JUST ... KING and COUNTRY American Revolution (3 Viewers)

Great reading this morning. Loved all the photos of the displays and dioramas. But agree that the Dragons are special.

Very happy the I can start off your weekend with a smile.
No argument with the Dragoons ... so wait until tomorrow for a Dragoon Feast ..{sm4}

--- LaRRy
The following two Diorama Bases were constructed by the Right Honorable Mike Miller
Thank You, Mike.

The first one you just saw with a few of my Dragoons. Here it is without any sets. Can be used for all most any time frame or set of figures.

Left Side



--- LaRRy
Here is the second Diorama Base that was constructed by Mike Miller.

Complete view


Right Side

Diorama Base with a few K&C Indians for Scale

I am PLAYING with the Full K&C 17th Dragoon Diorama. Stay tuned ..^&grin

--- LaRRy
Hey Larry, your dragoons diorama reminds me the movie " The patriot":salute:: {sm3}
Hey Larry, your dragoons diorama reminds me the movie " The patriot":salute:: {sm3}

Good Evening Poppo .... :rolleyes2: .... well, thank you, I think ... ^&confuse

The movie, "The Patriot" is a fun movie to watch, but it is the worst movie for learning anything FACTUAL about the American Revolution.
A good many websites list the 70 - 90 ERRORS made in the movie. However the cinematography is good, the movie is fun and there are not a lot of AWI flicks.

So, I THANK YOU {sm4} my friend and I hope that my future dio brings you some laughs and enjoyment; as does yours.

--- LaRRy
Dragoons on the March

Soldiers by King and Country
Diorama by the Honorable Mike Miller

The following shots are a few on my King and Country Dragoons. These were what was presented at the Historical Society.

A large diorama will follow .... {sm4} Hopefully soon ...


Wonderful diorama Larry and special mention must go to Mike for his display base.

Would really love to see K&C produce a few more Dragoons to accompany these guys, both foot and mounted.

Never say never.:wink2:
Larry...don't want to stomp on your thread with the title..."JUST...KING & COUNTRY AWI"...but I wanted to show how I designed the 2 dioramas you bought...which sadly...neither had K&C AWI's on them...

on had JJD Rangers and a JJD hut...
the other has Conte Romans/Barbarians...


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I designed this one to hold the JJD log cabin on it...but love how you placed your AWI figures on them...


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Happy Memorial Day Mike,

NO ISSUE at all my friend.

I wanted to Show & Tell on who made the wonderful diorama backdrops.
You simply presented the information that I hoped to see.

I have great plans for those bases, Mike.
The Dragoons were simply what I took with me to the Presentation that night. A very easy set up, since you did all the work with the diorama ..... which by the way got tremendous praise. :salute::

I am working on a large K&C AWI Dragoon diorama now, but I am still a couple of days away since this is the Holiday and we have family / friends arriving any moment.

Best wishes to all TreeFrog folks and "GOD BLESS all our men and women currently protecting this nation ..... {sm4} {sm4} {sm4} {sm4}

--- LaRRy

PS. SO that is where the snow came from!!!
When I was setting up the diorama I noticed a very small amount of WHITE. I figured this is a High Mountain Pass so there must be a bit-o-frost!
Mystery Solved.
Happy Memorial Day Mike,

NO ISSUE at all my friend.

I wanted to Show & Tell on who made the wonderful diorama backdrops.
You simply presented the information that I hoped to see.

I have great plans for those bases, Mike.
The Dragoons were simply what I took with me to the Presentation that night. A very easy set up, since you did all the work with the diorama ..... which by the way got tremendous praise. :salute::

I am working on a large K&C AWI Dragoon diorama now, but I am still a couple of days away since this is the Holiday and we have family / friends arriving any moment.

Best wishes to all TreeFrog folks and "GOD BLESS all our men and women currently protecting this nation ..... {sm4} {sm4} {sm4} {sm4}

--- LaRRy

PS. SO that is where the snow came from!!!
When I was setting up the diorama I noticed a very small amount of WHITE. I figured this is a High Mountain Pass so there must be a bit-o-frost!
Mystery Solved.

