KING & COUNTRY Dispatches -- January 2018 (4 Viewers)

Hi Randy,
I truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for our/your Marines and I am going to incorporate some of your ideas and suggestions in future releases...

Now here's a big question for yourself and other 'Leatherneck' collectors...Would you be willing to pay a bit more if K&C released a 'Special Edition' of some, not all, of our Marines in Camouflage BDU's..???

Let's have your thoughts...
All the best,

Hi Andy

Yes, I'd like to see a few special edition Marines in Camouflage.

I've done my best to copy the WW2 Marine Camouflage pattern uniforms on a few of my USMC figures,here's two photos of same Marines creeping up on Jap tank scene with my interpretation of Marines with and without camouflage uniforms.

Hi Randy,
I truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for our/your Marines and I am going to incorporate some of your ideas and suggestions in future releases...

Now here's a big question for yourself and other 'Leatherneck' collectors...Would you be willing to pay a bit more if K&C released a 'Special Edition' of some, not all, of our Marines in Camouflage BDU's..???

Let's have your thoughts...
All the best,

A few Marines in Camouflage BDUs: big yes for me Andy!👍

Harrie 🇳🇱
Hi Randy,
I truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for our/your Marines and I am going to incorporate some of your ideas and suggestions in future releases...

Now here's a big question for yourself and other 'Leatherneck' collectors...Would you be willing to pay a bit more if K&C released a 'Special Edition' of some, not all, of our Marines in Camouflage BDU's..???

Let's have your thoughts...
All the best,

Hi Andy

I completely agree with the others mates! {eek3}. I'd like to see a special edition Marines in camouflage, too! :rolleyes:

Best regards

Enrico :salute::
Hi Randy,
I truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for our/your Marines and I am going to incorporate some of your ideas and suggestions in future releases...

Now here's a big question for yourself and other 'Leatherneck' collectors...Would you be willing to pay a bit more if K&C released a 'Special Edition' of some, not all, of our Marines in Camouflage BDU's..???

Let's have your thoughts...
All the best,

Andy: Uncle Sam's Misguided Children called them "frogskins" back then..."cammies" in the '60's and 70's, and BDU's in the 80's and 90's. MARPAT is the current uniform.

The great thing about doing frogskins is that the Army's pattern is almost identical, thus making it easy to accommodate my desire for 6th Rangers and/or Alamo Scouts....and I would gladly pay a bit more to see the suggestion turn into reality!

Hi Andy

Yes, I'd like to see a few special edition Marines in Camouflage.

I've done my best to copy the WW2 Marine Camouflage pattern uniforms on a few of my USMC figures,here's two photos of same Marines creeping up on Jap tank scene with my interpretation of Marines with and without camouflage uniforms.

View attachment 225168View attachment 225169

Those are VERY WELL DONE Steve. :salute:: Chris
Very happy to see Ramcke brigade Fallschirmjager.

Great figures. I especially like the Comms officer.

Just a question about the helmets: Did the Ramcke brigade have the traditional swooping eagle on the side of the helmet?
Those are VERY WELL DONE Steve. :salute:: Chris

Thanks Chris !{sm4}

Forgot to note along with the photos that the Camouflage kit was reversible, the Browns and Khaki type that K&C are doing now on the helmet covers and the more mixed green and brown one I chose to depict.

I wonder whether K&C would stick with the brownish one or do a mix or even do both !? I guess Andy would want to see what collectors will want. I'd go for the More green type myself.

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Thanks Chris !{sm4}

Forgot to note along with the photos that the Camouflage kit was reversible, the Browns and Khaki type that K&C are doing now on the helmet covers and the more mixed green and brown one I chose to depict.

I wonder whether K&C would stick with the brownish one or do a mix or even do both !? I guess Andy would want to see what collectors will want. I'd go for the More green type myself.


Great work Steve and many thanks to all of you guys for your feedback...

Personally speaking I prefer 'brownish' hue... and a bit more 'faded'...Also I might 'Mix'n'Match' ...Camo coat and helmet cover...OD can also do the reverse with the pants in Camo and the coat in OD...Helmet covers remain same....

