King & Country book (2 Viewers)


I haven't heard back from Tom's friend since he confirmed receipt of the manuscript. Maybe Tom can get us an update. I don't want to annoy his friend.

I haven't heard back from Tom's friend since he confirmed receipt of the manuscript. Maybe Tom can get us an update. I don't want to annoy his friend.

Uderstandable,Louis, do you have a completed version of the book?? like a hard copy version, and if so maybe you could bring it to the Chicago show and let us see it in person, or mabye put some exerpts on Treefrog, I remember you all put a few pics on awhile back and they were great, anyway I would love to the book.....sammy

Its all on my laptop. I will bring it to the Chicago Show and you can have a look if you like.
I just want to thank fellow treefrogger, 9 time published author, and all around great gentleman Norman Joplin for the assistance he has been giving Hans, Larry, Kevin and myself with the book. He has provided us with some very early flyers and pricelists, has been assisting me in editting and correcting the grammer and spelling, and, most importantly, has turned us on to a possible publishing company. Where there was no hope, now there is a (distant) light at the end of the tunnel . . . let's hope its not a train!:D
I just want to thank fellow treefrogger, 9 time published author, and all around great gentleman Norman Joplin for the assistance he has been giving Hans, Larry, Kevin and myself with the book. He has provided us with some very early flyers and pricelists, has been assisting me in editting and correcting the grammer and spelling, and, most importantly, has turned us on to a possible publishing company. Where there was no hope, now there is a (distant) light at the end of the tunnel . . . let's hope its not a train!:D

Good stuff looks like my suggestion may pan out :)
Ladies and Gentlemen,

After all my hopes had been dashed . . .

After I gave up and turned the project over to Kevin Elliott . . .

After every publisher said it just couldn't be done as one book, it was too expensive, and too big . . .

Kevin, as co-author and editor as well as photographer, divided the text into several volumes, AND . . .

The first volume of the K&C Book, on WWII from the beginning through the original matt Arnhem is now available for sale for $124.95.

The book is 130 pages long, has 235+ photographs, and can be previewed and purchased at the following website:
I just got an email from Kevin and looked at the site and let me tell ya, this looks awesome. I'm about to order a copy. It's going to be a must. The pictures are just incredible.

Congrats to Louis and Kevin and to a trait called perseverence.

Well done authors.

Thanks Brad. This has just been six months work on top of all the work that everyone put in before.

I hope that some of you like it enough to buy, I probably won't do any more on other volumes until I gauge reaction on this. It has been rushed a bit for the NY symposium next week, so please pm or email me if you find errors.
I just ordered it. I hope to have it by the Symposium as I'd like to get it autographed by the authors and Andy.
TD has bought the book, I expect well legible autographs next weekend!!!!!!!!
edit that, I will have to obtain the author signatures at a later date, it takes 5 to 6 days to print, then ships.


You could get the autographs on your hand - and then rub them on the book later - LOL :p

Just ordered.
The price in Sterling is around the £65 mark. I don't think they've noticed that the pound has taken a somewhat rapid nose dive and is now subterrainian and heading towards the colonies.
Hi Louis and Kevin,

Congratulations on the publication of Volume I of your book! I know both of you worked diligently until you finally achieved your goal. Thanks you for all your efforts. I believe your book is a significant contribution to the toy soldier hobby. You have my best wishes for continued success!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
It's great to hear a dreams come true Louis and Kevin and to know that all of the effort by you both made it become a reality .....The Lt.
Congratulations Kevin and Louis.

May you reach the best-seller lists soon!


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