Is first legion edge cutting. (1 Viewer)

My eye sight must be going quicker then I thought, because the more WWII figures I have of First Legion the better the releases look, there have been a couple individual soldiers that I haven't liked but the over look of the WWII series to me are spot on, they have the look of war in Stalingrad, darker/war fought/ again maybe Frank can post some close-ups and I can see what the few of you are talking about, but on second thought I'm not going to stir a pot that some would enjoy starting a big to do about, so Simmo I agree 100% with you that this some what new company has made great strides in thier product, and I have enjoyed the ride very well so far...Sammy
Nothing Wrong with "your" eyesite Sammy:wink2:.....First Legion is light years ahead of their competition in both figure sculpts and painting IMO....As far as their WWII Stalingrad Series is concerned; nothing else out there even comes close to FL figures.....Simple....The difference is quite obvious....Just place the figures side by side and compare...the quality/price ratio is very balance.......Simmo, "your right" FL is cutting edge......First Legion Rules.{sm4}
As i stated before i love my FL Romans.I think they are cutting edge as far as quality for price ratio.Since things are going very civilly on this thread can someone please tell me why FL made their WW2 figures smaller than their Romans?I am not trying to stir the pot {i upset people when i brought this up last time]i just would like to know.I bought some FL WW2 after i got my Romans thinking the size would be the same coming from the same company and they were not.My FL Romans are much larger than my FL WW2 and i just can not figure out WHY.Please i am not trying to put FL down i just can not understand why they make one range a different size than an other?Thanks for any help and again this is not a put down just something i think should be brought up since the size difference threw me when i got the WW2 figures which are not cheap.Mike B.
Nothing Wrong with "your" eyesite Sammy:wink2:.....First Legion is light years ahead of their competition in both figure sculpts and painting IMO....As far as their WWII Stalingrad Series is concerned; nothing else out there even comes close to FL figures.....Simple....The difference is quite obvious....Just place the figures side by side and compare...the quality/price ratio is very balance.......Simmo, "your right" FL is cutting edge......First Legion Rules.{sm4}

Hey Brad, any comments on this remark. He makes my case. We do not have this my stuff is better than your stuff discussions on the glossy threads, or Figarti Threads or the CS threads. Do you see a pattern here...This is a constant pissing contest between the members of 2 mfg. factions and not some social class warfare. Liberal mumbo jumbo to smoke screen the original point. As to my wallet, I can handle any TS purchases I so choose as worth it. It is not I who constantly presents F/L as an elitist company for elitist collectors. All these type of threads are designed to justify the high prices of this particular mfg. in the minds of those who choose to collect them, whether we are told constantly that they are the best painted, best sculpted and all other companies should just close their doors now. Also, I might want and probably could buy that high priced sports car, but I would not, just to say I had one in order to embarrass others who do not. Michael
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Hey Brad, any comments on this remark. He makes my case. We do not have this my stuff is better than your stuff discussions on the glossy threads, or Figarti Threads or the CS threads. Do you see a pattern here...This is a constant pissing contest between the members of 2 mfg. factions and not some social class warfare. Liberal mumbo jumbo to smoke screen the original point. As to my wallet, I can handle any TS purchases I so choose as worth it. It is not I who constantly presents F/L as an elitist company for elitist collectors. All these type of threads are designed to justify the high prices of this particular mfg. in the minds of those who choose to collect them, whether we are told constantly that they are the best painted, best sculpted and all other companies should just close their doors now. Also, I might want and probably could buy that high priced sports car, but I would not, just to say I had one in order to embarrass others who do not. Michael

I collect First Legion because I like them I don't think I am an elitist collector nor are First Legion an elitist company. Here in th Uk a First Legion figure is only about a tenner more expensive than a K and C figure so are they elitist collectors swell.
Nothing Wrong with "your" eyesite Sammy:wink2:.....First Legion is light years ahead of their competition in both figure sculpts and painting IMO....As far as their WWII Stalingrad Series is concerned; nothing else out there even comes close to FL figures.....Simple....The difference is quite obvious....Just place the figures side by side and compare...the quality/price ratio is very balance.......Simmo, "your right" FL is cutting edge......First Legion Rules.{sm4}

The good news is the proprieters of this site and many of its contributors live in a free country where opinions are like...noses. :)

Here is my version of the above:

King and Country is light years ahead of the competition in both figure sculpts and painting IMHO....As far as their WWII series is concerned; nothing else out there even comes close to K&C figures.....Simple....The difference is quite obvious....Just place the figures side by side and compare...the quality/price ratio is superior to any other brand.......Guys, you are right, K&C is cutting edge......King and Country rules! {sm4}
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Before this thread turns into a tit for tat mess i hope one of the FL guys will answer me why my FL Romans are so much bigger than my FL WW2.Not trying to be smart just would like to know why,Mike B.

Must say this makes me smile, I've been on this forum for five years and still don't get the need to
wind up collectors of another product, I guess some divides won't be crossed. Have a great Christmas chaps and for the love of god enjoy whatever you collect! {sm4}

Oh good grief, can't Simmo make a positive comment without the thread degenerating into Company X is better than Company Y.
My eye sight must be going quicker then I thought, because the more WWII figures I have of First Legion the better the releases look, there have been a couple individual soldiers that I haven't liked but the over look of the WWII series to me are spot on, they have the look of war in Stalingrad, darker/war fought/ again maybe Frank can post some close-ups and I can see what the few of you are talking about, but on second thought I'm not going to stir a pot that some would enjoy starting a big to do about, so Simmo I agree 100% with you that this some what new company has made great strides in thier product, and I have enjoyed the ride very well so far...Sammy

Nothing wrong with your eye sight Sammy.
Simmo, I think for realism, FL has indeed brought the best sculpted figures to the market. And even the worst painted FL figure exceeds the best efforts of the current competition. If you look closely at the work without any bias or agenda it seems quite clear.

