How many are enough? (5 Viewers)

I don't collect K&C but it doesn't mean I think they are worthless, I don't think the Mona Lisa is all that great of a picture, doesn't mean it isn't a priceless work of art. Scott
Scott, I do not think That K/C is worthless (I collect them) nor did I ever say that....Neither do I think that they are "priceless"..(Not antiques)...What also grows tiresome is the constant K/C Rah Rah that goes on by some...... some people like Mitch want to hear a bit of reality in regards to this hobby not the same "tiresome" Rah Rah posts for the justificatiion of price gouging.With all due respect. Frank
Scott, I do not think That K/C is worthless (I collect them) nor did I ever say that....Neither do I think that they are "priceless"..(Not antiques)...What also grows tiresome is the constant K/C Rah Rah that goes on by some...... some people like Mitch want to hear a bit of reality in regards to this hobby not the same "tiresome" Rah Rah posts for the justificatiion of price gouging.With all due respect. Frank


again, we all agree to disagree on this one.

As for Mitch, I think he is well aware of the value from what I have interpreted through his posts.

Also, I am not a Rah Rah anyone. I just speak from my own experience of selling my duplicates that I pick up from buying lots, collections, etc. I don't purposely speculate, but sometimes, deals come my way that I capitalize on.

Scott, I do not think That K/C is worthless (I collect them) nor did I ever say that....Neither do I think that they are "priceless"..(Not antiques)...What also grows tiresome is the constant K/C Rah Rah that goes on by some...... some people like Mitch want to hear a bit of reality in regards to this hobby not the same "tiresome" Rah Rah posts for the justificatiion of price gouging.With all due respect. Frank

Can I ask why ?

That is fine but if the Rah Rah bothers you just ignore them, by interjecting all you do is make things worse and upset folk.
The other day on ebay
LAH036 the drum horse sold for $433.00
I coul'n beleive it
So much for the old stuff theory
The other day on ebay
LAH036 the drum horse sold for $433.00
I coul'n beleive it
So much for the old stuff theory

That is a special piece! Drum HOrses of all makes seem to hold a special place in bidder's hearts!

Hi Guys,

It does seem a wee bit strange (or is it just me) that someone (Vezzolf) who professes to collect K&C spends so much of his time and energy on this Forum trying to pull as apart as a company and denigrate other K&C collectors as “the tiresome Rah Rah crowd”!?!?

With friends like him… who needs enemies?

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.
Hi Guys,

It does seem a wee bit strange (or is it just me) that someone (Vezzolf) who professes to collect K&C spends so much of his time and energy on this Forum trying to pull as apart as a company and denigrate other K&C collectors as “the tiresome Rah Rah crowd”!?!?

With friends like him… who needs enemies?

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.

Vezzolf wrote several posts today criticizing 1) the quality of K & C products, 2) the “K/C retired products ploy,” 3) the “K/C retirement game,” and 4) buyers who pay above retail for K & C. He further described positive K & C posts as Rah-Rah posts written to justify “price-gouging.” As noted, these accusations grow tiresome...
Hi Guys,
It seems one particular forum member can not get over the fact that K&C is highly popular on the secondary market. One thing is clear and that is that the market and any high prices that people pay are nothing to do with K&C/Andy as it is beyond their control. That market appears to be made up by probably thousands of seller/buyers som eof whom buy and sell other brands as well.
Some may be buying many retired items and others just one special item they missed. For example a newer Australian collector might pay more than retail to get one of the retired WWII Aussie sets. What he may be willing to pay is entirely up to him. Howard gave another example when he said he had bought two more Matildas. I remember a few years ago a collector discussing with me that he was going to buy the WS Krupp Truck for A$450 on Ebay. At that time you could buy three Wittman Tigers for the same price (he already one). However he had always wanted the Krupp and was willing to pay. The seller and buyer were obviously both happy.
As pointed out by Britfarmer this happens with Britains and also other brands. Some Jenkins and the first TG MG sets have fetched good money also so it appears the "retired ploy" is not just confined to K&C items.
I just had a collector bring in some "retired" non K&C items to sell and he has no idea what they might be worth. I would guess nearly double what he originally paid. I will list them on Ebay and he will be using the funds to buy more recent figures that fit better with his collection. If they sell for more than retail he can buy more newer items and he, the buyer and I will be happy (the new items I sell).
If Vezzolf had his way the free market would be closed just because he does not like to see others exercising their free will to buy and sell at prices that both parties are happy with.
I guess one of the solutions to the problem would be solved if Vezzolf bought Ebay and then closed it down, and then buy local newspapers etc where people sell all kinds of collectables.
Just some random thoughts.
PS I still feel very bad about buying a K&C ME109 Galland without the box or figure for A$75 (part of a group buy and seller was happy) and then selling it for 10 x that two weeks later on Ebay. NOT !!!!
PSS Since Vezzolf has some K&C I just wonder if something was to happen to him (Moderators please note this is a hypothetical !!!) would he like his family to get what he originally paid for it or more should they decide to sell it. I would encourage any family to get as much as they can.
Frank with all due respect it is your comments that are growing tiresome. It is the same thing over and over again and again. We are all entitled to our opinion but I think that you are way off on this. Have you heard of a company call WIlliam Britains??? Have you seen their hollowcast soldiers? Some times the eyes aren't even level, the castings can be crude, alot certainly have much play wear.......yet they command very high prices. I don't collect K&C but it doesn't mean I think they are worthless, I don't think the Mona Lisa is all that great of a picture, doesn't mean it isn't a priceless work of art. Price isn't necessarily set by it being of the highest caliber and neither does it have to be old.
Do you ever watch the Antiques Roadshow? or go to auctions. If not I suggest you do it may open your eyes to the big wideworld of collecting. I think you are making your opions based on the members of this forum and of course we are just a small minority.