Plus, of course,a few guys with the full set.
Let's experiment..!
All the best,
Hi Randy,
I truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for our/your Marines and I am going to incorporate some of your ideas and suggestions in future releases...

Now here's a big question for yourself and other 'Leatherneck' collectors...Would you be willing to pay a bit more if K&C released a 'Special Edition' of some, not all, of our Marines in Camouflage BDU's..???

Let's have your thoughts...
All the best,

Andy,I would not mind a MODEST price increase for a little more detail.Check with your PTO customers first.

Getting back to pose ideas.....KIAs/WIAs..we tend to think of warfare (especially in this hobby )as antiseptically clean.
Implied blood,death,dismemberment are inducement to collect combat poses/vehicles.I have piles of KIA USMC &
Japanese as testament to the stark brutality of combat in this theater.
I would not shy away from such poses here if perhaps other collectors indeed warranted same.
Dead/dying/WIA Marines here might start with these 'selected'targets....Officers/Corpsmen/Flames/BARs/
Bazookas/.30 1919 MG teams/Bangalores/NCOs/RTOs(usually Officers as well here) in varied states of demise.
The Japs hated Marines ..oh yes..but REALLY hated our tanks(envy?)..Jap poses could include..magnetic mine by suicide(
why Marines put wood sideboards on AFVs),pole charges..suicide weapon as well, satchel charge to toss on rear deck of tank(or underneath)
(heavily sandbagged)..No M2 on turret(have seen a few with however)..Penny nails/chicken wire on all hatch covers.
I digress.....Casualty poses are very unique(Conte put out some incredible poses in metal & plastic) and personal.
Another field of endeavour,Andy,albeit again,a tad more wallet-tapping than the standard lot.I would be a customer here.

I appreciate K&C going back to the Pacific.....More Marines(& Japs) at fixed bayonet!!

Take care & Good luck in '18!
Andy,I would not mind a MODEST price increase for a little more detail.Check with your PTO customers first.

Getting back to pose ideas.....KIAs/WIAs..we tend to think of warfare (especially in this hobby )as antiseptically clean.
Implied blood,death,dismemberment are inducement to collect combat poses/vehicles.I have piles of KIA USMC &
Japanese as testament to the stark brutality of combat in this theater.
I would not shy away from such poses here if perhaps other collectors indeed warranted same.
Dead/dying/WIA Marines here might start with these 'selected'targets....Officers/Corpsmen/Flames/BARs/
Bazookas/.30 1919 MG teams/Bangalores/NCOs/RTOs(usually Officers as well here) in varied states of demise.
The Japs hated Marines ..oh yes..but REALLY hated our tanks(envy?)..Jap poses could include..magnetic mine by suicide(
why Marines put wood sideboards on AFVs),pole charges..suicide weapon as well, satchel charge to toss on rear deck of tank(or underneath)
(heavily sandbagged)..No M2 on turret(have seen a few with however)..Penny nails/chicken wire on all hatch covers.
I digress.....Casualty poses are very unique(Conte put out some incredible poses in metal & plastic) and personal.
Another field of endeavour,Andy,albeit again,a tad more wallet-tapping than the standard lot.I would be a customer here.

I appreciate K&C going back to the Pacific.....More Marines(& Japs) at fixed bayonet!!

Oh,one more addendum to full camo BDUs...Tarawa for sure and throughout the remainder of the War,Marine Divisional
Recon Units were issued same.

Take care,Andy & Good luck in '18!

Great work Steve and many thanks to all of you guys for your feedback...

Personally speaking I prefer 'brownish' hue... and a bit more 'faded'...Also I might 'Mix'n'Match' ...Camo coat and helmet cover...OD can also do the reverse with the pants in Camo and the coat in OD...Helmet covers remain same....

Plus, of course,a few guys with the full set.
Let's experiment..!
All the best,

Thanks Andy.
Sounds good and keep everyone happy hopefully !

