King & Country book (3 Viewers)

Yes, Warbirds are getting their own volume, mosly photographs of about 100 different Warbirds from the first (1989) to the most recent.
Pouring rain here. My guess is that the Warbirds are grounded:(..Michael

Yeah . . . today we will work on formatting, and choosing from the photos we have already taken (two summers ago and last year). I'm sure we will find an excuse to do part of it over lunch at Bryant & Cooper;):D
Kevin and I are busting our butts here . . . we had a couple of hours of sunshine yesterday afternoon, moved out a display and shot a couple of hundred photos. During the rainy times and at night we have been inserting the photos into the text of Volume III on Glossy K&C production from 1984 through 1996. The book is 90% done thanks to Kevin's hard work over the past few months (80%) and our work over the past 3 days, and weather permitting, we hope to shoot the last 50 or so subjects tomorrow.

Then its on to shooting the remaining warbirds for Volume II!

Don't forget to check his spelling, you know what he's like. Neil C Andyson wouldn't be amused a second time. ;)

Kevin says "Yes he would!!"

Don't worry, I checked his spelling and caught him spelling your name as "the artiste formerly nown as Prinz", but corrected it.......
Kevin says "Yes he would!!"

Don't worry, I checked his spelling and caught him spelling your name as "the artiste formerly nown as Prinz", but corrected it.......

Ahhh, my name in a K&C book.
I'm guessing that will be in the Warbirds volume, straight after the text:

'K&C Collectors who'll never own own one'
Ahhh, my name in a K&C book.
I'm guessing that will be in the Warbirds volume, straight after the text:

'K&C Collectors who'll never own own one'

Simon, not Louis here.

We thought we might put you forward for the DCM. No, not that DCM, the diliatory collecting medal.

As a result, you are allowed to go on ebay for retired items "for free"...........
Simon, not Louis here.

We thought we might put you forward for the DCM. No, not that DCM, the diliatory collecting medal.

As a result, you are allowed to go on ebay for retired items "for free"...........

Why, thankyou kind sir! Tis a most valient and generous gesture.
Now, if you'd b so good as to pm me your Paypal details and password, a shopping I will go. ;)
Why, thankyou kind sir! Tis a most valient and generous gesture.
Now, if you'd b so good as to pm me your Paypal details and password, a shopping I will go. ;)

Not Louis here,

I say old chap, you seem to be missing the point, you can go on ebay for free.....:confused:
News on the work being done on additional K&C books:

Volume IV of the book, on K&C's treatment of Modern Wars (Vietnam, the Gulf War, and Iraq/Afghanistan), is in the proof reading stage and will be finished any day now. This volume will be on sale for substantially less than the first Volume (we expect less than half). This volume is smaller than coffee table size (11 inches by 9 inches as opposed to 13 inches by 11 inches), and will be available in the buyers choice of soft (even cheaper) or hard cover.

Volume III, on the Glossy Figures from 1984 through 1996, is about 98% finished, with a day's shooting in Larry's collection needed to fill in the last couple of gaps.

Volume II, on the Warbirds, will be being shot extensively over the weekend and into next week. With cooperation from a few friends, we should have photographs of virtually all of the recent warbirds, and more than 70 of the original warbirds.

The warbirds and the glossy volumes are already bigger than the original volume in number of pages and photographs. We can make eac of these two volumes available as a single book using regular (not premium) paper for approximately the cost of the original volume, or we can use premium paper, but would have to split these volumes into two separate parts, each costing a similar amount as the first volume. Any imput on which version those of you with interest would prefer?
For your information, those interested in ordering the book should price the book in British Pounds (63.75), which, due to the vageries of the exchange rates, makes the book available for approximately $100 U.S., a nearly $30 discount!!!:cool:;)
Great news Louis and Not Louis, good to see you've not been slacking! Look forward to picking up the new releases. Particularly glad to hear about volume 4. Just wish that K&C would add to the range to make a full cost volume.

Cheers guys
News on the work being done on additional K&C books:

Volume IV of the book, on K&C's treatment of Modern Wars (Vietnam, the Gulf War, and Iraq/Afghanistan), is in the proof reading stage and will be finished any day now. This volume will be on sale for substantially less than the first Volume (we expect less than half). This volume is smaller than coffee table size (11 inches by 9 inches as opposed to 13 inches by 11 inches), and will be available in the buyers choice of soft (even cheaper) or hard cover.

Volume III, on the Glossy Figures from 1984 through 1996, is about 98% finished, with a day's shooting in Larry's collection needed to fill in the last couple of gaps.

Volume II, on the Warbirds, will be being shot extensively over the weekend and into next week. With cooperation from a few friends, we should have photographs of virtually all of the recent warbirds, and more than 70 of the original warbirds.

The warbirds and the glossy volumes are already bigger than the original volume in number of pages and photographs. We can make eac of these two volumes available as a single book using regular (not premium) paper for approximately the cost of the original volume, or we can use premium paper, but would have to split these volumes into two separate parts, each costing a similar amount as the first volume. Any imput on which version those of you with interest would prefer?

I would vote for regular paper.
I would vote for regular paper.

Much as though the premium paper would be nice, I'd have to agree with Brad, otherwise you will end up with multiple volumes of volumes and a lot of money needing to be spent.

Can i price it in pounds for delivery to canada, or does it have the be in $us. Think it might be cheaper with our $ to pounds.

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