"I'm getting out of the hobby".................... (2 Viewers)

George, you gave me quite a start when I read the topic and who wrote it. :smile2: Had a bad feeling until I opened the thread. I had the Marx TS like most kids and started collecting in earnest about 12 yrs ago. Kids are grown and out of the house and mortgage paid, so I have some discretionary $ to spend on my hobby. I thoroughly enjoy posting and sharing dios on the Forum, which adds a whole new dimension for me. I think I've been fortunate to make new friends with people here from around the world I will in all probability never have the chance to meet. It's fun in the purest sense to be able to participate in a hobby with guys like you that share the same interest.

Been rather long winded, but I hope to be in this hobby for quite some time. Chris

It's funny you said that as I thought of this after I started the thread; no worries there, I am a lifer when it comes to this hobby.

This is a great post, well said, nothing long winded about it at all, thanks for sharing your thoughts Chris.
George mate,
I must admit that I would consider myself a "Lifer" and up until the last four months of last year when medical bills took precedent of TS purchases I was I must say increasing my purhasing as great new releases came from many manufacturers. I have only been collecting TS for the last six years and before that I had about thirty years as a Tamiya Kit Builder. Painting was not one of my best skills and I now rely on Obee to do my TS conversions. And a top job he does of it too.
The Forum has been a huge part of my TS life, joining six years ago but only posting my first thread after my first trip to the West Coaster in 2010. Prior to that for about three years I only read and I did what my Dah taught me. Look, Listen and Learn. The Social side of TS collecting is nowadays more important in my life, not to say that I don't enjoy gazing at my collection, and the annual trip to Brisbane to meet and dine with Aussie collectors is the one of the highlights of the year.
Meeting Treefroggers, manufacturers, dealers (like your good self George) and other collectors on trips to the US have made many new mates and have been a most enjoyable experience. I count the days until May/June when we travel to the US again and then onto London to meet all the UK and European crews.
2013 is the year of catch up for me as I try and purchase (dollars permitting) the sets I missed in the second half of 2012.
2013 is also to me as I have posted before the year of Fun and Enjoyment in TS collecting. I refuse to get into any arguements with other Forum members over TS. I, however must admit that there have been times this year when I have bitten the bullet and deleted reply posts before posting to some of our continual negative posters.
Sorry its long winded George, but you know me, always in for a chat.^&grin
Cheers Howard
I can see the day when I call it quits [not through cost or space] , the closest I have come is a couple of years back when I had to
move my collection to do some renovations at home. Packing them all up I thought , why the hell do I need
all this stuff :smile2:.
So I have probably halved my collection size since then and will reduce it further this year, I will still buy
new pieces and having less has not reduced my enjoyement at all .
Can anyone name me one person who has left the hobby because of the so-called negative posters and, as a result of what is considered negative comments has actually stopped buying toy soldiers??

The point of this thread I think, is about people stopping their buying habits either because of price or, space or similar not, an attempt to try and lay blame, abuse or other people on an open forum that voice opinions which are not palatable to others. It should not really be with free speech etc a forum for whose expressions or face fits.

We take the rough with the smooth do we not and, show tolerance and respect to people with all kinds of opinions (whether we like them or not). would that not better garner all the peace and love we so often hear about.

surely, the mods and owners must think this constant jibe at so called negative posters is a base for continued arguments and acrimony?
Can anyone name me one person who has left the hobby because of the so-called negative posters and, as a result of what is considered negative comments has actually stopped buying toy soldiers??

The point of this thread I think, is about people stopping their buying habits either because of price or, space or similar not, an attempt to try and lay blame, abuse or other people on an open forum that voice opinions which are not palatable to others. It should not really be with free speech etc a forum for whose expressions or face fits.

We take the rough with the smooth do we not and, show tolerance and respect to people with all kinds of opinions (whether we like them or not). would that not better garner all the peace and love we so often hear about.

surely, the mods and owners must think this constant jibe at so called negative posters is a base for continued arguments and acrimony?


You are right that it is a repetitve discussion about the value of feedback, the right to free speech, and the need to balance negative and positive feedback. I may have started it with my post, for which I am sorry, but I would be interested in your view (and other people's) of the main idea I tried to express about how inter-related we all are in a small hobby. If I heard that Britains and K&C had record breaking years (my main manufacturers) I would see this as a massive positive for me - a vibrant collector base, new products, more choice, more competition. When I go to my TS shop and have to help people carry their purchases to their cars I see that as a benefit, perhaps very small, to me. This was the discussion I was hoping to start as opposed to the contribution I made to the question of feedback.


