"I'm getting out of the hobby".................... (2 Viewers)

I would think most dealers had a good month in December as far as sales go. January may slow down as does most retail business does post Christmas. I would sense the Hobby will spring ahead forward strongly with all of the new releases that will appear in the next few months. I will be going to the May Texas show myself buying what I like and looking for Retired items that I've had my eye on.As far as those opting to get out of the Hobby I would totally agree with what was
already mentioned here earlier. History enthusiasts will hang around and collect as long as possible while there are those that may not buy as much now but will hold on to what they currently have and enjoy it just as well.
Gentle Friends,

Mitch has been excused from further participation on this thread.

Warmest personal regards,

For me it has been a matter of changing tastes and limited number of hours in the day. There are so many fun things one can be interested in, cars, trains, military miniatures, old toys what do you devote your attention to? I have my King & Country in my den which I use on occasion. My library is filled with old toys & trains which I enjoy daily. My granddaughter has expressed an interest in trains so I am going to build a modest layout in the basement for her next visit. And I just picked up a missing Arnhem set which drew me once again to treefrog for a filler set or two and the Forum!

It's nice to read a post or two from so many members I have chatted with over the years. I hope everyone is doing well and still enjoying the hobby.

I must say I never get tired looking at my Arnhem sets, old buildings, and the Vietnam series, silent friends always happy to see you.

For me it has been a matter of changing tastes and limited number of hours in the day. There are so many fun things one can be interested in, cars, trains, military miniatures, old toys what do you devote your attention to? I have my King & Country in my den which I use on occasion. My library is filled with old toys & trains which I enjoy daily. My granddaughter has expressed an interest in trains so I am going to build a modest layout in the basement for her next visit. And I just picked up a missing Arnhem set which drew me once again to treefrog for a filler set or two and the Forum!

It's nice to read a post or two from so many members I have chatted with over the years. I hope everyone is doing well and still enjoying the hobby.

I must say I never get tired looking at my Arnhem sets, old buildings, and the Vietnam series, silent friends always happy to see you.


Got to agree about Trains Njja. I had a Hornby layout as a kid and have always wanted another, to this end over the last year or two I've begun picking up Trains, coaches, wagons buildings etc with the intent to create a large layout in my garage just as soon as I've convinced the wife.:smile2:

Got to agree about Trains Njja. I had a Hornby layout as a kid and have always wanted another, to this end over the last year or two I've begun picking up Trains, coaches, wagons buildings etc with the intent to create a large layout in my garage just as soon as I've convinced the wife.:smile2:


Well I've been collecting Figarti Reichsbahn line for the last six month and got the train for Christmas and had a delivery last week of wagons and stuff just not had the chance to open the boxes yet
I decided to use Lionel Super "O" track which I always liked. I had a large box of it which naturally I can't find{eek3} so I have spent the last week or so gathering a nice selection of it. I ordered a classic book of layouts and once I select one I will put it together. I have several Super "O" boxed sets from the 1950's that I will run on it.

As I recall from my last layout, it's more fun to build then to operate, since I remember it usually holds ones attention for only 1 or 2 laps around the layout. I'm hoping my 5 year old granddaughter gets a kick out of it.
Well I've been collecting Figarti Reichsbahn line for the last six month and got the train for Christmas and had a delivery last week of wagons and stuff just not had the chance to open the boxes yet

Nice one Neil, they are very impressive indeed. ^&cool

As a dealer I have noted some regular collectors go quiet over the years. Sometimes I have known the reasons but in most cases I have not and can only guess. Space would be a major consideration, particularly if they are a vehicle/plane collector, the financial cost and another could be the better half does not approve and she has had enough. Or they simply to get to the point where they say they have enough in their collection.

Whilst some of those collectors stop there are new ones joining the hobby all the time.

I couldn't believe how many deleted threads with this thread. I thought it was a good question to be asked. And plenty of good responses. Then I looked at who was deleted. Chris.:eek:
As many have already mentioned, I had issues with display space and increasing costs and sold about 90% of my 1/30 collection that was mainly King and Country, Honour Bound and Figarti.

