JUST ... KING and COUNTRY American Revolution (1 Viewer)

<The Dragoon Thinking> "That man is an idiot, a blooming idiot; he is the daft blooming idiot."


"Follow me, now .... keep up ... we must get you to see the General IMMEDIATELY."
"Ahhh ... you will put in a good word for me, right ....... right?"{sm2}

"YES, FINE ... Just get me to him now."


--- LaRRy (RMess06, RMess07)
"Sir, Please, please help me. Tell the General that he can not let the filthy, savage Indian take us."
"Oh please, I am sure that you can convince him that would be wrong to do."

"ME? YOU wnat me to speak to the General and tell him he is mistaken to give YOU TWO to the Indian??"
"IS THAT what you want me to do?"

"Yes, yes, will you do that for us, please, please"

"Good Lord, Maguya is correct .... YOU ARE A WITCH!"


"NO, NO you don't understand what will happen to us."

"I know what will happen to you if you do not get back with the others. MOVE NOW!"


--- LaRRy(RMess08, RMess09)
"This messenger is here on urgent matters. He must be allowed to see General Reuss immediately."
"Stand aside, I say, Stand aside."


<Joseph the prisoner is deep in thought> "I recognize him."
"He was with the 17th Dragoon Supply column that left here just a shot time ago."

"Dear Lord ... it must have begun; but it is too soon. May God be at our side during these critical times."


--- LaRRy(RMess10, RMess11)
"Please wait here while I see the General"

"Try to make it quickly. Stress the great importance of my mission and message."

The soldier <KNOCKS> on the door .... with a high degree of trepidation


--- LaRRy (RMess12)
One lot of the story came thru twice Larry, but no matter the photo's are just fine in size. Robin.
looks like your still having a blast with your story...
I am duly impressed with your epic marching columns...
as far as the quality of the photos changing since you left Photo bucket...
all your pictures through them were top notch...
and your new format is also...
One lot of the story came thru twice Larry, but no matter the photo's are just fine in size. Robin.

Hummmm ... :rolleyes2: ... I wonder how that happened? As I said getting use to the new tool.
Actually it is much faster than having to create albums, upload everything to PB and then arrange them there.

Things start to get heated tomorrow as the next set of pics are ready to go.

Thanks Robin

--- LaRRy
looks like your still having a blast with your story...
I am duly impressed with your epic marching columns...
as far as the quality of the photos changing since you left Photo bucket...
all your pictures through them were top notch...
and your new format is also...

Evening Mike,
Oh ya' having a GREAT time.
Not much beats a marching column of RED COATS!

Glad I am GONE from PB and the photos haven't degraded. I still am going to play a bit with the quality, but satisfied with what I see.
I'm just worried what will happen if they shut down my old pictures. I only have 47% usage but with the new terms .. who knows.

I guess I would have to try to (somehow) re-post ..... that would be a pain in the butt.

--- LaRRy
"Who dare disturb me when I gave express orders that NO ONE should interrupt this meeting.

"I am dreadfully sorry, Sir, but there is a messenger here that say he has a URGENT Message to give you."
"It is one of the Company of Dragoons that were here a while ago.
"He repeats it is a matter of vital importance."

"General, I believe we should here what the message is, considering all that is happening."

"Very well, Sergeant, enter.


--- LaRRy (RMess13)
"Sir, the Dragoon messenger was accompanied by two riders. They insist at least one of them speaks to you immediately."

"Concerning what?"

"Sorry, General, but they are under orders not to reveal any information to anyone but yourself, Sir."

"Very well, Sergeant, you are correct to interrupt us ... show him in."


--- LaRRy (RMess14,)
"General, thank you for seeing me right away."

"Yes, yes, .... what is so important that you were sent here with an URGENT message."

"Sir, we have had a FIRST Engagement with the Americans."

"WHAT? Already? This is too soon, we are not ready yet to spring the trap."
"Details, man ... provide me with DETAILS!"


"Sir, it was a small engagement. One of our advanced scouts came across some Colonial Infantry."

"SOME? Which Regiment? Where? I need to know facts."

"Yes, Sir. It happened here, at a place called Stoddard Meadow Farms."
"The scout said it was a advanced patrol from the Rhode Island Regiment."

"I said DETAILS!. What was their strength? What happened?"

"I am sorry, Sir, I do not possess much additional information.
"Only the the scout fired and hit one of their Militia, but he did not remain there after that shot."
"He did not see the enemy strength. We believe it was only a small reconnaissance party, not a reconnaissance in force, Sir."