This I agree with. Whatever people think of the 'ra ra' stuff this IS the K&C area of the forum and although not just for ra ra-ing if folk want to do that here thats absolutely their right. People who come over here to complain of the ra ra-ing are trying to say to us 'We don't like K&C and we don't like you liking them either, so stop doing it'. My answer would be 'not a chance my firend!'. The vast majority of people in this area of the forum do not go onto the threads of other TS producers to constantly pick at the product or upset the fans of said product, I hope I have more respect than that.When I look on the FL thread and read all the enthusiastic ra ra-ing of their product, I just don't see anyone saying 'Oh this ra ra-ing is tiresome ' FL fans seem to be free to celebrate their product as they see fit.

What makes me laugh is people are allowed to take swipes at the product and the producer because its free speech and they don't have to care what we think, but if one of us dares say 'If you don't lke it,don't buy it ' then WOW THAT IS SO RUDE AND PATRONISING!!:eek:

I just don't understand why someone who does not like either K&C or its fans enjoying their product would keep returning?

I just wish we could all show a little more tolerance for each other,this is such a good hobby, whatever we collect:):)

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Just for clarification and to help my memory Was it Bruce forsyth who hosted the 'K&C retirement show' or was it someone else???

Thanks for the reply. I agree about the baiting bit but, as I said earlier these can be dealt with by the forum itself. I think the whole debate of good and bad is intrinsically linked with the hobby focusing on one means you cannot do other than focus on the other side. Again, my remarks were not meant as a dig but, more that I want to understand where everyone is coming from be it positive or negative and, I already have quite an understanding of who is sitting where and why. So, I hope many of the 'time served members' may forgive some of my remarks as I continue to settle in. My comments are (though its always hard to fully interpret on a impersonal post) always meant as questioning but, hopefully, always positive in tone.

As Vezzolf dragged my name into the debate which, I only saw now, I must say that I am probably (one of those suckers) who buys at high prices though I am unsure what a high price is. My wife buys old stuff for me and has little care about what she spends but, not once from the old stuff she has bought have I felt ripped off. I have just (or my wife has) paid £500 for a tank that retailed at £199 some five years now, this may sound a lot but, x 5 years and the rise in popularity of K&C and, I think I got a bargain and I have seen this particular model go for much more.

I think its really got more to do with people understanding the value of the product they sell more than K&C per se and it happens in all hobbies/business etc. I am always amazed at the passion that these items can evoke its probaly why the hobby will only prosper.

I agree everyone does have a right to state their views and give thoughts - concerns. Most of the time I agree that these views are interesting and note worthy.

However, there is a small list of the few - who you will get to hear over, and over, and over, and over again - who complain with no end in sight. That does becomes tiresome.

You have been on this forum for a short time and already racked up over 900 posts - I have found some your remarks very interesting. The longer in the tooth you get here - you come to my understanding of these non-sense arguments which we have here - to be honest its more about baiting other members of the forum than adding something constructive.

