One of the least inspired monthly dispatches in my opinion in a long time. It seemed like hodgepodge of fringe ideas. The nice thing about monthly dispatches is there is another one next month. Disappointed this month but you should never count Andy out.. .Looking forward to next month
Forgive me in advance for replying to this comment but, in all fairness, I think it deserves a response...
According to 'Zulucollector',"This is one of the least inspired monthly dispatches in a long time" and "It seemed like a hodgepodge of fringe ideas."
Do you my friend know, care or understand just how much time, thought and effort by a whole team of people goes into every single month's "Dispatches"..?
While everyone has an opinion on everything...Is it fair to dismisss a broad and inclusive and, I truly believe, original collection of figure ideas such as 'The Six-Day War'...'The Robin Hood Additions'...'The Dismounted British Tank Crew'...'The Berlin '38 add-ons '...'The WW2 Civilians'...and much more...with just a casual and flippant dismissal???
NO OTHER company in this hobby designs and produces the broad range and variety of figures, vehicles, aircraft and accessories than K&C and on a regular monthly basis...month after month...year in year out.
Obviously, we cannot please every collector out there and all of us know that is impossible anyway BUT to have one's work of so many months so casually dismissed is simply unfair and unnecessary!
Best wishes and happy collecting!