K&C Size (1 Viewer)

I feel for ya Brad mate, unfortunately it's one of those age related health things that us old farts can't avoid. It's good to yak about it and even though we're having a laugh, we all know it's a serious matter.

Neil mate, sorry to hear about your Dad, thats awful, I too have cancer in the family as I'm sure quite a few other members do have as well.

Life is short, thats why having fun, being silly and enjoying our hobby is what it's all about.

Cheers Toddy

Neil, I am sorry about your family and I hope Brad's situation isn't serious.

All males are going to get an enlarged prostate as some stage in their life, either from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and/or Cancer. It is a serious matter but you have to make the best of the situation. And I do speak from experience, I've had several operations on mine.
Agreed, it's no laughing matter. In my case I think it's just a touch of prostaitis and hopefully nothing serious.

My thoughts go with you brother, just went thru this myself, went to my regular physical 6 months ago and the blood test showed my PSA went from my standard 2 ish to 4.6, gave me a regime of anti biotics to eliminate other irritations, retested 4.6. Gotta tell it freaked me out abit, never had an broken bone or serious condition, doc ordered a mri, another 2 weeks to think about it, then schedule an appointment. Problem is my dad had prostate cancer and had it removed, it had me thinking I can guarantee you! End story, prostititus, all clear so it doesn't have to always go one way.
In the end Toddy right, life's to short to dwell on the dark side.
I am a believer in a greater power and I believe he sends us messages when we really need them if we listen, in the middle of all this I saw Bridge of Spies, you recall the Russian spy character that Tom Hanks was defending, seemingly untouched by the possibility of execution for his crimes. So Hanks asked him wasn't he worried? And he replied"would it help?" I tell you it was like getting a bucket of cold water thrown on me in the theater, my head cleared and it never got to me through to the end.
If I were you I'd do my best to embrace that thought.
Best wishes to Neil and his father as well,
Forum membership changes; which is why the same questions about figure size and compatabilty keep coming up also new Toy Soldier companies introduce a different size figure; like FL did and off it goes again! New members do not have the knowledge base of older members and learn by asking questions. A way to reduce the number and frequency of these questions is to have a tutorial thread on scale, figure size, compatabilty etc. Isolate the questions to a single thread and only those willing to participate will discuss these issues. Should scale questions pop up on other threads refer the questioner to the Figure Size & Scale thread!

I agree, seems simple enough to me to have a separate section. However it looks like we'll have to do without a size/scale section and the scale questions will just keep coming up in a variety of areas.

I guess some members are still wary about scale discussions as they seemed to fuel a lot of the earlier forum fights in the past. Then it was more like K & C supporters Versus First Legion supporters rather than actual size. The fights being more 'political' rather than about size differences. However most people have decided on what to collect and Treefrog carry most ranges anyway, so not an issue now really. To me scale is just another interest on the forum, like Sport, Movies etc. If you're not interested, don't read the threads, the thread content is pretty obvious in most cases.
Agreed, they were entertaining and we all knew the posts would eventually get deleted, but I also thought it was a timely reminder of just how horrid that particular individual can be and how much trouble he has caused on TF over the years.

I see little has changed.

I'm back!!! :)..had a little time off from the sandbox but well worth it, I find it oh so strange how some despise/criticize this forum at every turn but yet yet seemingly can't stay away??? one thing for sure, I haven't received any nasty grams since yesterday ^&grin...now let's talk scale:):)...Sammy
I'm guessing you got an infraction brother and an enforced vacation. Probably worth it. I saved 'em for posterity.
I'm guessing you got an infraction brother and an enforced vacation. Probably worth it. I saved 'em for posterity.

Worth it??? yea, I followed the forum rules to the tee, I reported the nasty pms, didn't respond to any of them, and moved on, this went on for 3 days, enough was enough, if it meant getting a little dirt on my hands well so be it, peace and quiet have returned to my message board (for the time being I guess) :)...Sammy
No jokes please. I'm seeing that sort of Doctor on Tuesday. I can tell you I'm not looking forward to it. I will try to put the experience behind me ^&grin


The treatment for Prostate Cancer is very advanced today; with a 99% survival rate. I had blood in my urine to the point it looked like red wine; off to the ER. The Urologist checked the Bladder and found nothing! I insisted he do a PSA and a Digital Exam. The PSA was 30. The Digital Exam showed a hard enlarged Prostate. Next step a Biopsy where the test results showed a Gleason number of 8; meaning an aggressive cancer, most Gleason numbers are in the 2-6 range. Surgery was not reccomended at my age; so the options were Androgen Supression and Radiation Therapy. I went through two months of Radiation treatment from 12-15 to 2-16. The Androgen Supression will go on for another year. My Radiation Oncologist and Urologist are very good and have a high confidence level that I will be cured. I have had few side effects from either the Radiation or Androgen therapy. My PSA level is .1% at this time. Having been down this road and having a very agressive cancer; I can honestly say the treatments are advanced and effective. My particular case has a reduced survival rate due to the agressive form of the disease that I have/had. Time will tell the ultimate outcome. One of my favorite sayings is: All Men Die; Some Men Never Live! I have had a long and good life; so whatever happens, happens!


