K&C Size (1 Viewer)

Sammy is right. There are new collectors, not necessarily on this forum but on chat groups, that ask from time to time about scale. They tend to ask about whether they can mix different brands or same brand (different release dates) as some collectors go for a very specific period or campaign and they just cannot get enough from one brand. Actually it may be good to have a separate thread, not necessarily in this K&C forum, that just detail the scale differences within each brand's series/timeframe, the scale differences between brands, the quality of the sculpt as well as the skill of the paint work.

Recently, I used the search to look up an old thread to show to a relatively new collector of our local chat group the differences in scale as he wanted to mix TG with K&C. That old thread could however do with a fresh update to make it more holistic in researching across brands, as each brand has evolved quite a bit over the years.. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. I think every oldie likes to make fun of the newbie. But, it is the newbies that will enlarge the collector pool and keep this hobby alive. So, let us not get too cocky and embrace the new collectors and their questions. Thanks for reading.

Re: Andy Neilson responds on size

Here is a comment sent in via email from Andy Neilson:
Re the “size” issue – K&C figures do sometimes vary however so do real people in real life. However what I hope is that our quality never falters and keeps improving.
Aye yours,

Andy C. Neilson

Never seen this thread before. Now we know who started the whole debate about 'proper' toy soldier size, it was Andy all along. Shame on you Andy......you're a naughty boy {sm0} ^&grin
Welcome back to ''deletions'! How I have missed thee old friend{sm4}
Those initial comments were rather illuminating. I knew they would be deleted. It's probably best if some things are left private.
The size matter is "OLD NEWS" I don't understand why you bring this up again . It has been discussed over and over since 2005 on several forums. It's boaring;!!!!There are more interesting items to talk about .I never have problems with size . I mix all brands 1/32 with 1/30 and 1/28 scale , you just have to know how to tackle it !!!!!
As I mentioned earlier, comic relief. However, I think he brought it up to show that it's a recurring issue.

That being said, in the early days of this Forum and probably for a few years after that, it didn't brcome the issue it has become and, in my opinion, wasn't a major concern to the people posting here. The first major flare up that I can recall is when some people -- maybe Capitol Ron -- called people who were worried about scale "rivet counters." That was a term Shannon -- bless her soul -- didn't like people to use and when I was a moderator I "encouraged" :wink2: people not to use it.

For me as a collector, it's never been a major issue. Sometimes, I feel like Voltaire when it comes to scale.
old? nobody gets old in this hobby!

We all get old, sick and die,without exception....All this is natural and if we accept this natural fact, the passing of time won' t be scary anymore....To be born means to die, that is why we shouldn' t be so stressed and suffering in our life.:)
No jokes please. I'm seeing that sort of Doctor on Tuesday. I can tell you I'm not looking forward to it. I will try to put the experience behind me ^&grin
Reminds me of my first prostate check-up after I turned Fifty. The Doctor told me I should be having regular prostate checks and to go see the nurse in the next room. She was young and attractive and I thought, well if it's got to be done, there may as well be some upside to it........but she only took some blood {sm4}
Well my dad had prostate cancer for last six years and mate at work had a op this week . Big joke :rolleyes2:
No jokes please. I'm seeing that sort of Doctor on Tuesday. I can tell you I'm not looking forward to it. I will try to put the experience behind me ^&grin

I feel for ya Brad mate, unfortunately it's one of those age related health things that us old farts can't avoid. It's good to yak about it and even though we're having a laugh, we all know it's a serious matter.

Neil mate, sorry to hear about your Dad, thats awful, I too have cancer in the family as I'm sure quite a few other members do have as well.

Life is short, thats why having fun, being silly and enjoying our hobby is what it's all about.

Cheers Toddy
Agreed, it's no laughing matter. In my case I think it's just a touch of prostaitis and hopefully nothing serious.

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