Interesting News from the Detroit Area (1 Viewer)

I heard it said that Berry did this due to the tough economic timesDidn't He do this in 2007?The bubble didn't burst until fall of 2008 if I recall rightly.
Does anybody know what is happening with recent orders?
Is the store still doing business?

I placed an internet order last week (paid via paypal) for some EOI figures that I couldn't find anywhere else. The money has gone out of the account but I have not received any confirmation that the item has been shipped. Sent an email when I first heard of this yesterday, but no reply as yet.

I heard it said that Berry did this due to the tough economic timesDidn't He do this in 2007?The bubble didn't burst until fall of 2008 if I recall rightly.

That's what he and his lawyer said. But what a terrible excuse. Not an excuse at all. If business is bad cheat customers? That's no way to do business.
"He's got some of my WW1 Germans, so I'd have to agree with you. We knew!


He bought my whole range of WW1 Anzacs too - though with the amount I spent on his LOTR figures, he finished way ahead.......
Re: The Sad Demise of the Michigan Toy Soldier Company

Respectfully, I'll disagree, we're way ahead of you, in both the toy soldier and scale modeling hobbies. Wingnut Wings made a huge splash, when it premiered, and to great enthusiasm, as well as his line of miniatures ;)

Brad (other Brad)

Respectfully or otherwise Brad, I'm really not sure what you're getting at mate when you make comments like 'we're way a head of you in both the toy soldier and scale modelling hobbies"??:confused:

Comments like that pal are kind of out of left field.....You might want to try and explain yourself a bit better, because they certainly make no sense to me.

I made a general comment about Peter JACKSON's interest in the Toy Soldier hobbie, in particular the WW1 era and its aircraft and next thing you're making some childish remark, based on I don't know what??

Regardless of your opinon, many people including my own countryman have limited knowledge of Peter JACKSON's interest in the TS hobbie and that my friend was my point!
Re: The Sad Demise of the Michigan Toy Soldier Company

We read about his perforated ulcer here in SA mate. But then we as a country are very interested in NZ you are our greatest rivals after all. ^&grin

Cheers Damian mate......looking forward to the Rugby World Cup. Hee hee:tongue:
I heard it said that Berry did this due to the tough economic timesDidn't He do this in 2007?The bubble didn't burst until fall of 2008 if I recall rightly.
He was doing it in the late '90's
It seems Conte is victimized also by an employee,,Here in the Dallas area,,Unique cars was building Replica Eleanor Mustangs and Cobras ,apparently taking huge amounts of money and not delivering the cars,shut down by the law a few years ago,,surprisingly a cable channel still does a program done before that praising the company and its work.
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Re: The Sad Demise of the Michigan Toy Soldier Company

Respectfully or otherwise Brad, I'm really not sure what you're getting at mate when you make comments like 'we're way a head of you in both the toy soldier and scale modelling hobbies"??:confused:

Comments like that pal are kind of out of left field.....You might want to try and explain yourself a bit better, because they certainly make no sense to me.

I made a general comment about Peter JACKSON's interest in the Toy Soldier hobbie, in particular the WW1 era and its aircraft and next thing you're making some childish remark, based on I don't know what??

Regardless of your opinon, many people including my own countryman have limited knowledge of Peter JACKSON's interest in the TS hobbie and that my friend was my point!

You said that you wanted to post this in the forum, because " Many will be unaware of his interest in Toy Soldiers, particularly the WW1 era and bi-planes". My response is to point out that we in this forum and in forums on scale modeling have been aware of Peter Jackson's interest in the hobbies of scale model airplanes, and military miniatures, for some time. You didn't say "Many New Zealanders will be unaware...", so if I've misunderstood your meaning, I apologize. However, I wouldn't characterize my post as childish, mate, but rather, completely in line with the light-hearted tone often used by other members in various posts.

It seems Conte is victimized also by an employee,,Here in the Dallas area,,Unique cars was building Replica Eleanor Mustangs and Cobras ,apparently taking huge amounts of money and not delivering the cars,shut down by the law a few years ago,,surprisingly a cable channel still does a program done before that praising the company and its work.

