How many are enough? (1 Viewer)

As a collector I'm still trying to understand the concept of "enough". Must be some French word as I certainly don'tunderstand what it means :)

Gary B.

Thats the spirit all or nothing

As a collector I'm still trying to understand the concept of "enough". Must be some French word as I certainly don'tunderstand what it means :)

Gary B.
Gary (Binder) mate,
I'm with you. Don't know the meaning of the word "enough". Just picked up two old Matildas (one from Carlos and one from K&C UK) Tobruk Dio will start to look good now. Vintage K&C will never lose its value.
Cheers Howard
Always keep the boxes if you can, it does take up room, but one day if you wish to sell they will be worth more with boxes.:)


I dont understand this...............:confused:Do you display them with the boxes............:confused:Its just cardboard means very little to whats inside im totally lost on why more with the box.It arrives and you go "nice box" open it display contents then hide the box away for no one to see except mice,silverfish and all the other critters that eat cardboard.Its got me why people would pay more because of a box,i can understand it,for arriving in top knick but ive got stuff from the states not in original box and it arrived in great shape.Ok when you shift re-box them all what nightmare i could think of a quicker and just as safe way to shift them without a trillion boxes,so for me i just dont understand keeping a million boxes cluttering up the joint but that just my opinion now back to the thread.Enough is when the bank account says so..........................:D
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K & C will always be popular even if one day they cease production a la Trophy. Since vintage K & C were not made in large numbers that fact alone will make it something collectors want, i.e., scarcity equals demand. You may not like it Frank but that is the situation. Look at Trophy; it brings in large sums in the secondary market. Why? Collectors still want it. It is that way and will continue to be so with K & C.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.....The times they are a changing...;)

Disagree wholeheartedly. I consistently have sold K&C duplicates on ebay without issue thru this recession. The old K&C from the Glossy right thru to a few years ago still sells for the price. Its just the way it is, Brad illustrated it perfectly, so I won't rehash.

It is the old saying, you only need one buyer and they never really seem in short supply. I should know as more often, I am a buyer getting outbid by someone more nuts than me.

When you collect a line, a lot of collectors like to go all the way back to 1 and come forward.

All you have to do is look at vintage Britains, Trophy and Kingcast. They still bring the bucks.

Desk11desk12 just sold 12 early K&C models on e-bay - only the 88 sold below it's expected sale price.

EA07 Matilda $265
WS70 Winter Tiger $431
DD30 M7 Priest $440
Stug $285
Patton Command Car $385
88 $285
AK039 Tunisian Tiger $251
AK20 Demag $255

Easy said "I think these reissued Tiger and Panther are aimed more at the newer collectors and those who missed the versions from a couple of years ago. They look great as usual though and I'm sure there are plenty of people who would like to upgrade."

Jazzeum said "If it weren't for the fact that I already have three Panthers, I would be purchasing this one. Same thing with the Tiger, I also have three of them too"

How many is enough of Tigers, Shermans, Panthers, etc. and how do you decide. For new collectors, they can just buy the new model. But long time collectors are often faced with a tough decision - get the upgraded version, sell the old version, or just stick with the old version.

How do you decide?


I doubt that new items will only interest new collectors. Imo K & C really need to have at least one mold of a Panther, Tiger and Sherman on the current list to get new punters in and keep the established collectors updating.
You may not like it Frank but that is the situation.

Brad, Its not a question of my likes or dislikes..(I personally have no desire to get taken on... "rare":rolleyes: K/C products)......But if we as a society have learned anything in recent times it's that demand and markets can change big time.......These days most folks are being careful with their spending habits....and that's a good thing.....Yes it is always possible to find a buyer who will "overpay" for something.....but I think most collectors are becomming more savy to the K/C retired products "ploy"....
K & C will always be popular even if one day they cease production a la Trophy. Since vintage K & C were not made in large numbers that fact alone will make it something collectors want, i.e., scarcity equals demand. You may not like it Frank but that is the situation. Look at Trophy; it brings in large sums in the secondary market. Why? Collectors still want it. It is that way and will continue to be so with K & C.

I agree,K&C are so popular that there will always be a demand for their stuff. Its something about their style and knack of releasing just what the collectors want,this has been proved year after year and can be seen again in these most recent of releases. They are not No1 for nothing:cool:.

I'm glad I have quie a few classics on that list Terry printed,better hide those values from my wife though;)

I really have no idea what "ploy" means. That would suggest some concerted action between K & C and collectors, which is fanciful on your part.

As far as declining prices, I just sold three Iwo sets for almost $200 each. Historically, those sets have trouble cracking $100. Scarcity equals demand.

