K&C June Dispatches (2 Viewers)

First, on the strictly limited concept, at the Symposium all of the collectors present (as opposed to the dealers) told Andy in no uncertain terms that if it was produced in numbers greater than 1,000, it wasn't really limited. The dealers, on the other hand, wanted far larger numbers, because they felt that they lost a lot of money in sales they could have made on the Grief. Apparently the dealers won out. I personally don't see how 1250 is limited production, when the largest production run on a vehicle was around 2000, and many "unlimited" sets don't see even 1,000 produced.

Now, about the photos of the new releases. I love the vehicles (except for the usual complaints about the wheels and the tracks) and I really love the motorcycle combo. Great stuff!!
The whole issue of what's limited or not is frankly nauseating and it becomes a distraction to the releases themselves. As far as 1,250 being unlimited or not, that's a hard issue to gauge anymore with the growing popularity of King and Country. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of those unlimited sets being produced in higher numbers than they used to be: closer to the 2,000 for the Wittman Tiger than the 1,000 cited by Louis. I believe at the first symposium in 2005, Andy said that he intended to make around 2,000 of the T 34. A couple of years ago the smaller numbers for unlimited items cited would have probably been correct but today I think it's a different story.

As far as the releases go, there we can agree and I find them a bit more exciting than the American releases. Tops on my list for me will be the Assault Gun and the Panzer Mayer vehicle. The other two may have to wait.
jazzeum said:
As far as the releases go, there we can agree and I find them a bit more exciting than the American releases. Tops on my list for me will be the Assault Gun and the Panzer Mayer vehicle. The other two may have to wait.

I agree these are a far more exciting set of releases than the latest D-Day stuff which doesn't appeal to me that much.
It also shows how armour and vehicles improves a line. If only the 8th Army had received better armour support.
At 1250 units and 200 a pop there won't be nearly the rush, if you think otherwise just look at the Greif, at 750 it's been for sale on e-bay none stop since release, no "shortage".

You were one of the guys at the Symposium telling Andy that limited editions have to be limited to 1,000 or less. An item produced in the amount of 1,250 just doesn't seem particularly limited to me when you consider the number of items regularly produced (less than 2,000). This particular item may very well sell out, because it is called a "strictly limited" edition, which will cause the speculators to have a field day, but its just going to end up re-appearing on e-bay within days for sale at double the price by the usual suspects. A strictly limited should be something truly rare and special, and this just doesn't seem to meet that qualification in my mind.
This is cool stuff:

Andy has a winner with this release. Great looking figures once again and the SP looks great. I am a little surprise about the concept of limited run/ special edition considering the size of the production run.

However I have to say, I am more of a WWII accumulator (KC, Conte, Britains, etc.) than a Collector. So the size of the run doesn't bother me much but I bet it bothers others.

Okay Andy you got me hooked how about fortifying the poor allied ranks with more armor, LOL; maybe some SP's or other armor that so many others have mentioned before.

Still this is a great looking production run.

You guys (sure can tell you are lawyers by the way) go ahead and have your piss'n contest over the proper production numbers to associate with "Special and Limited." I personally really don't give a rip. I like'm and I want'em and thats all I care about.

I have already put in my pre-order for all the new K&C WWII Waffen SS and Napoleonics and I already have a plan for a grouping centered around the theme of "command planning."

Andy, keep'em comin. The SPA set looks wonderful.
Louis Badolato said:

You were one of the guys at the Symposium telling Andy that limited editions have to be limited to 1,000 or less. An item produced in the amount of 1,250 just doesn't seem particularly limited to me when you consider the number of items regularly produced (less than 2,000). This particular item may very well sell out, because it is called a "strictly limited" edition, which will cause the speculators to have a field day, but its just going to end up re-appearing on e-bay within days for sale at double the price by the usual suspects. A strictly limited should be something truly rare and special, and this just doesn't seem to meet that qualification in my mind.

Oops, you may be right about that. Guilty, your honor:D Well, there's no way of backtrackin' on this one so maybe I should just shut up :eek: and just say that these are going to be wonderful. I know not everybody might like the set, but the German commanders looks fantastic. That's a set to have.
jazzeum said:
Oops, you may be right about that. Guilty, your honor:D Well, there's no way of backtrackin' on this one so maybe I should just shut up :eek: and just say that these are going to be wonderful. I know not everybody might like the set, but the German commanders looks fantastic. That's a set to have.

