Is first legion edge cutting. (2 Viewers)

My favorite Manufacturer is... and they are no doubt the absolute best ............................................................................................................................................................................................


That is my favorite and I am sticking by it. Alex
I don't get your point Michael. Why are FL figures overpriced ? My wife appreciate the beauty of my figures but she can't understand why I need to have a personal museum filled with them... And I still don't get why this last pair of shoes she just bought is different than the other dozens of pairs she has.

Yes Aeroart figures on eBay are a bargain... sometimes.. Bought last month 5 90 mm figures for 300$ each.. 50% of their retail price.

Matt told me once that collectors liked a lot his Crusaders range in part because the figures were bigger than their other ranges. So maybe that's why their romans were sculpted this way ?

however I do myself prefer the 'size' of their Naps and Samurais


I don't get your point Michael. Why are FL figures overpriced ? My wife appreciate the beauty of my figures but she can't understand why I need to have a personal museum filled with them... And I still don't get why this last pair of shoes she just bought is different than the other dozens of pairs she has.

Yes Aeroart figures on eBay are a bargain... sometimes.. Bought last month 5 90 mm figures for 300$ each.. 50% of their retail price.

Matt told me once that collectors liked a lot his Crusaders range in part because the figures were bigger than their other ranges. So maybe that's why their romans were sculpted this way ?

however I do myself prefer the 'size' of their Naps and Samurais



Not sure which Mike you are addressing..but..Forget the pricing structure argument for a nano moment. Though I personally find them expensive compared to others that I collect, I am not blind to the fact that their Nappys, Crusaders, Samurais, and others are well done figures. I really do not take issue with this company, or most of the collectors. It just seems like some members wish to hype this company and its offerings as the " best " ever of the entire TS universe, as if the rest of the mfg. collectors just do not get it yet. Even the original first post infers that cutting edge of the industry means somehow they are the best of the current pack of mfg. I never start these kinds of threads, but generally respond only when I believed that others were overstating the superior nature of this mfg. offerings..Just an aside..K/C and others are still priced 20% to 40% ( U.S. $ ) less per figure than similar F/L lines, so that we really are talking a different level or grade of TS..and not a direct competitor to the mainstream companies out there..^&confuse Michael
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Hi all,
I have this discussion (with google translator) and I can not understand these debates "barren" and that never came to anything!^&confuse
I think from here (France old continent!)
The industry and the global economy is in competition since "time immemorial". (Eg, Boeing / Airbus, toyota / ford, etc, etc. ....)
This is also valid for the production Toys soldiers.:wink2:
Everyone does the business and tries to become the world leader!
For me that simple ......:eek::rolleyes2:
Then the choice collection of articles from different manufacturers is for the freedom of each collector. (taste, sculpture, painting, period, etc ...)
The key is that everyone finds his pleasure and passion in what he collects.:eek:
Matt told me once that collectors liked a lot his Crusaders range in part because the figures were bigger than their other ranges. So maybe that's why their romans were sculpted this way ?

however I do myself prefer the 'size' of their Naps and Samurais



I prefer the larger size of the Crusaders. This makes me wonder if the new Renaissance figures will be the size of FL WWII, AWI and NAP figures, or the size of their Crusaders and Romans? I plan to get a few Renaissance figures and would be happier if they were the larger size.

I would like to add something here. First, I DON’T COLLECT K&C and I DONT FIRST LEGION, so I don’t care who the best is. No partisan point of view for me, only an ARTISTIC POINT OF VIEW....

K&C has been of the business for more than 25 years, they produced hundreds of figures and armours vehicles mostly dedicated to the allies’ forces, Anglo-Saxon freaks. Every month K&C has to release dispatches, many figures have to be ready each month. This why QUANTITY become the main target and has to be WWII Western Allies releases as many as possible. No painter could do a good a handmade mass production job, it is IMPOSSIBLE as Frank said.

We do not have this my stuff is better than your stuff discussions on the glossy threads;

Of course NO, they all look the same, a little toy with no details that shines, no need to debate about this..

