King & Country book (1 Viewer)

Well, I finished proofing the "elite 8" copy that I purchased, and I found a grand total of 5 mistakes, which will all be corrected before the book goes back on line. One was a real potential disaster: on the back cover of the dust jacket we spelled ANDY'S LAST NAME WRONG!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
If it came out as Nielsen, you're going to hear it. I once did that here and he got quite indignant.
I've just received the book and it is quite fantastic. If you're a King & Country collector, this is a must and you will be quite happy. The first volume goes from K & C Glossy to Arnhem Matt, although I think Kevin and Louis have given the scope of this first volume.

The photography is superb as is the written text. Everybody involved with the project is to be congratulated, just for seeing it to fruition.
I received my copy today. Very nicely done. Great photography and text. I've seen pieces listed that I had no idea existed. When does volume two come out ?
I received my shipping confirmation this morning. Looking forward to seeing it. I have to get Andy to sign the spot where his name is misspelled.:D
Received "the book" today.wonderful pictures and text.Hope to collect a few autographs at Louis's symposium tomorrow.
I've just had a look at the link - well - just an unbelivable amount of work must have gone into this! Congratulations all round. Would you have a copy at the London show at the end of this month to have a closer look at?


This volume covers WWII products from 1989 (when the first WWII set was released) to 1998, as well as the second Arnhem release in 2000.

Last night at the Symposium, Andy Neilson saw the book for the first time. One of the proudest momments I ever had was when, after spending a considerable amount of time looking through it, he looked up at me and said "I wish I had done this.":cool::cool:
So now that its back up I assume its available to order?

Yes it is.

The book covers the WW2 glossy soldiers to the transition to 1/30 matt figues, from 1989 to 1998 and slightly beyond so we could include the second Arnhem series.

It also has many vehicles - including many very rare or unique pieces - tanks and some mahogany aircraft from that period. About 150 pages and well over 200 photos.

Best wishes
What volume will have the Streets of Old Hong Kong?:confused:


Good question. I have a bank of photos from Larry allowing me to shoot his comprehensive collection, plus Louis' super collection - the 'problem' is that these were shot indoors in poor light, so the photos are indicative of the pieces but not to the same kind of standard of the first book, in my opinion.

I should probably try to re-shoot the series before publishing. Other volumes will be easier to complete first because I have a good bank of photos, unless we do a second shoot.

The main barrier to doing all this is the 'day job'. I have been allowed to spend some time chez Louis in a few weeks, so we can discuss then. I had hoped to finish the warbirds book then as I have most of the photos for that and if we have time, another volume as well, or at least make progress on it.
This volume covers WWII products from 1989 (when the first WWII set was released) to 1998, as well as the second Arnhem release in 2000.

Last night at the Symposium, Andy Neilson saw the book for the first time. One of the proudest momments I ever had was when, after spending a considerable amount of time looking through it, he looked up at me and said "I wish I had done this.":cool::cool:


Just noticed this, this is a relief - unless Andy means OMG I should have done it!

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