JJD JagdPanther Pics. (1 Viewer)

This is great, thanks for posting....... Is there any info to go along with these images?
I really impressed with the toned-down paint work that Jenkins employs on this replica, very subtle and very sophisticated.:cool: The inclusion of a second main-gun barrel is a nice touch, also. Thanks for posting, Wayne.

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I was going to pass on this one, but I think I will have to change my mind and collect it. Magnificent looking. Thank Wayne for posting . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Thanks for posting Wayne. Hoping for 'Ambush' camo, but this comes up just fine, order in. Robin.
Man that looks good, thanks for posting mate.

Great photos Wayne! Excellent model; all the hatches opening is very good for diorama flexibility.
Why the extra barrel? I look forward to some Panzerwaffe figures!
The more I look at this beast, the more excited I get about it. John has done a super amazing job on my favourite German tank. One for my collection may not be enough.^&grin, Robin.
The more I look at this beast, the more excited I get about it. John has done a super amazing job on my favourite German tank. One for my collection may not be enough.^&grin, Robin.

So does that mean two or three Robin, you will be working hard this year!!! ^&grin

When will this be released?? ....and is a pre-order needed with TF?

I would say John will announce his July releases around the 20th of June and this tank should feature, with the first rolling into collctors homes late July. TF have the JJD releases up for order within hours of being listed on the forum. Nothing stopping asking TF if they will secure one now though. Robin.
Hi anyone have any idea how much this will cost?

Also any UK dealers going to be stocking this?


You're a little tardy. The price was announced a couple of weeks ago, $268.
I understand the first production run has sold out from JJD. -- Al

As something of a Jagdpanther enthusiast I'd like to call attention to some possible ahistorical elements of JJ's Jagdpanther. The model they have doesn't have any period photographic evidence to support it (at least not that I have seen, and I have requested some from JJ).

JJ's current prototype version has a G1 rear deck but a G2 late bolted mantlet opening. To be a true late Jagdpanther, hence a G2, there would need to be consistency, which means that the rear deck would need to be like that on a Panther G (with the engine intake heater and a few more adjusted details). To be a true G1 version there would be no bolted mantlet opening. I hope that I am wrong about all this--and perhaps someone can correct me--but for some reason modeling companies seem to struggle with depicting accurate Jagdpanthers.

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As something of a Jagdpanther enthusiast I'd like to call attention to some possible ahistorical elements of JJ's Jagdpanther. The model they have doesn't have any period photographic evidence to support it (at least not that I have seen, and I have requested some from JJ).

JJ's current prototype version has a G1 rear deck but a G2 late bolted mantlet opening. To be a true late Jagdpanther, hence a G2, there would need to be consistency, which means that the rear deck would need to be like that on a Panther G (with the engine intake heater and a few more adjusted details). To be a true G1 version there would be no bolted mantlet opening. I hope that I am wrong about all this--and perhaps someone can correct me--but for some reason modeling companies seem to struggle with depicting accurate Jagdpanthers.


You are partly correct. The JJD Jagdpanther is an Ausf G2. identified by the large outside bolted gun mantlet, single vision port for the driver and 2 piece gun barrel. You are correct in that most of the Jagdpanther Ausf. G2. produced had a rear deck of a modified Panther G rear deck. The G engine deck is easily spotted by the raised armoured fan tower over the left engine cooling exhaust fan upgraded to service a crew compartment heater introduced in late October 1944. The JJD model has 2 fans that are flush mounted on the deck, typical of the modified Panther Ausf A rear deck (no raised fan tower) as a Jagdpanther Ausf. G1. However, sub-series Wanne Nr. 300051 to Wanne Nr. 300300, about 250 Jagdpanthers were produced with the features of a Jagdpanther Ausf. G2 except with the old Panther Ausf. A engine compartment layout. The JJD model is one of those 250 Jagdpanthers in that sub-series.


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