You are right that it is a repetitve discussion about the value of feedback, the right to free speech, and the need to balance negative and positive feedback. I may have started it with my post, for which I am sorry, but I would be interested in your view (and other people's) of the main idea I tried to express about how inter-related we all are in a small hobby. If I heard that Britains and K&C had record breaking years (my main manufacturers) I would see this as a massive positive for me - a vibrant collector base, new products, more choice, more competition. When I go to my TS shop and have to help people carry their purchases to their cars I see that as a benefit, perhaps very small, to me. This was the discussion I was hoping to start as opposed to the contribution I made to the question of feedback.



The argument over negative feedback is one that unfortunately is doomed to be repeated because of the way its sometimes put and the reaction to it . Its about respect for other forum members in my view. If for instance someone says ' I don't like this, I don't think its realistic so I won't buy it ' I don't think anyone can have a problem with that, its an honest opinion with no insult and its freedom of speech. However if its written ' I'm not buying this piece of crap who do they think they are kidding and anyone who buys it is an idiot' well then lets be frank they deserve what they get . Thing is (and what some people don't realise) is that when you've been on here a while you can spot a country mile away who is making a genuine point with no malice and who is on some sort of anti agenda be it K&C, FL , CS etc. However some months ago one or two of the (how can I put this kindly) 'socially inept' were banned from certain areas as their constant tirades are annoying to others.

Along with free speech must come respect from ALL . Some say they don't like the term ' rivet counters' for example but are happy to call others rah rah's, until everybody makes an effort things won't change. What do you reckon Jack, can this be solved??? By the way mate I don't think your post caused trouble, this has been going on for years and sadly probably will.

Are you and Wayne (poo) still hoping to be in London for the show by the way? If so you'll both be made very welcome in the pub.

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Yes, I do know people who have left the hobby because of the negative comments. Free speech is great and all that and Pete et al do a great job but the back and forth has turned off some to the hobby. Free speech should be used with discretion.

Some I know don't participate in the Forum but still collect and I find it quite unfortunate that they are no longer here. However, there are others who have quit the hobby in disgust. I will not names so please don't ask.
Yes, I do know people who have left the hobby because of the negative comments. Free speech is great and all that and Pete et al do a great job but the back and forth has turned off some to the hobby. Free speech should be used with discretion.

Some I know don't participate in the Forum but still collect and I find it quite unfortunate that they are no longer here. However, there are others who have quit the hobby in disgust. I will not names so please don't ask.

Brad,I myself don't know anyone who has left the hobby but I sure as hell know some who've either left the forum or very rarely post anymore because of the endless baiting and contradiction like the Python argument sketch. I have sat with these guys in the pub Brad and they've actually told me why they don't post here anymore , I've then come on here and said how it is a shame they've been driven away, only to be told ' No they haven't ' its natural wastage' bla bla......NO I'VE JUST BEEN TOLD BY THESE PEOPLE WHO WERE MEMBERS FOR MANY MANY YEARS THAT THEY CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE! You are effectively being called a liar by people who never talk to the people I'm describing! :mad:

I would very much like to see these guys return to regular posting , this forum was and often still can be a lot of fun. the more people who post the better I think.

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Yes, I do know people who have left the hobby because of the negative comments. Free speech is great and all that and Pete et al do a great job but the back and forth has turned off some to the hobby. Free speech should be used with discretion.

Some I know don't participate in the Forum but still collect and I find it quite unfortunate that they are no longer here. However, there are others who have quit the hobby in disgust. I will not names so please don't ask.

Well Brad I know a lot of people and dealer don't post on the forum because you can't talk freely on the forum it just depends on who you talk to but like you won't name them .

The argument over negative feedback is one that unfortunately is doomed to be repeated because of the way its sometimes put and the reaction to it . Its about respect for other forum members in my view. If for instance someone says ' I don't like this, I don't think its realistic so I won't buy it ' I don't think anyone can have a problem with that, its an honest opinion with no insult and its freedom of speech. However if its written ' I'm not buying this piece of crap who do they think they are kidding and anyone who buys it is an idiot' well then lets be frank they deserve what they get . Thing is (and what some people don't realise) is that when you've been on here a while you can spot a country mile away who is making a genuine point with no malice and who is on some sort of anti agenda be it K&C, FL , CS etc. However some months ago one or two of the (how can I put this kindly) 'socially inept' were banned from certain areas as their constant tirades are annoying to others.

Along with free speech must come respect from ALL . Some say they don't like the term ' rivet counters' for example but are happy to call others rah rah's, until everybody makes an effort things won't change. What do you reckon Jack, can this be solved??? By the way mate I don't think your post caused trouble, this has been going on for years and sadly probably will.

Are you and Wayne (poo) still hoping to be in London for the show by the way? If so you'll both be made very welcome in the pub.

