"I'm getting out of the hobby".................... (1 Viewer)

As a painter i just cant se myself getting out of the hobby!..If you are a regular painter you will know what i mean.
You dont paint anything for a few weeks then that urge to paint creeps back in so you look at your stash of unpainted castings.
And say to yourself yea lets do some painting ^&grin......and thats a heck of a lot more fun then watching the crap on TV.

I know that feeling. I haven't painted since around November but have picked up a few castings while busier things in life take precedence. I tend to paint in spurts and know there are always a few figures or kits to work on when I have time. The satisfaction is in the painting and I rarely look at the figures once I have finished them and put them in the cabinet. I'm sure this is a different mental process than collectors of pre-painted figures, but I would be lost without the hands on element.

You could say I'm coming in and out of the hobby constantly!

Why have I given away some of my collecting habits. Just tired of it all. The price hikes ,some of the people in this hobby and the forum's.

Interesting comments, not the first time I've heard of someone slowing down/getting out of the hobby due to some of the people and the forums.

That is pretty sad actually that someones enjoyment of a hobby has been ruined by other people and forums.

Again, not the first time I've heard this.

Forums like this one are great for the most part, you get to "meet" other collectors who share the same hobby that you do, share ideas, share opinions, find out about upcoming releases, etc, etc, but at the same time, when collectors have issues with other collectors on forums to the point where they are turned off to the hobby, then that's a problem.

I belong to a couple of wargaming forums and in the past when I'd post pictures of my dioramas, some would comment on how they like the pictures and my collection, others would post things like "The drummers should be to the rear of the columns, not the front, those are the wrong color facings on those British foot guards, French Chasseurs a Cheval were not at that battle", etc, etc.

All I can say is don't feed the trolls, don't let someone else who is unhappy and miserable make you feel the same way, just move forward and enjoy your collection; you enjoyed it before joining a forum, so no sense in no longer enjoying it BECAUSE of a forum.

So it sounds like a lot of you are toy soldier lifers, but are cutting back on what you are buying.

For those of you who say you'll collect forever, could you ever see a scenario where you'd stop and sell everyting and if so, why?

For myself, I have sold some of my collection, 99% of those were things I was no longer using, interested in or I had found items that were better, so I sold off the items that were replaced.

Just curious is all....................

Before the thread gets closed and we get sent to the naughty corner (do they still do that at school??) we should get back to George's excellent thread. George, the point you make about forums is very true, however nasty it gets (and my god it does sometimes) it never spoils my enjoyment of the hobby, because the spite and jealousy of a few individual collectors has nothing to do with me or my hobby. This hobby for me (and many of the Brit brigade in London) is an extension of our life long passion for military history , its a physical (if you will) demonstration of that passion. And if I were to sell off my collections and take the wife off on a long cruise, the passion for the subject would still be there. My god I hope she doesn't read this!:wink2:

Isandlawana, Andy normally only attends the December London show, if you would care to meet him I'd be happy to introduce you.You did ask me last time but I think you had left by the time he arrived.

Best to all

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What ever you do, please don't close this thread down. Sometimes in the morning with my first cup of coffee and cigarette, I forget to take my meds. These types of threads keep me going, takes me right out of my depression and rage, nothing like a good laugh. Keep up the good work, all you silly, nasty, etc. folks. Oh yeah, like it was mentioned before, I'll never get out of the hobby. I may change directions, matte to gloss, plastic to metal and back but it's a great hobby. I've meet some really nice people at the shows and some not so nice but it's the passion that people have about this hobby, that will keep it going.
i will never get out of this hobby but i have completely changed my collecting habbits.
and it is not a question of space since i am using right now around 40% of space i have available in my cabinets.
it it not a question of money either since i have enough to fuel my passion.
it is just a question of value for my money.
from buying 4 kc figures for 89$ to realizing that they were mass market products to observing that better quality was out there (FL) but for more money, to looking at russian figures with price tags having nothing in common with those chinese figures... and remembering that 5 years ago i was saying to myself how could you spend 400-1000$ on a single figure ?
then i picked up the brush myself and then i realized : painting figure the way ks does it is easy and can be done rapidly... but doing it like russian vityaz painters do it is not only very difficult but i may never ever reach that level of painting... so that 400$ unique mounted piece was now looking like a bargain if put in relation with my own hourly rate i charge at work...
so in conclusion i i will now sell all what is remaining of my kc collection and will only buy russian 54 mm figures and will paint 54, 75 or 90mm kits myself...
i Am still unsure about my fl collection but for now, i plan on keeping it.
i see my russian pieces as little art pieces worth transferring from generation to generation.


What ever you do, please don't close this thread down. Sometimes in the morning with my first cup of coffee and cigarette, I forget to take my meds. These types of threads keep me going, takes me right out of my depression and rage, nothing like a good laugh. Keep up the good work, all you silly, nasty, etc. folks. Oh yeah, like it was mentioned before, I'll never get out of the hobby. I may change directions, matte to gloss, plastic to metal and back but it's a great hobby. I've meet some really nice people at the shows and some not so nice but it's the passion that people have about this hobby, that will keep it going.

