King & Country -- May Dispatches (1 Viewer)

One of the least inspired monthly dispatches in my opinion in a long time. It seemed like hodgepodge of fringe ideas. The nice thing about monthly dispatches is there is another one next month. Disappointed this month but you should never count Andy out.. .Looking forward to next month
It's all what you like. For me, this is one of the best ever.
It's all what you like. For me, this is one of the best ever.

Thank Goodness that each month is a different set of releases that (may | may not ) appeal to a collector.

If every month I got all my wants and wishes, later I wouldn't be able to afford a box of cereal. {sm2}
Of course, I suspect that George might be a happy camper. {sm4}

This month Doug will be coming to Maine!

--- LaRRy
Big thumbs up for the release of the British tank crew (not what I'd exactly describe as "Fringe"), also to the new Israeli/Six-day war range. Nice to see new periods and subjects being explored.
I'm in for a couple of the Turkish field pieces, once the gunners are released. :wink2: Chris
I wish K&C would produce more German civilians without Nazi armbands. They would be more versatile and appeal to more collectors who would prefer to not repaint.

In that period in time if you weren't in the NDSP you were ridiculed and ostracized. At those big rallies everyone was a Nazi. Too bad Andy couldn't make little armbands that one could remove. But re-painting is always an option.
I particularly like IDF008, and Dayan...but where this series is heading? We'll see arab armies?
The IDF pieces look incredible, I can't wait to see them.

I hope they arrive before the Texas show.
First time that I'll venture out of WWII ranges.... I'm all in for the IDF!!!
One of the least inspired monthly dispatches in my opinion in a long time. It seemed like hodgepodge of fringe ideas. The nice thing about monthly dispatches is there is another one next month. Disappointed this month but you should never count Andy out.. .Looking forward to next month

Forgive me in advance for replying to this comment but, in all fairness, I think it deserves a response...
According to 'Zulucollector',"This is one of the least inspired monthly dispatches in a long time" and "It seemed like a hodgepodge of fringe ideas."
Do you my friend know, care or understand just how much time, thought and effort by a whole team of people goes into every single month's "Dispatches"..?
While everyone has an opinion on everything...Is it fair to dismisss a broad and inclusive and, I truly believe, original collection of figure ideas such as 'The Six-Day War'...'The Robin Hood Additions'...'The Dismounted British Tank Crew'...'The Berlin '38 add-ons '...'The WW2 Civilians'...and much more...with just a casual and flippant dismissal???
NO OTHER company in this hobby designs and produces the broad range and variety of figures, vehicles, aircraft and accessories than K&C and on a regular monthly basis...month after month...year in year out.
Obviously, we cannot please every collector out there and all of us know that is impossible anyway BUT to have one's work of so many months so casually dismissed is simply unfair and unnecessary!
Best wishes and happy collecting!
Got to love poking the bear ...never fails to elicit a response . Never known anyone get so defensive so quickly over comments .
I'm really impressed w/ the IDF figures. In particular I think the poses and facial sculpts are fantastic and the best I've seen in a long time. The weapons look to be nicely scaled as well, skin tones look good, etc. The tank looks great too. I look forward to seeing the figures in person. I like how K & C made a female IDF soldier too. If K & C can continue to create figures of this quality for $35 I think they are going to find themselves very busy in the shipping dept! It has the potential to be a game changer if the prices do not abruptly escalate.

I'm really impressed w/ the IDF figures. In particular I think the poses and facial sculpts are fantastic and the best I've seen in a long time. The weapons look to be nicely scaled as well, skin tones look good, etc. The tank looks great too. I look forward to seeing the figures in person. I like how K & C made a female IDF soldier too. If K & C can continue to create figures of this quality for $35 I think they are going to find themselves very busy in the shipping dept! It has the potential to be a game changer if the prices do not abruptly escalate.


Many thanks Joe...your kind words are appreciated!
Early next week I go up to our Sculpting Studio in China to see the 'next instalment' ...Can't wait to see what the lads have produced from my designs!!!
Best wishes and happy collecting, Andy.
As, obviously, I am going to need more than one tank, does anyone know about these batallions?

The marking is Aleph 2...would other tanks in the same group have that same marking or would the letter change or the number?
Basically is aleph the group marking and 2 the specific tank, or vice-a-versa and the two is the unit and the letter would change.

(and do I trust myself to do the repaint??? {sm3}).....

Sorry - just answered my own question...will put the answer in a new thread so as not to clog this one with Tank minutia

Hi Zach, Some info for you :

Tank-Battalion: rings on the gun
Tank-Company: chevrons in different directions
Platoon: number
vehicle in platoon: hebrew letter

Since Tanks operate "most" of the time together as a Platoon changing the Hebrew letter would do the trick !

Got to love poking the bear ...never fails to elicit a response . Never known anyone get so defensive so quickly over comments .

Happy to hear you love 'Poking the bear!'... And what's so wrong about defending our work..?
Many thanks Joe...your kind words are appreciated!
Early next week I go up to our Sculpting Studio in China to see the 'next instalment' ...Can't wait to see what the lads have produced from my designs!!!
Best wishes and happy collecting, Andy.

This is exciting news indeed; the sculpting of the whole IDF lot is exceptional!

Many thanks Joe...your kind words are appreciated!
Early next week I go up to our Sculpting Studio in China to see the 'next instalment' ...Can't wait to see what the lads have produced from my designs!!!
Best wishes and happy collecting, Andy.

Success and talent really seems to bother some people... keep'em comming Andy, all the magnificent ranges your company produces, the bottom line is that nobody does it better!!:salute:::wink2:
Hi All,

For those that are interested, here is an explanation of the Israeli tank markings.



  • IDF-S02.jpg
    103 KB · Views: 263
Very excited about the new 1967 Israeli/Arab War series. Of course I want to see some Arab/Egyptian opposition and more tanks and vehicles!

One comment, with all due respect to K&C's great work, the Israeli female soldier could have been better looking!
I spent a summer in Israel in 1970 working on a Kibbutz and the Israeli army girls were gorgeous. LOL

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