You may see Jack Rob but it looks like I may not make it until next year (at least Jack doesn't drink so the shout will be cheaper.:rolleyes2:) As regards leaving the hobby for whatever reasons people may have, in my case at the moment due to things beyond my control I find myself unemployed and haven't been able to buy any figures for awhile but I would not consider selling one bit of my collection for it is the one of the things that gives me pleasure at this time so each to their own of course. This forum has it's moments and had some turkeys but it is by a long, long way better than the alternatives.
I will never leave the hobby because of someone's comments.That's ridiculous.
There are many reasons why people stop their activity in anything. Loss of interest is likely the main culprit. I have seen countless examples of this amongst people around me over the years. Speaking of toy soldiers/military miniatures specifically, I believe if you don't have a passion for history, it can be ever more likely that one day you may drop out of the hobby.

I have had an interest in history since at a very young age. Toy soldiers were a part of my childhood until reaching my teens where other interests prevailed but I never lost that interest in history. I started back into collecting by accident about 13 years ago. I don't believe I will ever stop collecting although, I have slowed down considerably because of rising prices and space issues. However, my passion for history will never wane...
You may see Jack Rob but it looks like I may not make it until next year (at least Jack doesn't drink so the shout will be cheaper.:rolleyes2:) As regards leaving the hobby for whatever reasons people may have, in my case at the moment due to things beyond my control I find myself unemployed and haven't been able to buy any figures for awhile but I would not consider selling one bit of my collection for it is the one of the things that gives me pleasure at this time so each to their own of course. This forum has it's moments and had some turkeys but it is by a long, long way better than the alternatives.

Sorry to hear about your job situation Wayne, I hope that changes very soon mate.

The thing with the forum, any forum, workplace or group of people that are together a lot is that there will sometimes be people you don't see eye to eye with. That's life though and its better to try and get on with folk than be driven away from something you enjoy very much. I can't imagine comments by anyone making me think ' oh right I'm giving up my hobby now' ! Also whatever gets said on this forum is pretty mild compared to some I understand, sport, politics, music forums all create very heated exchanges indeed.

Peace,love and Toy Soldiers to all because life is too short for arguing :smile2:

You may see Jack Rob but it looks like I may not make it until next year (at least Jack doesn't drink so the shout will be cheaper.:rolleyes2:) As regards leaving the hobby for whatever reasons people may have, in my case at the moment due to things beyond my control I find myself unemployed and haven't been able to buy any figures for awhile but I would not consider selling one bit of my collection for it is the one of the things that gives me pleasure at this time so each to their own of course. This forum has it's moments and had some turkeys but it is by a long, long way better than the alternatives.

Yes...I will be there but not for the show. A couple of weeks in London in September. I will buy the first drink on the assumption that we won't finish on an odd number!

The argument over negative feedback is one that unfortunately is doomed to be repeated because of the way its sometimes put and the reaction to it . Its about respect for other forum members in my view. If for instance someone says ' I don't like this, I don't think its realistic so I won't buy it ' I don't think anyone can have a problem with that, its an honest opinion with no insult and its freedom of speech. However if its written ' I'm not buying this piece of crap who do they think they are kidding and anyone who buys it is an idiot' well then lets be frank they deserve what they get . Thing is (and what some people don't realise) is that when you've been on here a while you can spot a country mile away who is making a genuine point with no malice and who is on some sort of anti agenda be it K&C, FL , CS etc. However some months ago one or two of the (how can I put this kindly) 'socially inept' were banned from certain areas as their constant tirades are annoying to others.

Along with free speech must come respect from ALL . Some say they don't like the term ' rivet counters' for example but are happy to call others rah rah's, until everybody makes an effort things won't change. What do you reckon Jack, can this be solved??? By the way mate I don't think your post caused trouble, this has been going on for years and sadly probably will.

Are you and Wayne (poo) still hoping to be in London for the show by the way? If so you'll both be made very welcome in the pub.