Before the thread gets closed and we get sent to the naughty corner (do they still do that at school??) we should get back to George's excellent thread. George, the point you make about forums is very true, however nasty it gets (and my god it does sometimes) it never spoils my enjoyment of the hobby, because the spite and jealousy of a few individual collectors has nothing to do with me or my hobby. This hobby for me (and many of the Brit brigade in London) is an extension of our life long passion for military history , its a physical (if you will) demonstration of that passion. And if I were to sell off my collections and take the wife off on a long cruise, the passion for the subject would still be there. My god I hope she doesn't read this!:wink2:

Isandlawana, Andy normally only attends the December London show, if you would care to meet him I'd be happy to introduce you.You did ask me last time but I think you had left by the time he arrived.

Best to all


Well said, Rob.

I used to let some of the "attack posters" get to me and return some nasty comments with nasty comments of my own, and for a while I stopped reading the K&C forum entirely because I just didn't like the tenor of the battle between various members over which manufacturer was the best, etc. At some point, like you, I just started ignoring the fights, focusing on the history, figures, vehicles and aircraft (the reasons I got into the hobby in the first place), as well as the friends I had made through the forum and the hobby (many of whom, from other countries and continents, I would never have met otherwise) and began enjoying the forum for what it can and should be, a place for like minded people to meet and discuss the hobby they all love. Instead of getting into pissing matches over whose favorite was better, I started listening to and looking at other members opinions and collections, and learned to love a plethora of manufacturers I had never known before. You live, and (hopefully) learn, and your enjoyment of the hobby changes, but (at least in my case) doesn't wane.

Hoping to hear from Clive about the plan for the Symposium in June, so I can finally get together with several of the friends I've made through this forum in person, among the best of whom is you, mate.:smile2:
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I've always been in the hobby in some shape or form.Sometimes it might be figures,books,boardgames,paintings,sometimes all at once sometimes not.As of this moment I'm not collecting any large figures except for a few figure kits which most that I have are now painted.I have some smaller figures out being painted and I'm going to hopefully have something made for me soon.I don't have a lot of space so these couple of projects will probably be it for a while.I don't see myself getting into any ranges anytime soon but that is not written in stone.The cost factor has really made my choice not to collect much anymore.Even though getting figures painted cost a little more than prepainted when you figure the price of the casting,the painting,and the shipping to and fro if you don't have many it's not too bad. I had 8 large figure and 8 small figures painted last year and probably less this year. To collect a large range is just not worth the price for me.When you could get a figure for $25-$30 wasn't too bad but blowing $50 or more for one figure in a large range is just too much and for a mounted figure you might as well forget it.The prices have really taken the joy out of it.
Well said, Rob.

I used to let some of the "attack posters" get to me and return some nasty comments with nasty comments of my own, and for a while I stopped reading the K&C forum entirely because I just didn't like the tenor of the battle between various members over which manufacturer was the best, etc. At some point, like you, I just started ignoring the fights, focusing on the history, figures, vehicles and aircraft (the reasons I got into the hobby in the first place), as well as the friends I had made through the forum and the hobby (many of whom, from other countries and continents, I would never have met otherwise) and began enjoying the forum for what it can and should be, a place for like minded people to meet and discuss the hobby they all love. Instead of getting into pissing matches over whose favorite was better, I started listening to and looking at other members opinions and collections, and learned to love a plethora of manufacturers I had never known before. You live, and (hopefully) learn, and your enjoyment of the hobby changes, but (at least in my case) doesn't wane.

Hoping to hear from Clive about the plan for the Symposium in June, so I can finally get together with several of the friends I've made through this forum in person, among the best of whom is you, mate.:smile2:

Right back at you my friend :smile2: I too grew tired of the endless K&C V FL rubbish that went on and these days I just really enjoy looking at folks collections and their dioramas. This hobby is full of genuine real people who I now am honored to call friends, they are numerous in number and spread across the world. I would never have even known these people had it not been for this forum. So its for that reason I can ignore the rubbish and enjoy my hobby and the people in it.

Louis I look forward very much to meeting you at the show/lunchtime drink/ evening dinner etc and I've warned the missus I may be home slightly ' the worse for wear ' :wink2: You know what yobbos Simon and Clive are mate:wink2:


Right back at you my friend :smile2: I too grew tired of the endless K&C V FL rubbish that went on and these days I just really enjoy looking at folks collections and their dioramas. This hobby is full of genuine real people who I now am honored to call friends, they are numerous in number and spread across the world. I would never have even known these people had it not been for this forum. So its for that reason I can ignore the rubbish and enjoy my hobby and the people in it.

Louis I look forward very much to meeting you at the show/lunchtime drink/ evening dinner etc and I've warned the missus I may be home slightly ' the worse for wear ' :wink2: You know what yobbos Simon and Clive are mate:wink2:


If you see or speak with Clive, could you find out what the plan is for June? It is hard getting a hold of him by e-mail sometimes.
A couple people are no longer a part of this conversation.

Thanks for that, I want to keep this thread going for as long as possible, interested in hearing what collectors have to say about this.