Larry...I'm sure you did get tremendous praise for your presentation...you put on a good show...are knowledgeable and easy to talk to...congrats on the success...not to mention just plain handsome...^&grin...

take a hair dryer...or a leaf blower and you can blow off any remaining snow...I intended that one to have snow when I made it because I used Conte's Winter Romans...which have snow on their bases...but your presentation without snow looks great...
Larry...I'm sure you did get tremendous praise for your presentation...you put on a good show...are knowledgeable and easy to talk to...congrats on the success...not to mention just plain handsome...^&grin...

take a hair dryer...or a leaf blower and you can blow off any remaining snow...I intended that one to have snow when I made it because I used Conte's Winter Romans...which have snow on their bases...but your presentation without snow looks great...

Mike ... may I recommend that get your glasses checked. I can scare the spots off a leopard.

Actually I like the bit of white snow ... I'll leave it for now.

The Dragoon set up was a quick one and I know that I can do a lot better by studying all the GREAT diorama makers here on this forum ...
Of course Mike Miller is a member in that club.

I did get a good feed back from one forum member. Being an Software Engineer and a Navy Submarine Squid I tend to think in 90 degree angles, square, equal and aligned. A feed back from a member (Thanks Glenn) mentioned that I should "loosen up" and put things at angles and unusual places, go diagonal and things like that.

As painful as that may be .. I am trying in my current Dragoon diorama {sm2} do do just that. Let's see if it is a success or a BOMB! :redface2:

--- LaRRY
Keep up the good work here Larry with this thread. Love your posts.

Can't wait to see the big Dragoon dio!

Keep up the good work here Larry with this thread. Love your posts.

Can't wait to see the big Dragoon dio!


Thanks Mark, starting to come together.

At the moment I am waiting for the paint to dry on my roads and spraying the loose moss that I just glued to the base with "Ladies Hair Spray ... :rolleyes2:
I found that helps keep the moss pieces stay in place rather then fly all over the room.

For heaves sake ... don't anyone let my wife know I borrowed it. {sm2}.

--- LaRRy
The 17th British Dragoons

Good Evening K&C American Revolution fans.

For the next few nights I will post my collection of King and Country's 17th British Dragoons. I have constructed a rather "interesting diorama" ... I hope ...:rolleyes2: FOR YOU to enjoy.

I plan to use this setup for the next few K&C series, including the Backwoodsmen and Militia and other British AWI figures (10th Lincolnshire). It will be in the form of a story so stay tuned as I present KING and COUNTRY's American Revolution..

In the early morning hours a force of British Dragoons appear at the the quiet farm of three Colonial Soldiers. Before they can escape they are taken prisoners, along with their wives. Much to their surprise, it was not just a small Dragoon patrol, but a major supply column.




--- LaRRy (1,2,3)

the backdrop really make it...

everybody looks so busy...

great job...

who makes the common wagon that you have so many of?
The Dragoons spread out and take control of the entire farm. The Colonial soldiers have no choice but to stand and watch. :redface2:

Orders are given to search the entire farm, confiscate any food and hunt for any weapons or supplies that can be used by the rebels.

The hunt begins as more and more British Dragoons arrive; by foot; mounted and supply carts ...

--- LaRRy (4,5,6)

the backdrop really make it...

everybody looks so busy...

great job...

who makes the common wagon that you have so many of?

A LOT more to come Mike ...

Every "figure" is King and Country

BR054 is the 17th Dragoon Supply wagon. It comes with cart, horse, supplies and foot Dragoon.

BR055, BR056 and BR057 are the mounted Dragoons

BR059, BR060 and BR061 are the foot soldiers.

--- LaRRy
As the search gets underway one Dragoon suddenly shoots, "Over here, quick, I believe this to be gun powder"

More here, more here shouts a second soldier.

--- LaRRy (7,8,9)
A small detachment is sent to check the house and help with the prisoners.

--- LaRRy (10)

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