Just picked up Figarti Panzer IV (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Sep 18, 2010
I just picked up this piece and really like it.

However the side plates came with paint cracking and chipping. Anyone know how to fix this? Or does anyone know anyone that can repaint this for me to look as close as the original paint job?
Here are some pics:




I thought Figarti would of fixed this paint problem by now^&confuse I would send it back
That had been a problem with some Figarti models as they didn't use proper primer. I had the trouble with a model and got it fixed by an expert painter. If you're interested, let me know. His rates tend to be rather reasonable.

I thought Figarti would of fixed this paint problem by now^&confuse I would send it back

And risk more damage ??
I think FIGARTI had a problem a while back when this Tank came out but sorted now Ive had no problems recently,but im lucky i have John (Obee) 5 minutes away........^&grin
I, too, am lucky that the US version of Obee lives in my town. I believe (and hope) this is a thing of the past. I will email Figarti about this.

I am not a Figarti dealer but this thread raises an interesting issue of how long after the original sale and for how many subsequent owners is the manufacturer responsable for defects.

If the problem existed at time of first purchase then the first buyer should have sorted it out with the dealer at the time. If RedBaron recently bought it knowing it had this defect then I guess it might have been a factor in the price. If that is the case then I do not see how Figarti can still be responsable. If the paint came off after Red's purchase that may be another issue.

If it was me I would find a painter and get it fixed. Figarti would not even figure into it unless of course I had purchased it from them. So get the info from Brad and send it to his guy for a rework. Its worth it since this is a top notch Panzer IV.

I am not a Figarti dealer but this thread raises an interesting issue of how long after the original sale and for how many subsequent owners is the manufacturer responsable for defects.

If the problem existed at time of first purchase then the first buyer should have sorted it out with the dealer at the time. If RedBaron recently bought it knowing it had this defect then I guess it might have been a factor in the price. If that is the case then I do not see how Figarti can still be responsable. If the paint came off after Red's purchase that may be another issue.



You're getting into a gray area, one that I'm sure most manufacturers don't wish to go. When you buy a consumer product like an appliance, a car or a computer, they will come with a warranty of some duration. This is not usually found in toy soldiers. Dealers and/or manufacturers will repair/replace an item because customers have the option of going elsewhere if they are not satisfied. Figarti has rectifiied this problem in the past and I'm sure they would be willing to do if asked. As far as any legal obligation, I doubt it, particularly if it's more than 12 months after purchase.

Hi, since this is my original tank, let me weigh in. One, purchased and never removed so I didin't know of this issue. Two, knowing Rick as well as I do, he would fix it for you no questions asked. That said, and as we have discussed, Brad's solution is the quickest and quite economical. His painter does fantastic (OBEE style) work!!

Red Baron is a nice guy and very understanding about this and has pretty much the same attitude I do. Its possible to be fixed, it will be fixed and I like the model. It couldn't have gone to a nicer home!

As I have realized with all toy soldiers, just about everything is fixable, heck, they are pseudo assembled like models and painted, I bet there is more than one paint chip and ding fixed at a factory. Life is too short to go too crazy on this.

I am sure that Figarti resolved the paint issue as this is an oldie that apparently suffered that inconvenience. I am just sorry I didn't catch it b/f it went out. I just never opened it up, it was part of that Great Closet Army.

I think a lot of these issues are more down to insufficient primer before the main coat of paint. Whilst I appreciate that this was supposed to be an isolated issue its still happening. I recently bought the Hornisse and this happened down the panel near the gun.

I have family send me a lot from the US its often not viable to send it back and wait for a repair. I am fortunate that I enjoy playing around with sets but, I have done many fix ups from figarti for brit guys.

Nice firm and through contact they seem nice chaps but, this is something that needs to be addressed as many others on here have these issues with sets long after the admitted paint issue
I have emailed Peter (who is now running things) and Rick about the issue.
Thanks for that. I would think this is the same service that Figarti has offered when things go wrong and, its second to none. but, who wants to send things back half way across the world and wait months for repairs or replacements????

It would be easier, and more sensible to rectify the paint issues which, have dogged their AFV's for a long time and, continue to do so even, post the supposed disgruntled employee fixing the paint.

From looking at my sets and some of the ones I have had to repaint its either/or insufficient primer or poor quality paint. This needs to be sorted at source at quality control rather than a great after sales offer to help collectors. As the years go by I know of more issues with flaking paint that are coming to light

I heard back from Figarti and they recommend that for those who are having paint problems, please contact Peter Wang at sales@figarti.com.
I've contacted him before and found it no help . One thing with kc if you have a problem they deal with it very well .

I've been thinking about getting one of these. What kind of paint problems are you having...Ron
I just picked up this piece and really like it.

However the side plates came with paint cracking and chipping. Anyone know how to fix this? Or does anyone know anyone that can repaint this for me to look as close as the original paint job?
Here are some pics:

I've been wondering about all those old Figarti DAK PzIVF2 models out there still for sale by dealers. $289 gets you 5 crappy figures & a flaking tank. Hardly collectible, yet I never see any mention of flaking in advertisements. Surely every dealer by now knows of this problem with this model. Even if it is 'unopened & in mint condition', we all know that it is a ticking time bomb.

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