Keep posting ! Just don't whine about others - focus on the hobby not the argument - a few thoughts to live by IMHO. :)


No offense Brad - Toy Soldiers are a business for the retail merchants - not a social program or government control industry for the common good. It is ridiculous to put controls on others so a few may benefit.

My advice to all - Work Hard ... Make More Money - then you can afford this hobby. And please stop the general whining. Again, not directed at you Brad.

I agree, it's much better to have the controls on the few so the majority may benefit ;) :D
I guess we are lucky that we live in countries where we do have choices and free speach, so far.

I am a long term Treefroger and it didn't take me long to discover that almost every member has at least One axe that they need to grind now and then. Yes, some of the continued actions and comments of other members can get tedious, but each of us is free to decide how we react. I can see value in both sides of the arguement and I hope we don't stiffle discussion purely because we don't agree with what the other party said.
I guess we are lucky that we live in countries where we do have choices and free speach, so far.

I am a long term Treefroger and it didn't take me long to discover that almost every member has at least One axe that they need to grind now and then. Yes, some of the continued actions and comments of other members can get tedious, but each of us is free to decide how we react. I can see value in both sides of the arguement and I hope we don't stiffle discussion purely because we don't agree with what the other party said.

Once again on this forum its about differentiating, someone doesn't agree with you then fine no problem,but if a person then continues to try and disrupt the enjoyment of others simply because they don't agree then I think we all have the right to speak up. Pointless digs on threads the poster clearly has no interest in and is only posting out of spite should be flagged up.

Many of you disagree with my opinions and views in regards to K/C "retired" items and how their prices are "inflated" in the secondary markets.......That's OK.....Some may even possibly agree with me or at least understand my views.....That's OK too.....I stated my views in regards to the K/C retirement game because there is a pattern I have observed for quite some time now with K/C.....I don't post for spite Rob....and I don't mean to burst your bubble......but some of you boys, including myself, may be surprised that the "actual value" of your collections are not what you think they are.......I would like to see honest and "various views" expressed.....Not Fantasy and tiresome K/C rah rah.....Honest Critique is better....E-nuff said by me on this thread....Best rergards to all Frank
Valid points

Once again on this forum its about differentiating, someone doesn't agree with you then fine no problem,but if a person then continues to try and disrupt the enjoyment of others simply because they don't agree then I think we all have the right to speak up. Pointless digs on threads the poster clearly has no interest in and is only posting out of spite should be flagged up.

Many of you diagree with my opinions and views in regards to K/C "retired" items and how their prices are "inflated" in the secondary markets.......That's OK.....Some may even possibly agree with me or at least understand my views.....That's OK too.....I stated my views in regards to the K/C retirement game because there is a pattern I have observed for quite some time now with K/C.....I don't post for spite Rob....and I don't mean to burst your bubble......but some of you boys, including myself, may be surprised that the "actual value" of your collections are not what you think they are.......I would like to see honest and "various views" expressed.....Not Fantasy and tiresome K/C rah rah.....Honest Critique is better....E-nuff said by me on this thread....Best rergards to all Frank

Frank,when I reffered to spite it was not aimed at your posts,I don't think you are a spiteful person,it was meant in a more generic way,apologies if you thought it was aimed at you.

The only thing I must disagree with you is re the ra ra posts. As I said before Frank,this is the K&C area,why shouldn't folk appreciate and celebrate their collections here?. Where should they go and do this?. And would you go onto the FL thread and tell them not to ra ra their favourite product???. Sorry by telling folk they shouldn't do it you are (not on purpose)telling them what to do and what not to do. There are many threads in this area, some are ra ra some are not,I enjoy all the threads on here and hope others do too.

All the best Frank

Once again on this forum its about differentiating, someone doesn't agree with you then fine no problem,but if a person then continues to try and disrupt the enjoyment of others simply because they don't agree then I think we all have the right to speak up. Pointless digs on threads the poster clearly has no interest in and is only posting out of spite should be flagged up.


As I said earlier, it is really up to the individual to decide how to react to what is said on a thread, and does it really matter what someone says as long as they don't use offensive language or stupid song lyrics, poems etc.

What usually happens is that someone states something contrary to the general trend of the thread and then others counteract what they said, then visa versa etc etc. Few of us are likely to change our beliefs so why get upset if someone doesn't agree with you. I don't see such differences as spite, more often it's that they don't feel they are being treated fairly by the majority.

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