To respond I will use my own experience so as not to imply any criticism of any Treefrogger. I stared collecting 13 months ago and began exclusively with K&C at a local shop. I became part of a small group - Wayne, Phil and Bob (Fitzgibbon) and Larso - who subsequently started to meet at the shop every Thursday night. We have had breakfasts, lunches and dinners and now Bob is showing us how to paint. After six months I said that I was looking seriously at collecting Britains' Zulus. As a group we tended to look at the K&C displays and did not pay much attention to the Britains. Phil and I had a chat and decided that it was a great series and worth pursuing. I now have 50 pieces and Phil has 65. We both have many of the diorama pieces and Wayne made us the buildings. We then shifted to the AWI and I have 30 of those and Phil has 40. We kept collecting K&C in the background - ALH and Napoleonics - but two of us are going to start with Britains glossy. In the meantime Wayne has collected everything in khaki and Bob has been quite a prolific collector of many ranges.
The prices of the individual figures were different across the companies, but cheaper figures let me buy more and dearer figures have more detail, but I have spent the same amount each week. So between us Phil and I have bought close to 200 figures from Britains and with some hundreds of the ceremonial glossies in the pipeline as well as some British Toy Soldier Company. That may be small change to Britains but it will have some impact on the ordering patterns at our shop, as well as, it would seem, a glossy display that may attract other collectors to a different range. I know that this may not be possible across larger groups but by being in a group we have spent more and enjoyed it more. Our shop has benefitted (I hope) and by letting our interests speak through our wallets, we have established mutually beneficial relationships. Everyone has benefitted.

Now if I had a voice in the background constantly deriding my choices (as opposed to genuine discussion of strengths and shortcomings) it would have sucked a lot of the fun out of it. I know cheaper figures are cheaper for a reason, but the fact that someone like Wayne has no interest in glossies is actually good. I do not want to line up with him and just buy the same figures as each other week in, week out.

Just my experience which may or may not be relevant, but I maintain, a happy collector spends more and the more he spends, the better it is for everyone.
"I became part of a small group - Wayne, Phil and Bob (Fitzgibbon) and Larso - who subsequently started to meet at the shop every Thursday night."

Sadly, parenting duties have made me a rare visitor but I always check with Jack to see what everyone else bought - so I live vicariously through them. This said, due to the strong Australian dollar, I probably got more figures in 2012 than in any previous one. As for the thread topic, I've been reading and thinking. I got into the hobby about 13 years ago while I was at Uni and teaching myself to use the Internet. I spent most of the time getting plastics and it was only the brilliant Jenkins Jacobites and the Conte Gordon Highlanders that finally lured me to metals about three years ago. As for 'leaving the hobby', well my hobby is broadly a military one. I read and review war memoirs and enjoy military films. As for the toy soldiers, once I adequately cover the eras that I particularly like, I will certainly pull back and maybe even get more plastics as my son gets old enough to play with them (especially as I can get TWO sets of figures for the price of one painted metal). As with any interest, it's hard to maintain your peak tempo all the time, especially when we're talking years, decades even. However, forums like TF are a way of being involved even when there's not much purchasing going on. I don't get into arguments and either ignore or laugh at the ones I see.
I just found this thread; don’t know where I’ve been. Wow, George you’ve hit on something with your question. I was just thinking of this last night in this form.

Selling Off:
Regardless of make, I’ll be selling off my entire WW2 North Africa (Germans & British), Eastern Front (Russians) and British (figures & Armor). Use the funds to buy selected subjects and fund my business.

The Vietnam War, very selected WW2 sets, diorama building/ materials and maybe some “The Real West” & ACW figures.

Toy Soldiers cost too much!
I don’t have enough storage space available to justify the cost. I can easily justify adding to my over flowing collecting a $30 figure or $150 tank. I think there’s an opportunity here for the agile & brave manufacturer to seize it and chart their own course away from the “follow the price leader” tactic.

My Toy Soldier Budget has dropped by 70%. It’s easy to lose interest at current prices. I agree with Gary.

I’m not bitter because it’s just forces at work finding new market equilibrium. I'll just exercise different choices.

Brad, I appreciated the post though mate, very kind of you.

George is one of the true gents on this forum and I'm not going to cause his excellent thread to get closed because me and Mitch don't get on, not worth it.

Back to the original thread, I may go through periods where I don't buy much, but it always comes back again and there I am plotting my next purchases again. Thats what a ' lifer ' is I guess. I'm also going to start producing more dio's this year, often there is a year or more between mine but I want to start producing more often.

Brad, I appreciated the post though mate, very kind of you.

George is one of the true gents on this forum and I'm not going to cause his excellent thread to get closed because me and Mitch don't get on, not worth it.

Back to the original thread, I may go through periods where I don't buy much, but it always comes back again and there I am plotting my next purchases again. Thats what a ' lifer ' is I guess. I'm also going to start producing more dio's this year, often there is a year or more between mine but I want to start producing more often.


Always look forward to your diorama Rob .for me the planning of a dio and bringing it all together is what I like the most about the hobby
Always look forward to your diorama Rob .for me the planning of a dio and bringing it all together is what I like the most about the hobby

Thank you Neil, appreciate that. I think that's why there has always been big gaps between my dios because I walk around with the plans in my head for months before starting. You are spot on regarding bringing it altogether , its a very rewarding process.



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