King and Country Collector Issue No. 19 (2 Viewers)

I think there is definetly a balance to be struck between your rights as a purchaser/collector to air your opinions and personnel attacks on someone.Whilst i understand that people are free to say whatever they feel its not always the same for fans of K&C.Because many on here don't want to be described as Rabid by people who have issues with K&C,they don't always air their views.Would you accept that does happen Oz?

Sorry i don't want to sound like Tony Blair here,but there must be a middle way.


Hear Hear Rob, very well said.
The anti-Andy Neilson and K&C gang here have had it all their own way over the past couple of months. I'll let a lot of it go because I'm well aware that certain gentlemen come across as boozy old f@rts and I don't want to be responsible for causing them to have an apoplexy. And as well as that, there's others here who seem to have problems with anger-management and come across as needing treatment for the same. But just recently and especially after the latest dispatches its got beyond a joke, with several gentlemen who have their own personal axes to grind popping up with monotonous regularity and having a go at the best miniature figurine manufacturer out there - bar none...!!! And I for one am sick of reading this anti-K&C propaganda every time I log on here.
So to those who are NOT HAPPY, I say sling yer hook and go away - and take your nit-picking moans with you. And if you can't bring yourselves to stop the moaning then don't buy what you don't like - but for god's sake give it a rest. Its like listening to a stuck record.

There now. Feel better after that rant...!!!
One thing for you guys to remember. One of the great things about this place used to be that Andy participated, whether or not you agreed with everything he said. However, a lot of the criticism (and a lot of is nitpicking which a lot of us are tired of) is a guarantee that he won't participate at all. If I were him, why would I bother?

I think you make some fair points. They are putting out a lot of product more than I think is necessary but I think "spewing" is a little strong. I also believe that there have been some product with questions about accuracy but not an endless number you suggest. Also comparing K & C to a purveyor of excretia or just s*it is slightly unfair. Although there are some serious questions about the armored car we should also give Andy a chance to respond.

I think forums are good for discussing these issues as it does keep manufacturers on their toes.

Spewing seemed an apt expression to me, but perhaps a little strong for American tastes. As for the excreta comparison, I wasn't suggesting that K & C are a purveyor of it s*it.

Here's the Wikipedia reference which should explain my intent:
Artist's s*it (Italian: Merda d'artista) is a work of art by the Italian artist Piero Manzoni that was influenced by Marcel Duchamp's readymades.

In May 1961, Manzoni collected his own feces in 90 numbered cans, which contain 30 grams of feces each. He labelled them as '100% pure artist's s*it' in Italian, English, French, and German, and sold them for the price of their weight in gold. Their current estimated value stands at approximately EUR30,500 (US$25,000–35,000). On May 23 2007, an exemplar has been sold for EUR124,000 at Sotheby's.[1]

Like Duchamp's readymades, Artist's s*it questions the meaning of art as both cultural and consumer objects by inviting the viewer to confront a system that venerates cans of **** as works of art.[2]

Some of the cans have exploded or leaked as a result of internal pressure or the corrosion of the metallic parts.
One thing for you guys to remember. One of the great things about this place used to be that Andy participated, whether or not you agreed with everything he said. However, a lot of the criticism (and a lot of is nitpicking which a lot of us are tired of) is a guarantee that he won't participate at all. If I were him, why would I bother?

Yes, why would he bother, it would no doubt just make him look bad. I guess he has decided to keep producing fantasy models and laugh all the way to the bank :rolleyes:
Considering that the people who post on here make up a Tiny percentage of those who buy his products i would not be surprised if he thought 'i've had enough of Treefrog' and not participate anymore.Lets be honest he must have lots of other stuff to do.

Getting back on thread, anyone know when K&C UK club members will be receiving this issue of the collector?

Me Lord Tony of Nevilleshire said Feb Jeff,so could be pretty soon.

Jeff Rob

will be with you by the end of next week begining of following week.(latest)

With over 3500 members now and wanting to ensure a nice meaty mailout it takes some logistics.

Also Vouchers will follow in a seperate mailouot a couple of weeks later

cheers guys

Where's my voucher?:eek: Since I live in America where the dollar is worth half the pound, do I get double vouchers :D
Jeff Rob

will be with you by the end of next week begining of following week.(latest)

With over 3500 members now and wanting to ensure a nice meaty mailout it takes some logistics.

Also Vouchers will follow in a seperate mailouot a couple of weeks later

cheers guys


Thanks Tony.

Where's my voucher?:eek: Since I live in America where the dollar is worth half the pound, do I get double vouchers :D

Hey Brad easy one this.....................No..................not my fault your doller is slipping away..............ohh and imagine when the HK Doller gets detagged from the US doller!!

You will be getting a voucher Brad by the way!

Brad it is based on your spend so i think your around the £10 quid mark!

One suggestion for the collector issue is that Andy might want to drop in some surprises from time to time. Typically all the figures have been announced via the Internet a long time before the CI shows up. I still enjoy the pictures though. It might also be nice if KC released an annual publication with pictures of all the releases from the previous year.
Hi Guys,

Re ‘Combat’s’ suggestion on how to improve and extend ‘COLLECTOR’s’ appeal. Very good ideas… Andy is always interested in additional input for ‘COLLECTOR’. A K&C ‘Annual’ is also something that appeals and could be very useful. We’ll discuss this soon. Many thanks, once more, for these constructive and interesting thoughts.

P.S. Re the Heid’s call for the ‘Lady with the Lamp’… I didn’t know she took part in the ‘Charge of the Light Brigade!’ :D
Hi Guys,

Re ‘Combat’s’ suggestion on how to improve and extend ‘COLLECTOR’s’ appeal. Very good ideas… Andy is always interested in additional input for ‘COLLECTOR’. A K&C ‘Annual’ is also something that appeals and could be very useful. We’ll discuss this soon. Many thanks, once more, for these constructive and interesting thoughts.

P.S. Re the Heid’s call for the ‘Lady with the Lamp’… I didn’t know she took part in the ‘Charge of the Light Brigade!’ :D

She was in a cunning disguise and answered to the name of....."Bob"
One thing for you guys to remember. One of the great things about this place used to be that Andy participated, whether or not you agreed with everything he said. However, a lot of the criticism (and a lot of is nitpicking which a lot of us are tired of) is a guarantee that he won't participate at all. If I were him, why would I bother?

You must be kiddin' Brad.
Although I obviously don't know for sure, in common with myself, I would tend to think that Andy enjoys the verbal cut & thrust here.
Most Scotsmen do......:):):)

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