JUST ... KING and COUNTRY American Revolution (3 Viewers)

"I beg the General's forgiveness, but ... we have ... been following the General's orders ... to the letter."

"YES, yes, I suspect you have. Well, I am here to change those orders."

"Sergeant, Sergeant ... help me with my horse!"
"It feels like I have been sitting on a porcupine the last three hours."

"Right away, Sir."

--- LaRRy (ARR2-20, ARR2-21)
"Finally, I do not believe that I will be able to sit for a week."

"Sorry about that, Sir."

"Not as sorry as I am!"

"What I am about to tell you three men, must NOT be repeated to any one. Is that CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD?"

"Yes, Sir, absolutely."

"Not to anyone on your staff or any other officer you may come in contact with.

"Once again, totally understood."

--- LaRRy (ARR2-22, ARR2-23)
Larry, You have certainly made this K&C Revolutionary War thread into quite the topic :salute::

"I must get something from my saddle bag."
"It contains information that will give us the needed victory in the upcoming battle and the destruction of this, this Washington and his rag tag, misfits.
"I will not use the term army, since they do not have any resemblance of an army."

"General, Maguya need to talk to General. Talk now."

"NO Maguya, NOT now. See me later and we will talk."

--- LaRRy (ARR2-24)
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Hi LaRRy,

I'm very fond of your thread... {sm3}Have we made preparations against infection with these diseases in Europe? :eek: I must be joking!!! I might get sick enough to miss... my whole life. {sm3} I enjoy seeing your amazing pictures :eek:

Keep in touch :smile2:

Enrico :)
Good Afternoon Enrico,

This is a BIG week coming up for me .... JULY 4th is, of course the day that we Americans celebrate our Independence, even though that is NOT the day that it really happened. The Continental Congress declared our Independence on July 2, 1776 and it was not until August 2nd 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was actually signed.

Okay, enough of the history lesson for today.

Then on July 6th it is my Birthday. I always used to think that on July 4th all the celebration was meant for me! {sm3}


I will post the next segment in a few hours. THEN you will see the plan that the British have devised.

A reminder to all the guys and gals out there to post YOUR K&C AWI figures. One or one thousand get them out, set them up and post the photos

Thank you, as always Enrico, for chiming in on this thread.

--- LaRRy
Just curious, what aspect do you enjoy the most; the planning, the setting up or the telling of the story as it unfolds?

Throwing that out there to see what you think.........................I know what my answer would be...........................


WOW ... now that is a toughie for me.:confused:

I spend a few hours sketching things out and moving around some representative templates to see what possible arrangements look interesting.
The layout is actually based on the story as I have it (sort of) developed in an outline.

Next, I choose the appropriate K&C figures to fit the story and the dialog that I want to say. I actually don't have the exact words down until I start to post the photos, so it is somewhat made up on the fly.

Then, the setting up the buildings, fences, trees and such and then the figures.
That is followed by fussing endlessly until I see, in front of me, what I pictured in my head.

Photographing, choosing the best shots, editing, up loading and posting is a chore but it is still a bit of fun.

Then, as I post each picture I finish off with the correct wording.

So after all that I would say that:
Planning and sketching -- 20%
Setup and Display -- 40%{sm4}
Story design -- 30%
Photograph and production work -- 10%

--- LaRRy
Red coats on mass, what's not to like.:salute::, Robin.
Was not aware Peter liked riding horses!

Well,maybe 42nd Highlanders in mass ... ?
Or, Hessian troops in mass ... ?,
Maybe 1st NY .. might do it for some.

But, yes, there is something special about a RED WAVE coming at you that evokes all sorts of different emotions ... in 1776 probably TERROR !v{sm2}


OH yes ... he loves horses ... {eek3} ... I think jumping fences is one of his favorite pass times.

--- LaRRy
"NO! We talk now or no more use Maguya and his people to help British."
"General Promise Maguya many things. Maguya not get what General promises. Talk now or no more talk!"

"I WARN YOU, Maguya, do not anger or threaten me or you will feel the hand of the British Army around your throat."
"I will cut off everything that we provide you. DO YOU want me to go to another Indian Chief ... your enemies."
"Is that what you want?"

"Maguya only want what is promised. Now, Maguya only wants the two women, General told Maguya take them."

<Big Sigh from General Reuss> "Stay her Maguya while I talk with Captain Preston."
"Captain, walk with me over by that stable."

"Yes, Sir."

--- LaRRy
"Captain, I could care less about what that savage wants, but we still do need his help. His knowledge of the land is invaluable."
"Plus, he and his men have been harassing the Colonial Militia and the Colonial Troops."

"Yes, I see Sir."

"No you don't, Captain Preston, but you will shortly."
"First, what can you tell me about the prisoners that you have over by the house."

"Nothing more than, I believe you already know, Sir."