The treatment for Prostate Cancer is very advanced today; with a 99% survival rate. I had blood in my urine to the point it looked like red wine; off to the ER. The Urologist checked the Bladder and found nothing! I insisted he do a PSA and a Digital Exam. The PSA was 30. The Digital Exam showed a hard enlarged Prostate. Next step a Biopsy where the test results showed a Gleason number of 8; meaning an aggressive cancer, most Gleason numbers are in the 2-6 range. Surgery was not reccomended at my age; so the options were Androgen Supression and Radiation Therapy. I went through two months of Radiation treatment from 12-15 to 2-16. The Androgen Supression will go on for another year. My Radiation Oncologist and Urologist are very good and have a high confidence level that I will be cured. I have had few side effects from either the Radiation or Androgen therapy. My PSA level is .1% at this time. Having been down this road and having a very agressive cancer; I can honestly say the treatments are advanced and effective. My particular case has a reduced survival rate due to the agressive form of the disease that I have/had. Time will tell the ultimate outcome. One of my favorite sayings is: All Men Die; Some Men Never Live! I have had a long and good life; so whatever happens, happens!


Thank you Katana very much for sharing this very personal & serious health scare with us!
Katana, that's a terrible thing to go thru, guys aren't used to blood down there, I know it freaked me out.
Katana, thanks for sharing your story but what I, in all likelihood, have is prostaitis, which is inflammation of the prostate, which I've had before and is usually treated with antibiotics but also involves massaging the prostate, the part I'm not looking forward to, as I've had that done before: a minute or so of acute agony.

Katana, thanks for sharing your story but what I, in all likelihood, have is prostaitis, which is inflammation of the prostate, which I've had before and is usually treated with antibiotics but also involves massaging the prostate, the part I'm not looking forward to, as I've had that done before: a minute or so of acute agony.


Brad your doing the right thing getting checked out again , as with my dad for over a year they said it was IBS when in fact in was cancer !
Sammy you and I know your not telling the truth mate but think we've leave it at that :wink2:

An odd comment to make unless you are speaking on behalf of somebody else. Quite a few of the points Sammy made are clearly true (ie. back, sandbox, cant stay away) so your post makes one wonder who regards which exact part as untrue and how you would know:wink2:.
An odd comment to make unless you are speaking on behalf of somebody else. Quite a few of the points Sammy made are clearly true (ie. back, sandbox, cant stay away) so your post makes one wonder who regards which exact part as untrue and how you would know:wink2:.

So, when Andy brings out a German medic conducting a prostrate test - do we want him to be SS or Fallschirmjager?
So, when Andy brings out a German medic conducting a prostrate test - do we want him to be SS or Fallschirmjager?


It is 'say no to drugs', not 'say no to spell check'!


The only comment I want to make is to all and anyone with health concerns, either personal or within the family.

I fought my cancer battle and won, my father in law did this twice, many friends have sadly not been so fortunate. If you have ANY concerns at ANY stage get checked, I was lucky and am thankful each day. A few more weeks left and... Well, it could have been a different story.

My thoughts and prayers will always go to those with health issues, more so these days, and not just physical as mental health should not be ignored either!

Focus on the good, focus on the fun, be nice to people and help people. Appreciate what you have and harness friendship that is offered.ignore the negative and harness the positive. People poke you to get a reaction in their sad life, ignore them and they go away and you give them nothing of value. Aplaud people who make an effort and who are genuine and always think how your words could impact on another.

Right, philosophy time over, time to unpack that vehicle full of stuff from the show yesterday.

Have fun :salute::
Good advice, a lot of men put off having suspect symptoms checked out, not everything is due to increasing age, it could be something serious that can be fixed if treated early enough.

It is 'say no to drugs', not 'say no to spell check'!


Spellcheck can be a double-edged sword. Had a colleague who ran it on a memo, and the Lotus Notes plug-in alerted on "wharehouse." Computer programs don't lie, so John let it do the correction. So it was, that the following missive circulated its way through the organization, "If anyone wants anything from the whorehouse, please let me know.":eek: It makes one wonder how more thoroughly computers can screw mankind.;)


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