Price-wise, the gulf between these and the current competitor's offering is really not that great. I think Michael's efforts to make some sort of class warfare conspiracy out of this thread are misguided. Also must point out that I have previously been accused by him of causing trouble on other people's threads before so I find the tone of his input here a bit ironic.

Also feel Mitch makes some valid points re: painting from a purely aesthetic perspective. If you look at the best painted figures: the ones that really make you say, "Wow!": you will note the seamless transition from shade to highlight and everything in between. The believable rendering of textures like wood, cloth, metal and etc....will also be impressive. There are plenty of guys on here who can paint a better figure than FL is capable of offering on a mass produced basis, (Mitch, Obee, Rod, John F, and so on...) but they consistently come closest to pro painted standards nonetheless.

The good news is the proprieters of this site and many of its contributors live in a free country where opinions are like...noses. :)

Here is my version of the above:

King and Country is light years ahead of the competition in both figure sculpts and painting IMHO....As far as their WWII series is concerned; nothing else out there even comes close to K&C figures.....Simple....The difference is quite obvious....Just place the figures side by side and compare...the quality/price ratio is superior to any other brand.......Guys, you are right, K&C is cutting edge......King and Country rules! {sm4}

:D:D:D...If you say so Rutledge:rolleyes2:....Very original post^&grin^&grin^&grin...First Legion Rules:salute::
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The good news is the proprieters of this site and many of its contributors live in a free country where opinions are like...noses. :)

Opinions are like...noses^&grin I love this careful compromising distortion of what Clint Eastwood said a few years ago...^&grin

Conte,Collector's Showcase,FL,TG.All pretty new companies.All good products.A win win in my book for us and the hobby.

I think the answer must be the reason stated by Hessler in the Battle of the bulge movie ''the russian front does not put meat on a mans bones'' Thats why he is smaller!!!LOL

Before this thread turns into a tit for tat mess i hope one of the FL guys will answer me why my FL Romans are so much bigger than my FL WW2.Not trying to be smart just would like to know why,Mike B.


I think the answer must be the reason stated by Hessler in the Battle of the bulge movie ''the russian front does not put meat on a mans bones'' Thats why he is smaller!!!LOL
I think it is because weilding a short gladus and shield make for more muscle and bulk than pulling the trigger on an MP-40.:wink2::D:D -- Al
This a very interesting thread, good to discuss as long as one respects others.
To me it's clear FL brought something new to the hobby and that as a consequence other firms are experimenting with higher quality figures (K&C's Napoleon in Egypt for instance) while others are looking to cover the middle ground between Connoisseur and relatively cheaper matte figures (Aeroart/Figarti's Marco Polo series). The benefit's of competition I believe (K&C or Britains are certainly not afraid of it I guess).
As someone has said before, I have also noticed that St. Petersburg/Aeroart figures in the secondary market are going for prices very similar to FL's, which is certainly food for thought because sometimes their quality surpasses FL's (although to me it get's tougher and tougher to get connoisseur figures because most of them come from outside the European Union which means not just added shipping costs but also and more importantly high customs costs...). Choices come down to very personal tastes and circunstances I guess.
I have the privilege of owning a few of FL's figures, Napoleonic range, and consider this range to be a thing of beauty,above what other mass producers are doing in this area (and of course more expensive but not that much more). From photos other ranges they are doing are looking very fine, some better than others, I haven't had any other ranges in my hands, so this opinion is from looking at photos. But I am very appreciative of what K&C and Britains do (just started collecting Britains' extraordinary Zulu and Sudan ranges and find K&C's Crimea series to be astonishing, Thomas Gunn is also looking fine and very compatible with K&C). Personally my FL collecting is now on hold because I have enough Naps for now and other interests came up, can't have it all...Also not into WWII anymore (which I believe is K&C's kingdom).
Just a note: when I say FL's Naps are above others (quality, depth, choice), this doesn't mean that there aren't excellent alternatives (Britains or K&C's improving ranges in my view) that will make you think when choosing... It's great to have all these choices and at the end of the day great that we now definitely have in FL a new high quality choice out there. They have definitely changed the market and deserve a lot of credit for that.

Definitely, I agree that First Legion has some of the very best figures in the market today. Their Napoleonic, Crusader, AWI, Romans, Samurai ranges are outstanding for mass produced figures! :):):)

However, if I started a WW2 collection today (which won't happen...), I would choose K&C. I don't have a solid explanation for it but for this particular range, K&C appeals to me more. That's just me... {sm4}

Be happy in what you collect! {sm3}
...If you say so Rutledge:rolleyes2:....Very original post. .First Legion Rules:salute::

In fact, I sure do say so, loudly and proudly! {eek3}:wink2:

And now let me "improve and upgrade" your last post as well:

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Is it a weekly requirement for this same old tit-for-tat argument? The only thing I will say is this: some people are quick to cry foul when a member states something along the lines of 'First Legion is the best/awesome/greatest.' However, let's say there is a thread right now that claims a company is the best for a certain era. Will the same people cry foul over that? I imagine not.

And just a hint, the aformentioned thread is not in the FL or K & C sections.


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