--- LaRRy(RMess15, RMess16)
"The time has come ..or so it appears."

"Listen intently, time is short. I believe we will be engaged in the battle that could end this rebellion fantasy once and for all."

"The plan is to lure the southern Continental Army, Rhode Island Regiment and that rag-tag band of Militia into final battle."

"Here at this point."

"We have a spy of our own in the Militia ranks. He is providing them with false information."
"Also, they are unaware of this regiments presence."
"The Colonials believe they will attack only the Dragoon Supply column headed for General Cornwallis. That was a misdirection."

"When in fact they will meet the entire strength of the 17th Dragoons, the 10th Lincolnshire, this Regiment ... PLUS ... two additional Regiments."
"One is under command of Colonel Toddy Howett and Colonel Robert Porcarrin the other."

"Add in our Indian Allies and we shall wipe this untrained rabble off the field .. like crumbs of this cake off a plate."

"In addition we have three members of this CULPER RING. Once we break them that decrepit structure will crumble."

"Washington's Northern Army's flank will be exposed and they will be surrounded. Total defeat in a month or less.
"Come, Gentlemen there is much to do."


--- LaRRy(RMess17)
"Sergeant, ready the men. We march within the hour."
"Also,have them load up on extra shot and powder. They will shortly be in need of all they can carry."

"Yes, Sir."

"Thank You, General. We will report back to our Dragoon Regiment and await your final orders."

"I am sending Captain Wayne and Captain Miller to inform Colonel Howett and Porcarrin of the exact plans and timing. Coordination is of the utmost importance."

"Corporal, the prisoners will be our guests. Get them ready to march as well. I want them in chains for the trip, understood."

"Yes, Sir, understood."



--- LaRRy (RMess18, RMess19)
"General, what are we to do with the women? One of them accosted me, just a short time ago as to their fate."

"I think Maguya is right .... she is a witch!"

"Sergeant, I care little about the fate of those women. Let the savage have them ... and good riddance ."
"Then, they will be his problem to deal with."

<Smiling> "I actually do hope they are witches and make his life a living hell."


--- LaRRy (RMess20)
"General, As ordered, the Regiment is resupplied and ready to march."

"Very well, Sergeant. Ready my horse and go find that Maguya character. Be prompt, Sergeant."

"Yes, Sir."

"Dragoon's mount up, prepare to depart."



--- LaRRy (RMess21, RMess22)
<Sobbing> "General, General please, I beg you not to allow this. You are a British Officer."
"That is suppose to mean you are a gentleman."
"Would a gentleman do this to a woman. Please have mercy."

"Dear Lord woman, do you ever stop whining and squealing?" :mad:
"Living in these uncivilized surroundings has taken all the proper ENGLISH out of you."
"No English woman would behave as badly as you have."
"Maguya is incorrect. You are not a witch ... you are worse ... you are an American."
"I am done with you."


--- LaRRy(RMess23)
"Maguya ... no wait any longer. We take women now and leave General to his business."

"Maguya, take the ... witch ... with my blessing."
"You are confident that you understand the honored part that the Great Maguya and his men will play in the upcoming battle."
"It will be a great victory for you and your men. You can tell the story to all generations."

"Maguya not fool, I understand what is to be done. General understand the reward to Maguya to be delivered when battle over."

"Yes, Maguya, I understand .... and you will get what you deserve, believe me."


"You hear the words of the General. Women belong to me. No more you speak until I give you permission."
"NOW we leave. Long way to village and we do not rest like English. Go now!"


--- LaRRy (RMess24, RMess25)
"Dragoons .. mount up. We are leaving."


"General, all is in order. We are prepared to march as ordered."

"Very good, Sergeant , make a path for these men to leave."
"They have a way to go and they must make haste."


"You have your orders and the battle plan."
"Make sure that Colonels Howett and Porcarrin receive them immediately."

"Yes, Sir, without delay."

"Captains Preston, Wayne and Miller will be following you shortly."

"AND ... YOU ARE VERY CLEAR ... when the fighting is over and we have won the field, the Dragoons will kill Maguya what is left of his savages."

"Understood clearly, Sir. It will be my honor and pleasure, I assure you."


-LaRRy (RMess26, RMess27, RMess28)











--- LaRRy (RMess29, RMess30, RMess31)
Such treachery, not a very nice General. Hope he gets what's coming to him. Robin.

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