On a positive note about forums; at the various shows I attend, I've had the chance to meet people I've conversed with on this forum and gotten to know, it's been 99% positive in that regard, always nice to put a face with a name.

I've gotten to know some people thanks to this and other forums that I never would have met otherwise, so in that regard, they are great.
Will do mate.


Literally moments after I sent that post to you, I got an e-mail from Clive, who has some great ideas, and who will soon be skyping with me to finalize the plan. Looks like the Symposium will be the weekend of the June Show (June 7th through the 10th), so I can't wait to see you, Clive, Kevin, Simon, Bob, the Nevilles, Martyn, Howard (who is coming from Australia), Andy Neilson, Richard Walker, Brian (from Yeomanry Miniatures), and the rest of UK and European contingent.:smile2: I would love to meet Tony Williams and Adele Moore of Heco Tinplate Models if they are feeling up to attending (I will have to ask Clive, who is friendly with them, to invite them). Does anyone know the identity of the gentleman behind CJB Models? I would love to meet him as well.:wink2:
Thanks for that, I want to keep this thread going for as long as possible, interested in hearing what collectors have to say about this.

On a positive note about forums; at the various shows I attend, I've had the chance to meet people I've conversed with on this forum and gotten to know, it's been 99% positive in that regard, always nice to put a face with a name.

I've gotten to know some people thanks to this and other forums that I never would have met otherwise, so in that regard, they are great.

Would be interested to hear your view on the hobby at the moment Mate from a seller point of view
Literally moments after I sent that post to you, I got an e-mail from Clive, who has some great ideas, and who will soon be skyping with me to finalize the plan. Looks like the Symposium will be the weekend of the June Show (June 7th through the 10th), so I can't wait to see you, Clive, Kevin, Simon, Bob, the Nevilles, Martyn, Howard (who is coming from Australia), Andy Neilson, Richard Walker, Brian (from Yeomanry Miniatures), and the rest of UK and European contingent.:smile2: I would love to meet Tony Williams and Adele Moore of Heco Tinplate Models if they are feeling up to attending (I will have to ask Clive, who is friendly with them, to invite them). Does anyone know the identity of the gentleman behind CJB Models? I would love to meet him as well.:wink2:

Sounds good doesn't it mate:wink2:


Louis I look forward very much to meeting you at the show/lunchtime drink/ evening dinner etc and I've warned the missus I may be home slightly ' the worse for wear ' :wink2: You know what yobbos Simon and Clive are mate:wink2:


I'm with you re Clive, he's an absolute alcohol fuelled hooligan, but me? Brutus? One final twist in the back?
I'm verging on teetotal......{sm2}
Would be interested to hear your view on the hobby at the moment Mate from a seller point of view

Sure, no problem.

At this moment, there have never been more choices and companies to choose from for collectors, which is a good thing. The more choices, the more new customers come along who want certain items and eras.

Businesswise, all is well, last year was excellent for me, actually the past four have been very good despite all the doom and gloom worldwide in regards to the economy.

Show attendance and spending has been and continues to be excellent, mail order as well, we'll see what 2013 brings....................
Literally moments after I sent that post to you, I got an e-mail from Clive, who has some great ideas, and who will soon be skyping with me to finalize the plan. Looks like the Symposium will be the weekend of the June Show (June 7th through the 10th), so I can't wait to see you, Clive, Kevin, Simon, Bob, the Nevilles, Martyn, Howard (who is coming from Australia), Andy Neilson, Richard Walker, Brian (from Yeomanry Miniatures), and the rest of UK and European contingent.:smile2: I would love to meet Tony Williams and Adele Moore of Heco Tinplate Models if they are feeling up to attending (I will have to ask Clive, who is friendly with them, to invite them). Does anyone know the identity of the gentleman behind CJB Models? I would love to meet him as well.:wink2:

Sure, no problem.

At this moment, there have never been more choices and companies to choose from for collectors, which is a good thing. The more choices, the more new customers come along who want certain items and eras.

Businesswise, all is well, last year was excellent for me, actually the past four have been very good despite all the doom and gloom worldwide in regards to the economy.

Show attendance and spending has been and continues to be excellent, mail order as well, we'll see what 2013 brings....................

Agree there a lot of choice out there for everyone which is a good thing .and to hear business is good
I'm with you re Clive, he's an absolute alcohol fuelled hooligan, but me? Brutus? One final twist in the back?
I'm verging on teetotal......{sm2}

Then I look forward to joining you in a nearby pub for a ' cuppa' in March my friend:wink2:

George, you gave me quite a start when I read the topic and who wrote it. :smile2: Had a bad feeling until I opened the thread. I had the Marx TS like most kids and started collecting in earnest about 12 yrs ago. Kids are grown and out of the house and mortgage paid, so I have some discretionary $ to spend on my hobby. I thoroughly enjoy posting and sharing dios on the Forum, which adds a whole new dimension for me. I think I've been fortunate to make new friends with people here from around the world I will in all probability never have the chance to meet. It's fun in the purest sense to be able to participate in a hobby with guys like you that share the same interest.

Been rather long winded, but I hope to be in this hobby for quite some time. Chris

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