More examples: German - Fritz Beckhardt on a Siemens-Schukert D-3; Vzfw.Meyer on a Fokker D-7 of Jasta 6; a Pfalz D-12 of Jasta 73b; an Albatros D-5 of Jagdstaffel 300 in Palestine. The Allies: Spad 7 of Spa.124 (Lafayette Escadrille), flown by Lufbery, Masson, and at least one other pilot; a Breguet 14A2 of the USAS; RFC 112 Squadron, on Camels (might have been a squadron marking). The swastika just keeps springing up on all sorts of aircraft. In addition, the swastika was used as the official national markings on the post-war aircraft of the Latvian and Finnish air forces. -- AlSince posting this I have discovered that the swastika was more common than I thought as a marking in WW1. I have found further photo evidence of at least 4 more pilots, including Lothar Wieland of Seefrontstaffel 1, and Herman Kunz of Jasta 7, and Paul Billik of Jasta 12, using it as a personal marking. The topper, though, is that a whole Jasta, #23, used it as a unit marking in the summer of 1917, until it was changed in August that year. Still working on Allied use. -- Al