I don't understand the connection between Conte and the replica company. Was he going to do a set with cars?
Does anybody know what is happening with recent orders?
Is the store still doing business?

I placed an internet order last week (paid via paypal) for some EOI figures that I couldn't find anywhere else. The money has gone out of the account but I have not received any confirmation that the item has been shipped. Sent an email when I first heard of this yesterday, but no reply as yet.


Jules...maybe you're joking...and if you are...that's pretty funny...

but if you're might contact Paypal and try to get your money back...
Re: The Sad Demise of the Michigan Toy Soldier Company

You said that you wanted to post this in the forum, because " Many will be unaware of his interest in Toy Soldiers, particularly the WW1 era and bi-planes". My response is to point out that we in this forum and in forums on scale modeling have been aware of Peter Jackson's interest in the hobbies of scale model airplanes, and military miniatures, for some time. You didn't say "Many New Zealanders will be unaware...", so if I've misunderstood your meaning, I apologize. However, I wouldn't characterize my post as childish, mate, but rather, completely in line with the light-hearted tone often used by other members in various posts.


Ok Brad, I normally wouldn't allow myself to be drawn into negative tit for tat comments from other forum members, but for you I'm going to make an exception.

You can dress your responses up any way you like, but in my book your original response was somewhat "condescending" and certainly not light hearted as you say.

To cut you a break, I asked you to explain what you meant by say "we're way ahead of you" still haven't done that, other than to now say all forum members are fully aware of Peter JACKSONS interest in the Hobbie.

WOW, thats an amazing statement in itself as I known many collectors across the globe who are unaware of this fact.

My advice to you, is to perhaps take a little more time engaging the brain and arranging your words before you start spouting off.

You picked out a "negative" from my thread and tossed it back, thats not lighted hearted youngster thats rude.

On that note, I won't be making any further comment on this thread or mention Peter JACKSON ever again.

Re: The Sad Demise of the Michigan Toy Soldier Company

Ok Brad, I normally wouldn't allow myself to be drawn into negative tit for tat comments from other forum members, but for you I'm going to make an exception.

You can dress your responses up any way you like, but in my book your original response was somewhat "condescending" and certainly not light hearted as you say.

To cut you a break, I asked you to explain what you meant by say "we're way ahead of you" still haven't done that, other than to now say all forum members are fully aware of Peter JACKSONS interest in the Hobbie.

WOW, thats an amazing statement in itself as I known many collectors across the globe who are unaware of this fact.

My advice to you, is to perhaps take a little more time engaging the brain and arranging your words before you start spouting off.

You picked out a "negative" from my thread and tossed it back, thats not lighted hearted youngster thats rude.

On that note, I won't be making any further comment on this thread or mention Peter JACKSON ever again.


Sorry you take it that way.
Jules...maybe you're joking...and if you are...that's pretty funny...

but if you're might contact Paypal and try to get your money back...

Nope 100% serious. Had no idea this was happening and had been on the lookout for some EOI figures which I finally found on their website. Bought and paid for them ... and now this. When I heard, I thought (was hoping) that maybe the shop would still be operating and orders being honored, but it seems not?

Thanks for the reply. Better contact Paypal.

Just so that you guys are aware. After reading the previous thread and replying below, I checked my emails (just in case there was a reply from the company) before logging into Paypal. ... And yes there was, from Jennifer, with the information that the item had been shipped last Friday, along with the tracking number which confirmed what she had said.

Very relieved and it looks like the store is still going despite the problem at the top. I don't know the situation, but I hope they don't have to go down the gurgler and can continue to operate into the future.
Actually they might be the safest place at the moment to order from as they know they are being watched.
Jennifer is first rate, very conscientious

Just so that you guys are aware. After reading the previous thread and replying below, I checked my emails (just in case there was a reply from the company) before logging into Paypal. ... And yes there was, from Jennifer, with the information that the item had been shipped last Friday, along with the tracking number which confirmed what she had said.

