Joe's collection (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Sep 26, 2007
Hi everyone,
I've decided to start up a thread of my collection. You may have already seen many of my favorite pieces in the Russian figure threads. Russian figures are my primary collecting pursuit, but I also enjoy First Legion a lot as well as some K & C, WB & JJD . I still have a lot of Conte things too, my first love when it comes to metal figures. It was the Conte church that got me into this hobby, and I still have that amazing building as well as the companion priory set. So this thread will allow me to post other figures than just Russian stuff. I will also occasionally post photos of figures that I'm looking to add to my collection.
If you would be kind enough to assist with one you prefer to see figure photographs with a plain background or s scenic one? I like scenic backgrounds for multiple reasons, but I think a lot of collectors find background elements distracting and that they ultimately detract from the subject of the photos. I'd really like to know your opinions and whether you have a preference or not. I imagine I'll do a little of both but maybe I'll lean one way or the other w/ your guidance.

I'll try to keep the thread fresh and add things. But w/ Russian figure collecting, due to cost and scarcity, there are often long dry spells followed by occasional bursts of activity. I hope you enjoy the photos and thanks for looking!


So let's get started w/ a real beauty. I just recently picked this one up- Landsknecht w/ flag by Aeroart.

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Do what makes you happy Joe in regard to how you display your beautiful collection. Your Conte church would make for a great backdrop to many of your figures, so hopefully this will feature lots of times in the future. Will follow along to see what pans out on your thread. ^&cool, Robin.
Another recent acquisition....Sir William Wallace (Mel Gibson as Braveheart) by Russian Vityaz.


Nice figure Joe, reminds me I am waiting for Mel JJD as Bergamin Martin (Patriot). Getting a small amount of AWI figures to keep him company. Robin.
I am not a fan of Mel Gibson, but that figure its gorgeous. I would buy one in an instant if it was just a generic highlander.
Joe, he's a beauty, and the sculptor really caught Gibson well. I like that fortress also, or is it a background pic?

Joe, he's a beauty, and the sculptor really caught Gibson well. I like that fortress also, or is it a background pic?


Thanks, glad you like him. The fortress was made by David Marshall. I set an image of a cloudy sky behind it. I often use this fortress or another one David made for me in the background of my photos.

Thanks, glad you like him. The fortress was made by David Marshall. I set an image of a cloudy sky behind it. I often use this fortress or another one David made for me in the background of my photos.


It works well; and would love to see the whole fortress. Thanks for the sharing.............................the other Joe^&grin
Hi Joe,

It's just a section of a fortress actually. I'll post a few shots of it this weekend for you. :smile2:

Thanks again,

just another Joe ^&grin
This indeed is a wonderful figure. I can't even try to imagine running with that sword strapped to my back ^&grin
This indeed is a wonderful figure. I can't even try to imagine running with that sword strapped to my back ^&grin

Hey Joe,
Thanks! It only works in the movies or is static miniature.

I'm really liking the new FL Romans. I got this one for Christmas.


It works well; and would love to see the whole fortress. Thanks for the sharing.............................the other Joe^&grin

Hi Joe,
Here are some shots of the whole piece as promised. I set a few K & C and FL figures on it for scale.



That is a fantastic piece. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo of the entire diorama.

Did you make it yourself?

Here's Aeroart's Sir William Marshal with Thomas Asbridge's wonderful book. What an amazing life he led! I think I should have set a glass of brandy next to the photos.

Thanks for the full fortress pic Joe, it's really a fine piece to use as a display.

Regarding William Marshal, did he serve John as well as HenryII and Richard? The figure is beautiful.

Thanks for the full fortress pic Joe, it's really a fine piece to use as a display.

Regarding William Marshal, did he serve John as well as HenryII and Richard? The figure is beautiful.


You're very welcome Joe!
Yes, William Marshall served them and also Henry III too. His story is truly extraordinary.

the other Joe {sm4}

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