But when comes to matte figurines, YES there is a big gab in matter of sculpture and painting.
This why I don’t think that these two companies sells the same product, K&C soldiers is roughly bigger 60mm with no many details, poses are very repetitive and lack of improvements. FL who is 54mm has much better delicate sculpture and the painting is many times better...
Is First Legion doing and leading from the front with out of the box thinking. I think they are on the way towards something right out of the box. The rest of the toy soldier makers will have to follow in painting to catch up. There are some great sclupts being made now by other companies but the painting First Legion is doing is a jump up. Catch them if you can. What do you guy's think. Simmo.

You could say the same about JJD tanks and the same with Figarti Owl there cutting edge
Not sure which Mike you are addressing..but..Forget the pricing structure argument for a nano moment. Though I personally find them expensive compared to others that I collect, I am not blind to the fact that their Nappys, Crusaders, Samurais, and others are well done figures. I really do not take issue with this company, or most of the collectors. It just seems like some members wish to hype this company and its offerings as the " best " ever of the entire TS universe, as if the rest of the mfg. collectors just do not get it yet. Even the original first post infers that cutting edge of the industry means somehow they are the best of the current pack of mfg. I never start these kinds of threads, but generally respond only when I believed that others were overstating the superior nature of this mfg. offerings..Just an aside..K/C and others are still priced 20% to 40% ( U.S. $ ) less per figure than similar F/L lines, so that we really are talking a different level or grade of TS..and not a direct competitor to the mainstream companies out there..^&confuse Michael

Michael....I have quite a sizeable FL collection{sm4}....My opinions are quite well known....I disagree with you..... FL is a mainstream company like it or not...also when you compare various TS products regarding figure sculpts and painting they have very likely the best price/quality ratio out there today for figures......So you might say they are not over-priced relatively speaking of course.....Consider this Michael: Maybe it is the "other product" that is becomming "over-priced" with all the recent price increases we have seen.......also......FL is cutting edge so to speak as per the title of the thread; especially when you consider the fact that they had the boldness to produce a high quality product that is not a clone of the usual.
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My favorite Manufacturer is... and they are no doubt the absolute best ............................................................................................................................................................................................


That is my favorite and I am sticking by it. Alex
Now here is a statement I can get behind. Sounds right to me.:wink2:^&grin{bravo}} -- Al

Firstly, thanks for the comments about the repaints though, that had to be sided with some sarcasm but, as its christmas and, avoiding playing with a glove and baseball in the cooler I will overlook it LOL. I have never stated that I am a top quality painter. I can paint, about anything thats put in front of me from plastic to metal miltary and civillian and, everthing else in between. I have been doing so since I was eight years old. I have entered many competitions won some, lost plenty and, been ripped apart by some of the best painters, modellers, and dio builders around so, I have also, learned an awful lot.

My comments about looking at things differently being a painter was not, a comment trying to be superior over those who cannot, Its just a fact that when you do these things you can see what is right and what is not. I am more critical of my own work than I am of anybody's else. If you think these comments are harsh then, you should be involved with modelling clubs and enter competitions thats real critique and high standards.

I have done many figures and posted several repaints on here. I don't see what putting a figure side by side would achieve as I am not saying mine are better than a manufacturers. I am just saying that in my opinion there are some things that I would not do. I appreciate, that FL like others are a mass produced product and, not able to have the time to spend on each figure like I could for myself or, commision I am just pointing out as was asked, that they are not, for me, light years ahead of the competition in terms of the WWII range figures.

I use a modulation technique thats currently used in AFV painting where one builds up tonal differences in facial features etc I also have the time and opportunity to try different mediums which, factory workers do not. I would buy FL WWII but for the issues I have raised I would live with the way they paint them and would repaint to my specific taste and standards but, the sculpt issues, for me, spoil the range. Thats an honest appraisal of how I view the range. It may be totally different to yours and others but, that does not mean its equally, not as valid. You clearly see them as light years ahead of others I don't see that. Thats just a difference of opinion and taste.


I don't think this will be a lockdown. We now see an ability to critique all ranges. Jaw jaw is better than war war

I don't see why there should be a lockdown or closing the thread as it seems to me some of the responses are measured in tone and well reasoned.