Very relieved and it looks like the store is still going despite the problem at the top. I don't know the situation, but I hope they don't have to go down the gurgler and can continue to operate into the future.
Just so that you guys are aware. After reading the previous thread and replying below, I checked my emails (just in case there was a reply from the company) before logging into Paypal. ... And yes there was, from Jennifer, with the information that the item had been shipped last Friday, along with the tracking number which confirmed what she had said.

Very relieved and it looks like the store is still going despite the problem at the top. I don't know the situation, but I hope they don't have to go down the gurgler and can continue to operate into the future.

Do you not have a more local dealer? One who has built his business honestly! I know of at least one manufacturer who's initial business was scuppered by Berry! He masivly undercut all other dealers until they dropped out! Then tried to demand lower trade prices, which the manufacturer couldn't do but he had no other dealers left, so folded that business!
I understand that in these tough times everyone wants to buy for as low a price as possible but in this case it seams Berry was undercutting his competition, while at the same time attempting to wrip off as many customers as he could get away with.
Of course I feel sorry for inocent staff and family but I feel more sorry for the inocent traders (not only in the U.S. by the way!) who have been trying to keep their business going,, while competing against a crook. Personaly I think it's these retailers that you should worry about "going down the gurgler".
This will affect all distance selling in the future, if marco55 is being serious then he is already wondering whether anyone else can be trusted. How many more are thinking the same!

Do you not have a more local dealer? One who has built his business honestly! I know of at least one manufacturer who's initial business was scuppered by Berry! He masivly undercut all other dealers until they dropped out! Then tried to demand lower trade prices, which the manufacturer couldn't do but he had no other dealers left, so folded that business!
I understand that in these tough times everyone wants to buy for as low a price as possible but in this case it seams Berry was undercutting his competition, while at the same time attempting to wrip off as many customers as he could get away with.
Of course I feel sorry for inocent staff and family but I feel more sorry for the inocent traders (not only in the U.S. by the way!) who have been trying to keep their business going,, while competing against a crook. Personaly I think it's these retailers that you should worry about "going down the gurgler".
This will affect all distance selling in the future, if marco55 is being serious then he is already wondering whether anyone else can be trusted. How many more are thinking the same!


Thanks for the diatribe Martin, but actually, no.
I live in Perth, possibly the most isolated city in the world. If I wished to drive to my nearest dealer it would probably take me between three and four days, stopping only to sleep on the way. Plus, I checked beforehand, they don't have the sets I was after.

And as I pointed out in my first post, the sets that I bought were East of India figures and my understanding is that EOI have also disappeared from the marketplace. Hence my difficulty in finding a supplier of these sets. But, if Brett at the Military Workshop or Treefrog had what I was chasing, I would have gone there first. Neither did.

Sorry mate, but your reply came across as if you were having a go at me for buying from them in the first place. Up until this all came to light I had no idea about the history of the company or the individuals concerned. Unfortunately I'm not privy to internecine squabbles that may occur half a world a way. C'est la vie.
Thanks for the diatribe Martin, but actually, no.
I live in Perth, possibly the most isolated city in the world. If I wished to drive to my nearest dealer it would probably take me between three and four days, stopping only to sleep on the way. Plus, I checked beforehand, they don't have the sets I was after.

And as I pointed out in my first post, the sets that I bought were East of India figures and my understanding is that EOI have also disappeared from the marketplace. Hence my difficulty in finding a supplier of these sets. But, if Brett at the Military Workshop or Treefrog had what I was chasing, I would have gone there first. Neither did.

Sorry mate, but your reply came across as if you were having a go at me for buying from them in the first place. Up until this all came to light I had no idea about the history of the company or the individuals concerned. Unfortunately I'm not privy to internecine squabbles that may occur half a world a way. C'est la vie.

I don't think you understand. As a consumer it is your duty to support manufacturers who you have never heard about, who when you do hear about through your own efforts do not run a website answer a telephone or fax and who refuse to show you images of their work. These poor manufacturers should absolutely be the people you spend your hard earned cash on. It is your duty as a collector to make sure they survive. If they go under then you are directly responsible for the demise of the wonderful old cottage industry. What is that you say they don't answer e mails? Well that is no excuse at all.

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