Thanks Chris !{sm4}

Forgot to note along with the photos that the Camouflage kit was reversible, the Browns and Khaki type that K&C are doing now on the helmet covers and the more mixed green and brown one I chose to depict.

I wonder whether K&C would stick with the brownish one or do a mix or even do both !? I guess Andy would want to see what collectors will want. I'd go for the More green type myself.


Frogskins were reversible... Army HBT Camo was not, though the inside coloring was very similar.

I remember reading a few years ago that the US Army Rangers did get issued camouflage kit to start with in fighting in Europe, but it was withdrawn as they were being mistaken for Germans because of the Camo kit being wore, though obviously of a different pattern.
You'd not want to make a mistake in the split second you might have to identify friend or foe, hence it being withdrawn for use in Europe.

Now here's a big question for yourself and other 'Leatherneck' collectors...Would you be willing to pay a bit more if K&C released a 'Special Edition' of some, not all, of our Marines in Camouflage BDU's..???

Let's have your thoughts...
All the best,

Good Evening Andy .... Absolute, I would purchase a "Special Edition" set of the USMC figures. The Camouflage BDU's are not any big issue with me, but if the special sets had the camouflage, additional gear or some unique addition ... that would be a wonderful addition.

--- LaRRy
I remember reading a few years ago that the US Army Rangers did get issued camouflage kit to start with in fighting in Europe, but it was withdrawn as they were being mistaken for Germans because of the Camo kit being wore, though obviously of a different pattern.
You'd not want to make a mistake in the split second you might have to identify friend or foe, hence it being withdrawn for use in Europe.


I understand camo uniforms were issued around the time of Operation Cobra, as you say, in the heat of battle they were often mistaken for German camo resulting in more than the usual 'friendly fire' situations.
I understand camo uniforms were issued around the time of Operation Cobra, as you say, in the heat of battle they were often mistaken for German camo resulting in more than the usual 'friendly fire' situations.

That's the simple answer. Climatically, the camouflage garments didn't work in Europe's cities and towns, and the 1943 Pattern uniform was designed and optimized for cold/wet environments and to replace multiple pieces at the same time when it was fielded. The camouflage herringbone-twill was lousy at repelling water, or keeping in heat. It was an outer uniform item, but not meant to be a smock. Outfitting one unit in the ETO was more of an experiment than anything else.
That's the simple answer. Climatically, the camouflage garments didn't work in Europe's cities and towns, and the 1943 Pattern uniform was designed and optimized for cold/wet environments and to replace multiple pieces at the same time when it was fielded. The camouflage herringbone-twill was lousy at repelling water, or keeping in heat. It was an outer uniform item, but not meant to be a smock. Outfitting one unit in the ETO was more of an experiment than anything else.

May be simple but being mistaken for the enemy seems a pretty good reason to change from camo uniforms to me. BTW, the camo uniforms were issued to several units in the ETO including those in the 2nd Armoured Division, 2nd Infantry Division and 30th Infantry Division. Understandable that Vegetation patterned cams were less than useful in urban areas.
May be simple but being mistaken for the enemy seems a pretty good reason to change from camo uniforms to me. BTW, the camo uniforms were issued to several units in the ETO including those in the 2nd Armoured Division, 2nd Infantry Division and 30th Infantry Division. Understandable that Vegetation patterned cams were less than useful in urban areas.

Interesting that Paratroopers that wore different uniforms from the rest of the Army and even camouflaged theirs with spray paint didn't have the same problems with recognition/friendly fire... Suffice to say they were not popular with forces in the ETO for various reasons.
Interesting that Paratroopers that wore different uniforms from the rest of the Army and even camouflaged theirs with spray paint didn't have the same problems with recognition/friendly fire... Suffice to say they were not popular with forces in the ETO for various reasons.

Maybe Paratroopers were less likely to have friendly fire problems because they were better trained and were more often deployed in isolated areas, away from regular troops.
Maybe Paratroopers were less likely to have friendly fire problems because they were better trained and were more often deployed in isolated areas, away from regular troops.

...Anzio was great example of that. And the times linkups happened with troops coming from the invasion beaches.

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