Hi Guys,
Many thanks for your generally positive responses ... As I’ve said elsewhere ...
“You will never please everyone in this hobby” ... However, I honestly believe that most fair-minded collectors would and could see general improvements across a wide range of series that we produce.
Our friend
“REKP” is upset because
“The only K&C series he collects has, ” in his opinion,
“turned into tourist fodder”.
I happen to disagree ... K&C sell most
“Alamo” figures in our San Antonio store to tourists who request a modestly-priced figure (s) as a
memory of Texas and San Antonio. That’s why we produced that limited range of less expensive pieces... as well as our regular
‘RTA’ figures.
His attitude and references to
“Throwaway Ranges” such as
“Robin Hood”, “Pike & Musket” and others only shows his own particular bias to what he personally prefers.
When the time is right we will add to our
“Remember The Alamo” series however
not at this particular time. We are working on other projects old and new and like other companies we have, to some extent, follow what the majority of collectors request ... and alas, there are still only 24 hours in a day.
Best wishes and happy collecting!