I am far from an expert but there are very significant differences between what happened at Hiroshima / Nagasaki and at Chernobyl or what is happening now. The former events were deliberate acts (ie. dropped by air) whereas the latter were accidents in buildings with safety features. Whilst I recall Chernobyl and being concerned I certainly don't associate it with the level of fatalities / injuries and images and destruction associated with the two nuclear bombs.
A visit to the web page of the International Atomic Energy Agency
and a search on Chernobyl will bring up Conclusions of the Chernobyl Forum (which are summarised in the Wikipediea entry).
The news centre on that page has the Agency's most recent report on the situation and that states :
"Radiation Monitoring
As mentioned yesterday, regular dose rate information is now being received from 47 Japanese cities.
Dose rates in Tokyo and other cities remain far from levels which would require action - in other words they are not dangerous to human health.
First measurements in Tokyo by the Agency's newly arrived radiation monitoring team today showed no indication of Iodine-131 or Caesium-137. A second sampling will be carried out overnight".
When looking around for Chernobyl info on the web I noted references to the "panic" abortions with figures ranging from 50,000 to 200,000. That alone is a far more significant impact that the direct results of the radiation on any victims.
Whilst nobody likes what is happening it does appear what is being reported is often sensationalised. Some may find this Blog interesting (Fear deadlier than the fallout).
The blog has a link to a "brilliant video explanation of what really happened - that makes you astonished such an old plant could survive such an unimaginable challenge, not least the tsunami would took out its fuel tanks and soaked its electronics "
Apparently an Aussie TV news broadcast said words to the effect that “it could result in a nuclear explosion that could wipe out Japan and half of Asia”. Not sure what wipe out means in this context but it is an example of scaremongering.
PS Can't remember which sites I saw it mentioned but I saw that the Chernobyl plant continued in operation until 2000 !