If you think of the number of products, the text and pictures must go together. Otherwise, could you just say this photo is FJ......number what?
Hi Guys,
Just a question. Once the publishing route was exhausted did you consider building a website that was solely for this information? It would certainly allow for good color photos of the various sets and should have a lot of room for text. You could make it a member site and charge a small fee to use the site IOT off set the cost of maintaining a website. Anyway just a thought.
All the best
Well thanks to the efforts of Tom Dubel, the book has been sent of to a publisher friend of his, who specializes in small runs, for review. We will have to see what the publisher thinks, but the book still has a pulse, albeit slight.
Louis instead of a book what about a thick magazine like the Collector issues for each series. You can have a WS, AK, DD and FJ series magazines. The magazines themselves will become collectibles also.