Firstly, thanks for the comments about the repaints though, that had to be sided with some sarcasm but, as its christmas and, avoiding playing with a glove and baseball in the cooler I will overlook it LOL. I have never stated that I am a top quality painter. I can paint, about anything thats put in front of me from plastic to metal miltary and civillian and, everthing else in between. I have been doing so since I was eight years old. I have entered many competitions won some, lost plenty and, been ripped apart by some of the best painters, modellers, and dio builders around so, I have also, learned an awful lot.
My comments about looking at things differently being a painter was not, a comment trying to be superior over those who cannot, Its just a fact that when you do these things you can see what is right and what is not. I am more critical of my own work than I am of anybody's else. If you think these comments are harsh then, you should be involved with modelling clubs and enter competitions thats real critique and high standards.
I have done many figures and posted several repaints on here. I don't see what putting a figure side by side would achieve as I am not saying mine are better than a manufacturers. I am just saying that in my opinion there are some things that I would not do. I appreciate, that FL like others are a mass produced product and, not able to have the time to spend on each figure like I could for myself or, commision I am just pointing out as was asked, that they are not, for me, light years ahead of the competition in terms of the WWII range figures.
I use a modulation technique thats currently used in AFV painting where one builds up tonal differences in facial features etc I also have the time and opportunity to try different mediums which, factory workers do not. I would buy FL WWII but for the issues I have raised I would live with the way they paint them and would repaint to my specific taste and standards but, the sculpt issues, for me, spoil the range. Thats an honest appraisal of how I view the range. It may be totally different to yours and others but, that does not mean its equally, not as valid. You clearly see them as light years ahead of others I don't see that. Thats just a difference of opinion and taste.
I don't think this will be a lockdown. We now see an ability to critique all ranges. Jaw jaw is better than war war