However my main complaint was the fact that these companies had stopped or cut back on Western Front Waffen SS sets which has always been my main interest in this hobby.

What got me back into the hobby was The Collectors Showcase Normandy range as you can build up a large display of Waffen SS and I look forward to more to add to my collection, but I have to say I am not so happy with their recent venture into Panzer Lehr prototypes.
I couldn't believe how many deleted threads with this thread. I thought it was a good question to be asked. And plenty of good responses. Then I looked at who was deleted. Chris.:eek:


I too think it a very interesting thread. I've been in the hobby for a long time now but can't remember anyone who has totally walked away and not come back. Its kind of in the blood isn't it. Its the same with Military history. Often at birthdays or christmas my reli's give me books and as I tear off the paper they smile and say 'Don't you ever get fed up with reading about it'?........Nope! And same again next year please!!:wink2:^&grin

...Interesting comments, not the first time I've heard of someone slowing down/getting out of the hobby due to some of the people and the forums.

That is pretty sad actually that someones enjoyment of a hobby has been ruined by other people and forums.

Again, not the first time I've heard this.

Forums like this one are great for the most part, you get to "meet" other collectors who share the same hobby that you do, share ideas, share opinions, find out about upcoming releases, etc, etc, but at the same time, when collectors have issues with other collectors on forums to the point where they are turned off to the hobby, then that's a problem.

Wow, I must say I would be amazed to learn that any forum would be a factor in whether or not someone collected something or not? I personally can't imagine being influenced by personal insult or unfair criticism. To me doing that is simply feeding the trolls as you so aptly put it. But then again, I am amazed that posts needed to be deleted from this thread.

I think any hobby, as in any other activity, has a cost / benefit ratio. No doubt experiences with personal interaction can be part of either the cost or the benefit but I would rate that part lower for myself, at least for this hobby. As many have said though, the financial part of the cost of this hobby is a very significant concern. There are many great choices today but there has also never been a greater need for selectivity in purchase decisions. That is not necessarily bad but it is a bit daunting when you realize that purchasing 14 - 16 foot soldiers gets you into four figures and around half of that for mounted figures. If you collect vehicles or planes, you get there a lot faster. Needless to say, quality comes at a cost and I think in most cases, that cost is justified. Unfortunately, the collector numbers involved do not permit the production economies to provide that quality at a more affordable cost. So in my case, I have definitely found the need to cut back but I am not out yet. Whether that happens eventually is yet to be determined.
I would like to think that I will be in this hobby for the long haul as well but you never know what unexpected turns life will take you on. A few years back I found my wife accepted into nursing school. At the time I was the sole source of income in the household and my budget was pretty much stretched to the max between normal bills, basic life necessities, savings and funding my kids athletic programs. What little was left I dumped into my two favorite hobbies firearms & toy soldier collecting. When my wife told me that she really wanted to go through with the nursing program I vowed to her that I would find someway to come up with the money to put her through. Needless to say I made the tough decision to sell off the majority of my K&C collection. I thought that was the end of it for me. I told myself that there were far better ways to be spending this money such as investing more into stocks etc... but the fire and passion for history and toy soldiers never really went away. I would constantly look on manufacturer websites for new releases, check out collectors pics on the forums and hunt on ebay for those hard to find pieces w/o placing a bid. Finally the day came when my wifes schooling was coming to an end. Even better was the fact that she had a job already lined up. When her first couple checks came in our monthly income practically doubled. Needless to say I had alot more breathing room expense wise so I picked up the occasional piece here and there. Eventually I was right back into the swing of things. I guess it all worked out fairly well for me (actually have more funds I can put towards the hobby) but you never know what tomorrow will bring. I know I can live w/o the collecting part of the hobby but passion for toy soldiers themselves will never die so I could never truly say "I'm getting out of the hobby".

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