Jagdpanzer IV L70 - New Release (2 Viewers)

Enjoy those new Figarti pieces, you lucky dog!:p:)

I can't wait to know and see what they are; these are fun times indeed.


BSP received some of the new Figarti products today....I am talking to you from a collectors standpoint.... WOW ! ! ! ! !...wait until you see this stuff in person.

The best way I can explain it is....If you grew up as a 1/35th scale plastic modeler.....Figarti's stuff is the closest to it in detail.
Well done, Rick. Another fine piece that will soon join my collection.

Objective criticism at Figarti is much appreciated. I actually appreciate Mesa for his comments, because it has always been our goal to take our hobby to the level that of the plastic models and that is the benchmark we aim for. Looking back at our industry (Toy Soldier) in the short 7 years we've been in, the quality of the AFVs have drastically improved throughout the years. I would hope Figarti played a major role in raising standards by doing things differently like using more metal, photo-etching, realistic weathering and thus producing AFV closer to that of modelers. For those of you who remember our first Japanese Chi-Ha tank, that really was the beginning of changes in our hobby for AFVs. Can we get to the plastic model expert built quality?..... Pretty difficult... because of the manufacturing process and materials used. But, one brand did come close last year by using similar plastic molding techniques but cost was high. As long as our industry uses poly resin as the primary materials for AFVs, details and accuracy will be lost.... our job is to get as close as we can to expert built plastic kits and we are constantly trying to do better. Mesa is a Figarti collector we need in order to remind us that we can do better! He is actually helping us.

Thank you all for your support for Figarti. At this year's Chicago show we'll be 7-years old, its been a great ride so far and we have greater plans for the future. I hope to see all of you at the show.


a class act all the way.
Objective criticism at Figarti is much appreciated. I actually appreciate Mesa for his comments, because it has always been our goal to take our hobby to the level that of the plastic models and that is the benchmark we aim for. Looking back at our industry (Toy Soldier) in the short 7 years we've been in, the quality of the AFVs have drastically improved throughout the years. I would hope Figarti played a major role in raising standards by doing things differently like using more metal, photo-etching, realistic weathering and thus producing AFV closer to that of modelers. For those of you who remember our first Japanese Chi-Ha tank, that really was the beginning of changes in our hobby for AFVs. Can we get to the plastic model expert built quality?..... Pretty difficult... because of the manufacturing process and materials used. But, one brand did come close last year by using similar plastic molding techniques but cost was high. As long as our industry uses poly resin as the primary materials for AFVs, details and accuracy will be lost.... our job is to get as close as we can to expert built plastic kits and we are constantly trying to do better. Mesa is a Figarti collector we need in order to remind us that we can do better! He is actually helping us.

Thank you all for your support for Figarti. At this year's Chicago show we'll be 7-years old, its been a great ride so far and we have greater plans for the future. I hope to see all of you at the show.

First great to hear from a company on there view on detail

So will you be moving away from using poly resin as the primary material in AFV :confused:
I think when one states that you want to replicate the model world you are going to get this type of comparison. I think to aspire to the model world is not a bad aim but, falls for me, in that model makers have available unbelievable kits today with an equally amazing after market products.

Now 1/30 hobby makes a run say of 100 AFV's which, does not take as long to do as some modellers spend on one model. I know how long such top models take so, the comaprison ends there for me.

Strive for better quality no problem but, without the necessary time etc it will not be able to be replicated in our hobby without substantial cost increase and less releases due to the extra time necessary to gain the detail work. The detail is there now and the tools are there to replicate all paint work. Some of the critique raised is what you will get if you compare plastic models with details such as metal tracks against resin/polystone models. The latter will always fall short but, not a huge fall. The two hobby's although similar are distinct and should remain so.
I think when one states that you want to replicate the model world you are going to get this type of comparison. I think to aspire to the model world is not a bad aim but, falls for me, in that model makers have available unbelievable kits today with an equally amazing after market products.

Now 1/30 hobby makes a run say of 100 AFV's which, does not take as long to do as some modellers spend on one model. I know how long such top models take so, the comaprison ends there for me.

Strive for better quality no problem but, without the necessary time etc it will not be able to be replicated in our hobby without substantial cost increase and less releases due to the extra time necessary to gain the detail work. The detail is there now and the tools are there to replicate all paint work. Some of the critique raised is what you will get if you compare plastic models with details such as metal tracks against resin/polystone models. The latter will always fall short but, not a huge fall. The two hobby's although similar are distinct and should remain so.

I total agree Mitch the man hours going into making a model in high spec would not be cost effective in 1/30
Great post ;)
This is a huge complicated discussion. BSP has AFV's from Figarti, Frontline, The Collectors Showcase, K&C, Britains, New Model Army, Honour Bound and FOV. Would it be safe to say that Figarti has come the closest to capturing the feel of a 1/35th scale model.

