Interest in payment plan for Nile River Gunboat? (4 Viewers)

Nov 12, 2011
I was wondering with the economy the way it is if collectors would be interested in a pay (and receive) as you go payment plan on set 27043. Has anything like this been tried before?
Treefrog has a layaway plan. You would have to contact them for particulars.

I'm guessing you have to pay the whole thing first but you should ask them.
I think I will set up a system so that I can ship the pieces as people pay me. This way they are receiving pieces as I am getting paid. I will have to see if anyone thinks it is a good idea.
The only problem with that is if the person paying doesn't finish all the payments but has some of the set & then you would be stuck with half a set that you can't sell on!

I was going to break it down in order of importance( in my mind), boat being first. Figured I could always hold on to any pieces that didn't go after that and have them as extra display pieces for the shop dio. I would give the buyer a year to finish it off.
If I just want to do one figure...can I have the upper torso shipped first...^&grin
Craig has a point. Sellers will not want to have pieces of sets unpurchased sitting around in inventory. I know some collectors will want to pick up some of the figures that did not sell, but sellers would be taking on a liability from an inventory stand point if they start to accumulate to many unpaid for sets and have odd pieces sitting around..
Lots do and, I think its a great thing for collectors and dealers. It should be used more IMO especially, with the way things are released at such a speed and discontinued so quickly. Also means collectors can buy more which, is good for the hobby all round
I would be interested.
Here is my plan, all items ship as payment received, in the following order;
1) Boat $700
2) Two royal Navy Crew $100
3) Three Egyptian Infantry $100
4) Two Royal Sussex Infantry $70 ----your choice
5) Two Royal Sussex Infantry $70 ----your choice
6) Two Royal Sussex Infantry $70 ----your choice
7) Krupp Gun & 4 Man Crew $100
Grand total of $1210 delivered over a 1 year period. I am listed on the William Britain website. In the unfortunate instance of someone not being able to complete I would add the leftovers to my store dio.
So you would want at least $100 a month,correct?My one problem and I don't want you to take this the wrong way is that I don't know who you are.What store do you own and do any others here know you and have dealt with you.I've been taken only one time in my life but that is enough to make me hesitate.I have dealt with Treefrog,Sierra,Troops of Time,Hobby Bunker and many others but they are established . I hope I can deal with you.Can you tell me a little about yourself.
We are a gun store on Long Island NY. Have been in business since 1989. I am in the process of taking over my entire building and have recently expanded into WB, CS and TG. I hope to carry more lines in the future. My goal in this hobby is TO HAVE THE MERCHANDISE, not just a storefront that can order things here and there. Here are my immediate downfalls; 1) I am a bit of a dinosaur, limited computer skills, do not know how to work a cell phone properly, do not text, etc,etc.. 2) I PRIDE myself on being honest (unfortunately this often offends people, I do not sugar coat anything, the truth is the truth , like it or not) this trait costs me business at times when people want to buy something I know is crap, that I do not sell. For some reason they think I work 7 days a week to not make sales/money. I do not see that being a problem in the miniature end of business 3) I am sure there are some other downfalls that do not immediately come to mind (my longtime customers can help you with that, they either love me or think I am a donkey) The good news is I see you are in NJ, hopefully you can make it out to the store and meet me and be the guinea pig so to speak. It is tight and a bit of a mess right now but the future plans for expansion should make things much better. Give me a call and ask for Chester at the shop when you have a chance. Hope to hear from you soon, Chester
You are a dealer trying to sell a product that Treefrog, the company that makes this Forum possible, sells.

No other dealer does so why do you feel the need to do so.

Your actions are highly inappropriate, not to mention unprofesional.

I suggest you reconsider your highly questionable actions.
Sorry I did not know it would be a problem. Please delete/disregard. I do not want to create any problems in the industry. i was just thinking out of the box. I will not post any further.
Sorry Chester but i do agree with Brad.I just wasn't looking at it the right way.

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