"We'll see about that."
"Also, how much do you trust Captain Wayne and Captain Miller."

"Completely, Sir."

"I wish to talk to these prisoners of yours."
"Then have Captains Wayne and Miller, along with yourself meet inside the house."

"This way, Sir"

--- LaRRy (ARR2-26, ARR2-27)
General Reuss spends considerable time speaking with the prisoners and the women.
He did not conduct an interrogation as Captain Preston did earlier.
His line of questions confused all who listened, mostly Captain Preston.
What the General was hunting for was something very different.

He believed he found out what he wanted to know.

The prisoners were terrified that he did just that.

--- LaRRy (ARR2-28, ARR2-29, ARR2-30)
Good Evening AWI enthusiasts

I have a wonderful set of NEW photos and story lines ready to go.

BUT .... it seems that PB has locked my out of the account.
I am going to try to post directly to the thread tomorrow.
So hopefully we will be back to the story and the adventure.


--- LaRRy
At least you have not also lost all your previous photos that some of our forum are currently experiencing, that would be tragic for this epic. {eek3}, Robin.
Once General Reuss was satisfied that he had uncovered the evidence he was searching for, he had the prisoners moved.

It was not so much in what the captured rebels had to say. It was what they didn't say that gave the General the confidence he was on the right path.

Now it was time to put his deadly plan into action and crush the Patriot rebellion along with their dream for freedom ... once and for all.


"Gentlemen, time is of the essence; we need to speak immediately!"

"Concerning what may I ask, General?"

"You may ask and I will tell you, but not here."
"Come with me inside the house. Do not dawdle, as I said, time is of the essence."

"Leftenant, where are you? Come here if you will."
"Move smartly, Leftenant, move smartly."

"Yes, Sir."

"Ah, there you are, Leftenant. You are to ready the men for movement."
"I will speak with Captain Preston, Wayne and Miller presently."
"When I am finished I expect that the column will be prepared to march, immediately. Understood?"

"Immediately, Sir, understood."

"Good, Leftenant. Now, Captains, follow me inside. We have a lot to discuss and precious little time to do it."

"Coming , Sir."

--- LaRRy(ARR2-31, ARR2-32, ARR2-33)
"GOOD LORD ... is this the squalor that these ... people ... live in? "
"I would not subject my dogs to such poor standards."

"These rebels are but dogs, General. Actually more like mutts, Sir."

"Captain Miller, ARE YOU comparing my two pure bred dogs to these, these ..."

"OH NO, Sir, I am so sorry, Sir, I simply meant that ....."

"Enough Miller, enough."
"There are more important matters to discuss than your lack of knowledge of proper canine breeding."

"I will be brief ... and in that manner I will not provide you with intimate details."
"Have any of you become acquainted with the the complexities of establishing and running a .. Network of SPIES?"

"SPIES, Sir???" {eek3}

"Yes, Captain Wayne, SPIES."
"As stupid and as uncouth as these Americans are, somehow, and God only know how, they have been able to establish an effective and comprehensive operating network of spies."

"That is unthinkable, Sir. You must be fooling us."

"If only that were true, Captain Miller, if only that were true."

--- LaRRy(Inside01, Inside02)
"But, General, what does all of this have to do with your presence here, the prisoners and our current orders?"

"More than your realize, Gentlemen."

"NOT ONE WORD of this conversation will leave this ... room. IS THAT understood."

"Of course, General."

"Failure to do so will be deemed an act of a traitor and dealt with accordingly."
"IS THAT understood also, Miller ... Wayne and Preston."

"Most definitely, General"

--- LaRRy (Inside02)
"Of course the British Army also has an effective spy network. That is the reason that we know about the American organization."

"More on that in a moment."

"But due to information being given to the Colonial soldiers and that Washington character, they have been able to escape our well designed traps, time and time again."

"This rebellion should have ended a long time ago, with Washington, Adams, Hancock, Jefferson, Revere and many others dangling from a tree with a strong British noose around their necks!"

"I am still at a loss to see how this nasty espionage business has encompassed us, General."

"I can safely assume that not one of you have heard of the term ... THE CULPER RING?"

--- LaRRy (Inside04)
"Actually, General, I believe that I have overheard that phrase in a converesation between two British officers, not to long ago."
"But, I paid it little attention as they were both of junior rank."

"Good Lord, Gentlemen, is there such a thing as security in this army any longer.
"No wonder the darn Americans can obtain information so easily."
"They simply need to listen to our JUNIOR OFFICERS!"

"We have not been able to identify any of the members of this blasted CULPER RING ...that is ... until now!"

"No, General, you can not be implying that one of these, these .. prisoners has the intelligence need to be a ... SPY?"

"I am not implying anything Captain Preston. I am STATING a fact."

--- LaRRy(Inside05, Inside06)

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