Wayne, I have both the vehicles that Robin posted pics of, and they both look great with the current crop of figures from KC or CS. Actually, the CS newer Tiger I's (like the pictured 007 and later models), are bigger than previous Tiger I's in the hobby from KC or the earlier CS version. This extra size was deliberate on the part of CS to ensure that the vehicles would look properly large next to the figures. The new CS Tigers are the first to look properly sized next to the figures from KC and CS, which, as has been discussed endlessly, are actually 1/28 scale, not the 1/30 scale of vehicles. As you can see from Robin's photos, the figures can stand next to the tanks and actually not be taller than the tank decks, which they are on the industries earlier Tiger models. CS has done a good job by correcting the tank size, even if it does skew listed scales. -- Al