Don't count me on the "not everybody" in respect of the German commanders set. It's an awesome set. For a maniac of figures like me, it is a "must to have". And I'm not talking about the sidecar set. Only one word: WOW!

The motorcycle set looks great. The Meyer's command car looks a whole lot like a repainted Greif - which was a KC clunker in my opinion. Not to beat the strictly limited discussion to a pulp, but I think the number should be standardized whatever it is. 500, 750, 1000, 1200 just pick one and stick to it. Also, the individual pieces should be numbered!
The new sets look good ,I particularly like the motorbike and sidecar.
Re the strictly ltd thing [i know it has been beaten to death],the numbers do seem a little on the high side.
But i think that king and country is in a bit of a no win situation their.
It all depends on how many k and c collectors their are i guess, as if the number of collectors has increased its fair enough to allow a few more to have a chance at getting one.
The danger is if you make too many of what should be a special piece
and it doesnt sell out quickly it devalues the whole point of making things ltd Imo [not just the dollar value of the piece but more importantly having something a little special in your collection] , and as others have pointed out it just becomes another normal production run.
Britains made that mistake with their limited editions,

I know where you are coming from but as a main K&C dealer i can assure you that they will sell out quickly even at that number. Do remember that dealers can only have a limited amount of that number. So devide the special run by all the dealers in the world (and not taking into account those that buy direct from K&C HK) and you still end up with a very limited number available.

Andy i think on this occasion has hit the limited number on the nose and all thoughs that want one will get one whilst leving it still very sought after.

Tony Neville
My favourite would be the Commanders Conference as the figures are terrific. The vehicles are good except for my usual complaints about the tracks and motor bike wheels, but hopefully things are on the improve there.

As for the Strictly Limited issue. I can't say I feel to upset about the increase in numbers to 1,250 as it will increase the availability of the set to members in far away places :) I recognise that it makes the SL tag a bit of a nonsense. However let's face it guys, just buy them because you luv em, not for what you may get when you sell them. That way you won't be disappointed :D

And of course the 251 halftrack is larger than Rommel's 250 and the set has three extra figures, so the price increase isn't as bad as it first appears.
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Those are a bunch of nice new sets coming. As for the SL halftrack, I really just want the figures. If somebody out there wants to sell the figures, I am interested. I also noticed the prices have started to rise, I guess it is the fallout from the labor shortage in China mentioned earlier in another thread.
But they still plenty worth their price. The Commander's Conference one is absolutely outbreathing.

At every new release, Mr. Neilson is bringing more and more brilliant military figures.

Peter Reuss said:


I noticed that the Self Propelled gun is a vehicle from the Lehr division, this was actually a Wermacht division NOT an SS DIVISION. So why are some of the crew wearing SS camouflage gear? Did Wermacht troops wear this gear, is this an oversight by K&C or did K&C know this but decided that for aesthetic reasons the set would sell better with camouflage kit on? Maybe Andy could comment?

Yep this type of thing has happened before. Look for some of K&C's SS figures wearing Wehrmacht splinter camo. Also notice the high proportion of SS wearing italian camo.
It's just the K&C style I think. Aesthetics rather than total accuracy.

I just go along with it now because the figures do look so good.
Eazy said:
Yep this type of thing has happened before. Look for some of K&C's SS figures wearing Wehrmacht splinter camo. Also notice the high proportion of SS wearing italian camo.
It's just the K&C style I think. Aesthetics rather than total accuracy.

I just go along with it now because the figures do look so good.

It would be nice once and a while if K&C did Wermacht soldiers where they should be done and not replace them with SS. After all the vehicle is colourful enough and will sell itself regardless without the addition of more SS Camo.
Actually looking closer at the picture. the loader is wearing correct wehrmacht splinter. I can't quite tell what the guy with the headphones is wearing. Binocular guy is wearing italian camo which both wehrmacht and SS wore.
Panzer Lehr soldiers may have served in Italy so it's quite possible they would have worn italian camoflage gear.
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