I know you won't agree so why don't we just agree to disagree :)
I dont understand this...............:confused:Do you display them with the boxes............:confused:Its just cardboard means very little to whats inside im totally lost on why more with the box.It arrives and you go "nice box" open it display contents then hide the box away for no one to see except mice,silverfish and all the other critters that eat cardboard.Its got me why people would pay more because of a box,i can understand it,for arriving in top knick but ive got stuff from the states not in original box and it arrived in great shape.Ok when you shift re-box them all what nightmare i could think of a quicker and just as safe way to shift them without a trillion boxes,so for me i just dont understand keeping a million boxes cluttering up the joint but that just my opinion now back to the thread.Enough is when the bank account says so..........................:D

Its all about if you want to sell them in the future Wayne. Facts is facts, if you offer folk the original mint condition box you will get more than selling it loose.It may only be cardboard but to a collector its all part of the package,all part of the K&C experience if you like. I now have around twenty five large boxes filled with K&C boxes and yes they do take up a lot of room in the loft, but if I should peg out before the wife does she will get a whole lot more if they are are boxed up.My motto is keep everything!.I have the receipts from almost 100 orders from K&C UK,all the leaflets,flyers,Limited edition certificates etc everything.:cool:

In my view the "retired products ploy" is something which has been abused by speculators on secondary markets for quite some time now with K/C products....This is not new news.....The Ploy:..Buy multiples then wait for retired products announcements...then sell on secondary markets for 2-3x's original retail.....Most people are too smart to fall for this foolishness any longer.....Besides most of the "rare" older K/C pieces are simply not that well done and not worth over-spending to acquire....NOT WORTH IT
'Besides most of the "rare" older K/C pieces are simply not that well done and not worth over-spending to acquire....'

This is left of field of course,but its posible,just possible that that is your opinion and in fact thousands of people worldwide love the product and are very happy to pay;).As I say, not No1 for nothing.

Old K&C for me will not lose its value as it was done in so little numbers and, IMO it had real character its almost 'folk art' again, IMO but, this crudeness and naivity (in the best sense) is what appeals. I think everyone either in the hobby or coming in will want some of it in their collection and, if people have the money and can afford it and want it then everybody is happy. My wife has just paid £850 for three disco sets for my birthday but, I now have these sets which, I was interseted in for a while.

What interests me is whether in say five years or so will we all be talking about the newer stuff being as rare? IMO I dont think apart from say some of the lower release ranges and the SL's it will be in a s much demand as say the stuff from even the early 2000's.

Again, its all down to individuals and what they are willing to buy and spend back to the original thread title if you are happy having several old and new models of the same AFV then great if you want to sell to invest in a new one great it would be boring would it not if we all collected in the same manner
In my view the "retired products ploy" is something which has been abused by speculators on secondary markets for quite some time now with K/C products....This is not new news.....The Ploy:..Buy multiples then wait for retired products announcements...then sell on secondary markets for 2-3x's original retail.....Most people are too smart to fall for this foolishness any longer.....Besides most of the "rare" older K/C pieces are simply not that well done and not worth over-spending to acquire....NOT WORTH IT

This is your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it. But facts make the market and the facts from my seat is that early K&C and limited K&C sells and sells easily.

I agree,K&C are so popular that there will always be a demand for their stuff. Its something about their style and knack of releasing just what the collectors want,this has been proved year after year and can be seen again in these most recent of releases. They are not No1 for nothing:cool:.

I'm glad I have quie a few classics on that list Terry printed,better hide those values from my wife though;)


Sorry Rob, but the list was made at her request. :eek: (Any similarity to you actual collection is purely coincidental) ;):D:D

In my view the "retired products ploy" is something which has been abused by speculators on secondary markets for quite some time now with K/C products....This is not new news.....The Ploy:..Buy multiples then wait for retired products announcements...then sell on secondary markets for 2-3x's original retail.....Most people are too smart to fall for this foolishness any longer.....Besides most of the "rare" older K/C pieces are simply not that well done and not worth over-spending to acquire....NOT WORTH IT


We know your opinion -- my God, it's been discussed so many times that we (myself, Tom, most everyone else) and you just won't agree -- so, as mentioned earlier this morning, why don't we just agree to disagree because all we do is go 'round in circles.
The big snag for me, with the 'ploy' is that you just cannot guarantee nowadays what sets will become sought after and which, will not. Just look at the strictly limited part of their website and there are some still there. At one time you could guarantee they would all go.

This does not mean K&C are getting worse or anything like that its just current market conditions. I think you have to have deep pockets today to speculate what may or may not be a cert to make you lots of money. Is it not more prudent to sell lots of little items than hang out for the 'big shot'? I always thought it was.

Just some ponderings

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