If you could get Andy to Make One Special Item for You . . . (1 Viewer)

Do you know what? In a tub that measures in excess of 5 feet, I think I might be able to overlook the discrepency in the old 1/35 vs 1/32 vs 1/30 scale. :)
That's a lot of good looking boat.

Cheers for the link.


There's more on the site: 1/35 German & British Submarines, and a complete Quayside to display a docked submarine or LCT.

Speaking of bridges, I guess models of the larger bridges would make display a bit of a problem for most collectors. I would like to see someone produce a temporary bridge similar to the pontoon number K & C did a short while ago but wide enough to take 1/32 and 1/30 scale tanks.
I like both big bridge dioramas and Oz's idea of a larger pontoon bridge like the ones across the Rheine built below the bridge at Remaggen. How about a giant diorama of both?! I could suspend my K&C ME262 Swallow overhead.
The PARAs & a bridge are A-OK by me...but a nice Lysander with some SOE agents to boot would be icing on the cake. Of course, a winter Battle of the Bulge and or similar version would be nice-there had to be one scud running somewhere. Looking forward to Louis' personal airfield tour in 2007!
Based on my conversations with Andy in Chicago, and his interst in not only going back into production of warbirds, but also (a) producing less common warbirds so he won't have to compete with the diecast and plastic producers and (b) producing planes which lend themselves to dioramas with figures, vehicles and scenics, I wouldn't be suprised to see your Lysander and SOE wish come true. The Lysander was among the planes which were bandied about by Andy and the brain trust as possibilities.
Based on my conversations with Andy in Chicago, and his interst in not only going back into production of warbirds, but also (a) producing less common warbirds so he won't have to compete with the diecast and plastic producers and (b) producing planes which lend themselves to dioramas with figures, vehicles and scenics, I wouldn't be suprised to see your Lysander and SOE wish come true. The Lysander was among the planes which were bandied about by Andy and the brain trust as possibilities.

I don't understand why the Lysander is not a popular plane with the usual producers of warbirds; it is one of the most interesting among the RAF planes during WWII. It can be a great starter for the comeback of K&C in such products.


I couldn't agree more. However, the models most commonly produced in die cast or plastic by companies like Corgi and 21st Century are fighters like the Spitfire, ME109, Mustang, Hurricane, Corsair, FW190, Zero, etc., I guess because they have to sell thousands.

These plastic or die cast models are less expensive, quite nicely detailed, and have a mass appeal. Andy, wisely, would rather produce models they choose not to make, like a Lysander, or Feisler Storch, that look well displayed on the ground in both landing field and action dioramas.

For example, your Lysander would look great on an RAF airfield with ground crew, a high ranking intelligence officer briefing the SOE agents, perhaps a staff car, a fuel bowser, or even a Bedford troop transport lorry. The same Lysander would look equally great on a French farm diorama, with French Resistence fighters setting out lanterns to mark a landing field, SOE agents scrambling out of the plane, a beat up old French van to leave the scene, and Gestapo troops racing to intercept them in Kubelwagons, Opel Trucks and on motorcycle combos. These aircraft offer so many options for add on sets that the Warbird line will tie into all of the other WWII product lines, leading to higher sales all around. Andy is a very intelligent man, and I suspect these will sell very well.
Louis & Pierre-I knew you were great guys! I feel the same way! Off to go light a few more candles in hope of a happy "WARBIRD" new year!
Andy has not made me any promises, other than he is making every effort to find a Chinese factory capable of producing warbirds as detailed on the outside as old K&C warbirds, with clear canopies and accurate cockpits. However, I think he may have located such a factory and believe, based on hints, that the March 2007 Westcoaster/NY Symposium may see the launch of the new warbirds. So I'll light some candles as well, and continue to hope.
With the light aircraft I'd go for the Storch first, then one of the US 'Grasshopper' versions which was sorta like the plane in the 'Battle of the Bulge' that crashed while trying to find the German armor. The Lysander was rather bulky compared to those two. A British Taylorcraft Auster would also make a nice complement to figures.

Now about those bridges :) We should also remember that both sides used ferries [bridge portion(s) mounted on boats or pontoons] to transport tanks etc across wide rivers. A model ferry would only need to be a bit larger than a tank and would look great in a diorama.
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I couldn't agree more.... your Lysander would look great on an RAF airfield with ground crew, a high ranking intelligence officer briefing the SOE agents, perhaps a staff car, a fuel bowser, or even a Bedford troop transport lorry. The same Lysander would look equally great on a French farm diorama, with French Resistence fighters setting out lanterns to mark a landing field, SOE agents scrambling out of the plane, a beat up old French van to leave the scene, and Gestapo troops racing to intercept them in Kubelwagons, Opel Trucks and on motorcycle combos. These aircraft offer so many options for add on sets that the Warbird line will tie into all of the other WWII product lines, leading to higher sales all around. Andy is a very intelligent man, and I suspect these will sell very well.

When I was young, I was reading cheap french weekly comics packed with action from WWII. Titles were "Battler Britton", "Panache", "Rapace", "Ranger", "Navy" etc, etc... and what you are depicting was a common scene in those lovely (at that time) black and white comics, especially Agent X-13.

(For example see: http://hem.bredband.net/b103656/battler.htm it is the british edition of Battler Britton. The covers of all those comics were superb).

And in respect with Mr. Neilson, even if I never meet him, I am entirely sharing your opinion.

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I loved the "Battler Britain" covers. Andy could do a series of figures and aircraft on these covers alone! Spitfires, Hurricanes, Mosquitos, Lanchasters, even a couple of WWI monoplanes on one cover. I would have loved to read these comics when I was a kid, and maybe even more now.


How about a diorama of the rescue of Mussolini by Otto Skorzeny centered around a Storch? That's one that was kicked about around 12:30 a.m. Friday morning.
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How about a diorama of the rescue of Mussolini by Otto Skorzeny centered around a Storch? That's one that was kicked about about 12:30 a.m. Friday morning.

Sounds good to me but I think a Rommel version would be a better seller.

I loved the "Battler Britain" covers. Andy could do a series of figures and aircraft on these covers alone! Spitfires, Hurricanes, Mosquitos, Lanchasters, even a couple of WWI monoplanes on one cover. I would have loved to read these comics when I was a kid, and maybe even more now.


How about a diorama of the rescue of Mussolini by Otto Skorzeny centered around a Storch? That's one that was kicked about around 12:30 a.m. Friday morning.

Surprisingly "Battler Britton" comics are still being published. DC comics under their Wildstorm imprint are doing a series at the moment. It's written by Garth Ennis, a big fan of the old British war comics, and is set in the desert. the story line sees "Battler" teaching some rookie US pilots how to fly in combat and not to underestimate "Jerry".

Here's a link to the DC site that has all the great covers.

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Dear Easy,

Thanks for the link! I loved the first cover with Battler Britain flying a Beaufighter. I will definitely have to give these a look at my local comic store.

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