The question was is FL cutting edge. Where I think they are cutting edge is that they have brought to the toy soldier world, which I distinguish from the Connoisseur world, Russian style painting and quality at a more affordable price than Connoisseur figures although a little more expensive than your typical toy soldier figure. In that way they have done something different. Would I have purchased Russian figures at the prices the Russian manufacturers/painters charge? No, but I have purchased FL figures.

Matt and his company have made a niche where none mostly existed in the same way that Andy made a niche where none mostly existed in 1994. In that way, both of these innovators have been cutting edge.


Guys, sorry , I wasn't saying this should be shut down , I was just speculating that this could be the type of thread that could be . So far its just about stayed on the polite side of things.:wink2: Personally I don't give a fig what anyone collects and which producer they believe is the best, freedom of choice is a wonderful thing and shouldn't be sneered at. I know which is number one for me, but don't feel the need to insult anyone who disagrees, you're wrong of course but I defend your right to say it!^&grin:wink2:

Amen to that...

And I kiss all of youon the cheeks...

... the upper ones that is


Guys, sorry , I wasn't saying this should be shut down , I was just speculating that this could be the type of thread that could be . So far its just about stayed on the polite side of things.:wink2: Personally I don't give a fig what anyone collects and which producer they believe is the best, freedom of choice is a wonderful thing and shouldn't be sneered at. I know which is number one for me, but don't feel the need to insult anyone who disagrees, you're wrong of course but I defend your right to say it!^&grin:wink2:

Excellent news! So glad you are finally On Board!{bravo}}

Lets say it together, now: KING AND COUNTRY RULES! :D:D :D

Keep Dreaming^&grin^&grin^&grin....First Legion RULES and everyones knows it...."cutting edge"....BYE BYE....and Have a good Day:D:D:D
Guys, sorry , I wasn't saying this should be shut down , I was just speculating that this could be the type of thread that could be . So far its just about stayed on the polite side of things.:wink2: Personally I don't give a fig what anyone collects and which producer they believe is the best, freedom of choice is a wonderful thing and shouldn't be sneered at. I know which is number one for me, but don't feel the need to insult anyone who disagrees, you're wrong of course but I defend your right to say it!^&grin:wink2:

AMEN and AMEN.....Mostly agree with you Rob....99%.:wink2:....To each their own brother.....Stay Well.... Best Regards Frank
Cheers Frank , Vive la difference I say, how boring if we all collected the same thing .

All the best:salute::

Cheers Frank , Vive la difference I say, how boring if we all collected the same thing .

All the best:salute::


Totally Right.... 100% agree Rob....Vive la difference....Have a great Christmas.....God Bless.:salute::
Yes Aeroart figures on eBay are a bargain... sometimes.. Bought last month 5 90 mm figures for 300$ each.. 50% of their retail price......
****, five 90mm! I missed those or you'd had a run for you money. Depending on quality. I've seen
some bad ones. They never rate the quality or almost never. I'll have to pay more attention. I still
haven't found a reliable source in the U.S. But I suspect the really good ones never leave Russia unless
a special order.

Yes, First Legion is cutting edge. One thing they all have in common is delayed shipping.
Still no word on my Knights that were supposed to ship at the end of November. Good
thing I'm patient. Most of the time.
This is the type of thread that is absolutely useless......Everyone knows by now that all collectors have their opinion as to what they like best and you will never change their mind, so why bother. I see some posts here that to me are abusrd....but that is just me. I have started threads like this myself so I am also guilty....No more...Waste of time. Alex
Totally Right.... 100% agree Rob....Vive la difference....Have a great Christmas.....God Bless.:salute::

And a merry Christmas to you Frank :smile2:

This is the type of thread that is absolutely useless......Everyone knows by now that all collectors have their opinion as to what they like best and you will never change their mind, so why bother. I see some posts here that to me are abusrd....but that is just me. I have started threads like this myself so I am also guilty....No more...Waste of time. Alex

Well thats the joy of a free forum, lots of different opinions all as valid as each other and everyone entitled to put their tuppence worth in.And if Simmo wants to suggest that FL are on the cutting edge he has the right to do that. And I must say despite my doubts earlier, this thread has been conducted in a pretty calm manner with no deletions or abusive posts, maybe its because Christmas is around the corner:wink2:

Whatever you collect guys have a great Christmas:)


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