In talking to Rick and considering any influence BSP has had on Figarti. I know Rick is trying hard to come as close as he can...And I don't want to take away from the other manufacturers, they are all doing a great job also.

Dioramas are also big in the 1/35th scale world. BSP tries to capture that feel also...That is why Figarti and BSP are a good match...Alex
I don't know what the feel of 1/35th is. I have modelled in many scales all my life entered competions etc and have done many conversions and repaints in 30th scale.

I don't look at Figarti or FL indeed any manufacturer and say they have encapsulated the 1/35th scale market. The two are as different IMO as chalk and cheese.
I don't know what the feel of 1/35th is. I have modeled in many scales all my life entered competions etc and have done many conversions and repaints in 30th scale.

I don't look at Figarti or FL indeed any manufacturer and say they have encapsulated the 1/35th scale market. The two are as different IMO as chalk and cheese.

Scale is probably not the correct word to use here. It is plastic models VS. whatever the various Toy Soldier Manufacturers make their stuff out of.

The Plastic kits are highly refined and detailed, I have built many of them. I don't like building them any more. I am very critical of detail as you know. And I am willing to accept the Toy Soldier Manufacturers offerings as a substitute, rather than having to assemble a kit at this point in my life.

I used to be a rivet counter, but as I have gotten older I have relaxed a bit. That is basically my point

All of the Manufacturers are doing a good job, and I think that Figarti comes the closest in detail to a 1/35th scale kit (That is what I mean by the feel).
I actually appreciate Mesa for his comments, because it has always been our goal to take our hobby to the level that of the plastic models and that is the benchmark we aim for. Looking back at our industry (Toy Soldier) in the short 7 years we've been in, the quality of the AFVs have drastically improved throughout the years. I would hope Figarti played a major role in raising standards by doing things differently like using more metal, photo-etching, realistic weathering and thus producing AFV closer to that of modelers. For those of you who remember our first Japanese Chi-Ha tank, that really was the beginning of changes in our hobby for AFVs. Can we get to the plastic model expert built quality?..... Pretty difficult... because of the manufacturing process and materials used. But, one brand did come close last year by using similar plastic molding techniques but cost was high. As long as our industry uses poly resin as the primary materials for AFVs, details and accuracy will be lost.... our job is to get as close as we can to expert built plastic kits and we are constantly trying to do better. Mesa is a Figarti collector we need in order to remind us that we can do better! He is actually helping us.

Regarding Figarti and the 1/35 scale or modelers market, please note Rick's comment above. In addition, last year Ken Osen, while looking at the FL first tank at OTSN, basically said the same thing; FL is trying to emulate the modelers.
I know many collectors who would not be happy if manufacturers went down the road of trying to use plastic moulding as a substitute for the polystone mix that is now in common use. I know before someone states it that that was not said but, the distinction between the model world and the hobby here is that they are different. Its all well and good striving for detail and paint detail but, that can be achieved now and is with the manufacturers that are now producing.

Paint detail is down to the persons they employ the better the painter the better the finish. I said, I am wary of the distinction between the two becoming any more blurred. Photo-etch etc was introduced not only to add greater detail but, also to overcome the light weight issue of plastic kits.

This hobby already uses a mix and blend of all materials available now and, what more could be done to emulate the model world?? I think that some of this wanted emulation has meant some figures IMO to be over shaded and made to look too unrealistic a problem I have raised several times and lines of replication have to be drawn.

Its nice manufacturers want to offer better detail but, again I stress IMO the two camps are not truly compatible and should stay seperate
BSP recognizes no boundaries, we and Figarti will achieve the best possible detail and realism within the Toy Soldier hobby......Wish us luck....Alex
For those of you who have not seen this on the First Legion forum, nicely done, Alex!


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Sorry Figartites.... I was making a point over there, and forgot to put it here. This should be a little bigger....Sorry also that I had to crop it, I cant give away other parts of the scene from our Mini-Series.....Boy you can feel the tension in the air before this years show...BSP did our best to shock the show with our scenes.....but you never know.....And just by a chance occurrence........ I am pretty sure I know what the Shock and Awe is this year. If I am right you wouldn't guess in a thousand years.

I cant give away other parts of the scene from our Mini-Series.....Boy you can feel the tension in the air before this years show...BSP did our best to shock the show with our scenes.....

Couldn't agree more Alex, I was at a toy soldier show this past Saturday and all folks wanted to talk about was all the tension surrounding the upcoming show, the conversations kept going back to Battlescene productions, tension, more tension, well, you get the idea.

THIS is what toy soldier shows are all about; tension.........
Couldn't agree more Alex, I was at a toy soldier show this past Saturday and all folks wanted to talk about was all the tension surrounding the upcoming show, the conversations kept going back to Battlescene productions, tension, more tension, well, you get the idea.

THIS is what toy soldier shows are all about; tension.........

Tension = Excitement = FUN ! ! !....That is what it is all about.
Well, I've got one and it is a wonderful model. No, it's not quite like a custom built model but its dang close.

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