K&C Size (3 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
I was talking to Bill Seger yesterday and he to noticed the difference in size, and he pointed out that the LAH series is also smaller.which he is right.
He informed me that the new Berlin Germans will be of the larger, recently released sizes.
I too am looking for the winter tiger, winter stug also, and the Arniem ambulance jeep. I have never seen that for sale ANYWHERE.


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Size does matter

I have noticed this in variation throughout the different sets and series.Unfortunately changing sculptures doesn't help either but it would be nice to finally settle on just one size.The Arnhem British are very small compared to other sets and if what is true about them being re-released then thats going to really off-set putting the two together,old and new.I guess we will have to wait to see.
Andy Neilson responds on size

Here is a comment sent in via email from Andy Neilson:
Re the “size” issue – K&C figures do sometimes vary however so do real people in real life. However what I hope is that our quality never falters and keeps improving.
Aye yours,

Andy C. Neilson



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Has anyone measured the heights of all the K&C figures in all of the K&C military series?
It sounds like the Arnhem figures were all 54mm.
The Waffen SS figures probally started at 54mm, then slowly grew to 60mm.
The Battle of Berlin figures will all be 60mm.
I prefer the larger 60mm size, but this means that K&C figures will not display well with 54mm product lines (i.e. Britians).
Is this a correct assessment?
K&C figures and vehicles stand alone. They do not fit with any other line except the new HJB figures and vehicles from Germany.
All of the above is fine with me, if I want to do a large diorama thats what Contes plastic figures and 21st and FOV vehicles are for.
Wow....I found this thread from 2005 (almost 11 years ago!!) and guess what the conversation is???....SCALE!!! :) Andy even commented about some scale being larger then others, but as he also stated so are all of us!!...Sammy
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Forum membership changes; which is why the same questions about figure size and compatabilty keep coming up also new Toy Soldier companies introduce a different size figure; like FL did and off it goes again! New members do not have the knowledge base of older members and learn by asking questions. A way to reduce the number and frequency of these questions is to have a tutorial thread on scale, figure size, compatabilty etc. Isolate the questions to a single thread and only those willing to participate will discuss these issues. Should scale questions pop up on other threads refer the questioner to the Figure Size & Scale thread!
Forum membership changes; which is why the same questions about figure size and compatabilty keep coming up also new Toy Soldier companies introduce a different size figure; like FL did and off it goes again! New members do not have the knowledge base of older members and learn by asking questions. A way to reduce the number and frequency of these questions is to have a tutorial thread on scale, figure size, compatabilty etc. Isolate the questions to a single thread and only those willing to participate will discuss these issues. Should scale questions pop up on other threads refer the questioner to the Figure Size & Scale thread!

If anyone needs a measurement to .0000000000001 of the inch, I will be sure to send them your way :rolleyes2:
For someone banging on about scale, why did you bring this thread up again then Sammy?
For someone banging on about scale, why did you bring this thread up again then Sammy?

When did I bang about scale??? My thoughts were to have a special section for scale issues\questions ect. I found this thread funny/irionic about conversations going on now. Not sure what your issue is with that??
......and don't forget body hair, it seems to come and go as it pleases!{eek3}^&grin

Vanity has finally set in. My hair has turned gray and I couldn't take it anymore so now it's dark again.
Vanity has finally set in. My hair has turned gray and I couldn't take it anymore so now it's dark again.

At least you have hair......all of mine suddenly fell out when Sammy kicked started this thread.....{eek3}:tongue:^&grin

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