King and Country Tradegy! (1 Viewer)


Nov 23, 2006
I have had a DD045 Sherman 105mm sitting in a box for 5 or 6 years. I finally sort of have space to put some items on display at my house and I finally took it out of the box.
The night before vacation the wife called us all in to the office to show the kids and I something on the computer and of course the young cat had to join us.

I walk out , a minute later the cat jumps up and the tank is toast! Gun barrell is broken off, treads chewed up and paint chips, etc!

I can repair it but it just won't be the same.

What is your worst mishap?
This is why men shouldn't have cats:D. My worst was when I was moving some dios around and had to put my Scots Greys out on stool whilst I moved the furniture about. I bumped the stool twice thinking its only a matter of time before they all fall. So I went to move them away and as I picked one up, no less than three swords were caught on my shirt as I walked away. What happened next was not pretty...:( The there was the time when my spitfire ''crash landed'':D.
I bet that was a sick sound when you heard the tank fall! I was moving a small display case a very short distance, after having our washing machine go haywire and flood the floor. I just tilted it a little, a door opened, and my Britains 6-horse Union limber set fell to the floor. I ordered another because they were getting extremely hard to get, and it set me back over $200.
I really should proofread. Tragedy!

I also lost a couple rifle tips on some TG paratroopers
No real tragedies on my part but a few annoying paint chips on figures from me being careless!

The time UPS decided not to put the package on the front porch, and decided to put the box at the front of my garage door which was up at the time and when my wife got home at dusk.....I think you can imagine the rest....she drove right up the drive way, which was somewhat steep at that particular house and ran right over the howizter and crew in her lone figure made it....everything else was crushed....Of course I had to buy another one...:D
The time UPS decided not to put the package on the front porch, and decided to put the box at the front of my garage door which was up at the time and when my wife got home at dusk.....I think you can imagine the rest....she drove right up the drive way, which was somewhat steep at that particular house and ran right over the howizter and crew in her lone figure made it....everything else was crushed....Of course I had to buy another one...:D

Of all the disaster stories I think this one takes the cake. I am happy you were able to replace it.
Ive had a few but i have the luxury of a John O"Brien ten minutes from my house,so a tragedy turns into a visit to John,s house check out what he is painting (Which is always interesting) a cold beer or 2.
Had just unloaded a nice new Thomas Gunn set, and was going to put it in my display which is down a flight of stairs and in my office. My 18mo. old wanted to join me, as did my 5 & 7 yr olds. So I picked up the 18mo. old, put the soldiers on top of the TG box. Made it down the stairs, bent down to put down the 18mo. old, and the box tipped and off slid one of the figures. Landed in such a way that the base separated from the figure at the ankles. Made for a very bummed daddy! The ray of sunshine was my 5 yr. old on seeing how disappointed I was, came over and gave me a big hug to cheer me up. Not necessarily a King & Country tragedy, but a tragedy no less. To this day I have no idea why I decided that method of transportation was going to work.
I have had a DD045 Sherman 105mm sitting in a box for 5 or 6 years. I finally sort of have space to put some items on display at my house and I finally took it out of the box.
The night before vacation the wife called us all in to the office to show the kids and I something on the computer and of course the young cat had to join us.

I walk out , a minute later the cat jumps up and the tank is toast! Gun barrell is broken off, treads chewed up and paint chips, etc!

I can repair it but it just won't be the same.

What is your worst mishap?

That wouldn't have been the first time a big cat (Tiger) mauled a Sherman ^&grin. But other than a few chips, nothing too serious. But there have been some near misses.

I have two Cats and if they ever manage to get into my office they like nothing better than to start gnawing on any gun barrel they get the chance to grab. The worst event so far was one of them leaped up and managed to pull down my Figarti winter Panther with her as she came back to earth, luckily enough the Panther being quite sturdy as an armoured fighting vehicle took the action in its stride and no damage apart from a rise in my blood pressure. Since that day they've been banned from going in there, which of course makes the little devils even more determined to get in there!:rolleyes2:

I have no cat but a wife armed with a duster. Dusting and cleaning is her life. One day when I was out she decided my room needed a thorough cleaning ( since -in her eyes- I never do the work properly) Just to cut a long story short .I ended up with two casualties a Jagdpanzer IV that fell into an abyss and ended up with two broken tracks and a German commander who accompanied the panzer in its free fall and ended up in hospital with a broken arm. I am glad to say they all recovered from this adventure with no visual physical damage except for my wife who suffered severe financial damage and is now banned from my office for life .
kc member collecton's 116.jpg
had just bought this jeep.
when, during the cleaning of my closet.
He fell to the ground and then I had a lot of Jeep's.
I have no cat but a wife armed with a duster. Dusting and cleaning is her life. One day when I was out she decided my room needed a thorough cleaning ( since -in her eyes- I never do the work properly) Just to cut a long story short .I ended up with two casualties a Jagdpanzer IV that fell into an abyss and ended up with two broken tracks and a German commander who accompanied the panzer in its free fall and ended up in hospital with a broken arm. I am glad to say they all recovered from this adventure with no visual physical damage except for my wife who suffered severe financial damage and is now banned from my office for life .

Gee Guy, i thought the ending would be that you filed for divorce!! ^&grin

I am glad to say they all recovered from this adventure with no visual physical damage except for my wife who suffered severe financial damage and is now banned from my office for life .


I read that wrong and thought you said; ''I am glad to say they all recovered from this adventure with no visual physical damage except for my wife who suffered severe damage''. I knew you Europeans had short tempers ,but I was going to say that was a little unfair :D
I guess we all screw-up from time to time....My biggest blunder was with one of KC first tigers, Turret number 131, and i cannot even blame the cat....I dont have one!!. No i just simply dropped it..slipped through my fingers..Did not hold it tight enough..scared i might damage it ..
..and boy did i damage it!!...Lots of little pieces on the floor. It was not even useable as a Knock-out Tank. So i just took a deep breath, swept up the pieces, and learned a very valuable lesson....And i still have those two little half figure crewmen to constantly remind me!!!!!.


PS. Please dont anyone mail me over what that tank is now worth!!>>> I DONT WANT TO KNOW.
Today she is only banned from my room, a second similar incident would probably ban her from my bed .
Today she is only banned from my room, a second similar incident would probably ban her from my bed .

This post, without doubt, should be inducted into the Treefrog Hall of Fame! Priceless!
I bet it could be fixed

I guess we all screw-up from time to time....My biggest blunder was with one of KC first tigers, Turret number 131, and i cannot even blame the cat....I dont have one!!. No i just simply dropped it..slipped through my fingers..Did not hold it tight enough..scared i might damage it ..
..and boy did i damage it!!...Lots of little pieces on the floor. It was not even useable as a Knock-out Tank. So i just took a deep breath, swept up the pieces, and learned a very valuable lesson....And i still have those two little half figure crewmen to constantly remind me!!!!!.


PS. Please dont anyone mail me over what that tank is now worth!!>>> I DONT WANT TO KNOW.

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