cheers Rob, let's shoot them AND their little soldiers to, that'll teach em :D

Which is the point I have been trying soooo hard to make.

We all collect toy soldiers and talk a lot of tripe as far as main stream society are concerned, sorry but it's true I suspect. So who really cares what other collectors say. I may remark on what figures are IMHO the wrong scale etc, etc, but I have never said don't collect it.
Cheers Rob, let's shoot them AND their little soldiers to, that'll teach em :D

Which is the point I have been trying soooo hard to make.

We all collect toy soldiers and talk a lot of tripe as far as main stream society are concerned, sorry but it's true I suspect. So who really cares what other collectors say. I may remark on what figures are IMHO the wrong scale etc, etc, but I have never said don't collect it.


I'm nothing if not easy going Oz!:eek:;)

Funny how we all get worked up about TS's now and again isn't it,as you say who really cares what Joe Neighbour thinks of our collections, they are purely for our own entertainment. It would be much better around here if we had more women on the forum,much calmer and respectful, I wonder if Penelope Cruz would be interested in my collection?!;)


I'm nothing if not easy going Oz!:eek:;)

It would be much better around here if we had more women on the forum,much calmer and respectful, I wonder if Penelope Cruz would be interested in my 17pounder?!;)


That is quite a bowel movement. :eek: And as the originator of this now hijacked thread, I would have to say enough is enough. :rolleyes:


I'm nothing if not easy going Oz!:eek:;)

Funny how we all get worked up about TS's now and again isn't it,as you say who really cares what Joe Neighbour thinks of our collections, they are purely for our own entertainment. It would be much better around here if we had more women on the forum,much calmer and respectful, I wonder if Penelope Cruz would be interested in my 17pounder?!;)


I don't know Rob, those females can be rather random. Australia has a new female Prime Minister and we are still a bit nervous as some here recall what happened when the UK and NZ got there's :eek: :D

Just kidding for those examining the politics viewpoint, they're all bad imo.
That is quite a bowel movement. :eek: And as the originator of this now hijacked thread, I would have to say enough is enough. :rolleyes:



I don't know Rob, those females can be rather random. Australia has a new female Prime Minister and we are still a bit nervous as some here recall what happened when the UK and NZ got there's :eek: :D

Just kidding for those examining the politics viewpoint, they're all bad imo.

Yes we'd better not go there Oz, to say opinions are divided re Maggie is putting it mildly!;)


Yes we'd better not go there Oz, to say opinions are divided re Maggie is putting it mildly!;)


LOL - I can imagine you and I may also differ about politics. Capitolron and I were also at opposite poles, or is that polls, on politics :D But why concentrate on the negative, Ron and I both like the odd cigar, and plenty of Bourbon, I'm not to sure about Gin though mate ;) :D
There's obviously been a lot going on through the night, a lot of back and forth regarding the sale of toy soldiers/military miniatures on ebay, regardless of whether we're talking about K & C, Britains, Trophy, Jenkins, Somerset or what have you.

Sometimes, the goal of the seller is not speculation but everyday needs. I've seen people post that they need to sell their collection to fund their son or daughter's college education. Let me leave with you a small story and I hope Dougie doesn't mind if I tell this one.

When I first met the late Doug Stork (who used to be a member here) at Louis' first symposium, Doug was very ill and wasn't able to work anymore. Doug had been collecting K & C for years; he might have been one of the first collectors. Doug, who had served in the Navy, only collected German stuff. George Guerriero, his dealer, would only send Doug the German stuff and if there was a mixed set George would only send him the German stuff and keep the Americans because he know Doug didn't want it.

As I mentioned Doug was ill and wasn't working anymore and he had promised Louis that if he ever sold his wooden Tiger, he would sell it to Louis. Finally in 2005, Doug decided to sell his Tiger to Louis and Doug used the money to buy a new boiler.

End of story except to say Dougie was a great guy whom we all still miss.

BTW, if you want to see some of Doug's collection, go to Bill Sager's site under Collections.

And for the record, I passed the early wood winter tiger on to Hans. Hans and I paid Doug more than he asked for the piece, because it was one of a kind, and one of the other 49 early wood Tigers had sold for $2,000 on ebay shortly beforehand. We thought it was only fair to pay him more, because that is what would have happened had he put the item on ebay. Hans and I thought we were doing the right thing for an ailing friend, and he was thrilled to have the money he needed to buy a new boiler.
LOL - I can imagine you and I may also differ about politics. Capitolron and I were also at opposite poles, or is that polls, on politics :D But why concentrate on the negative, Ron and I both like the odd cigar, and plenty of Bourbon, I'm not to sure about Gin though mate ;) :D

Whisky or Vodka also does the trick Oz;)

Right lets get Lord Terry's thread back on track.

As for how many, when it comes to Kubelwagens just three.I have the Summer version and now want the Grey and Desert camos and then I'll be happy.Such an iconic war vehicle that it has to be well represented in my view.


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