Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Via a March telephone call from John, he is working very hard of on more aircraft for we WW1 aircraft addicts. Not at liberty to ID the aircraft, but in addition to the Maachi in the recent news update, John is working on a revamp of an earlier model, and 2 other new iconic aircraft. I was quite impressed by the choices and I'm sure they will be big hits. -- Al
Just as further info, all the aircraft John mentioned are Allied aircraft. No mention of German or A-H aircraft. -- AlSorry I haven't updated in a while. Via a March telephone call from John, he is working very hard of on more aircraft for we WW1 aircraft addicts. Not at liberty to ID the aircraft, but in addition to the Maachi in the recent news update, John is working on a revamp of an earlier model, and 2 other new iconic aircraft. I was quite impressed by the choices and I'm sure they will be big hits. -- Al
The Brown Camel is the revamp that was mentioned. -- AlSorry I haven't updated in a while. Via a March telephone call from John, he is working very hard of on more aircraft for we WW1 aircraft addicts. Not at liberty to ID the aircraft, but in addition to the Maachi in the recent news update, John is working on a revamp of an earlier model, and 2 other new iconic aircraft. I was quite impressed by the choices and I'm sure they will be big hits. -- Al
Very interesting. Always been fascinated by Nungesser and his exploits in WW1. His attempted crossing is all but forgotten today, so it is gratifying to see the story resurface. -- AlThere was a television show on last night searching for the L'Oiseay Blanc or "The White Bird" bi-plane that went missing while attempting a transatlantic crossing from Paris to NYC just weeks before Lindbergh. A few witnesses indicated that they may have made it to Canada before disappearing. The LOB would make a nice addition to John's line of famous planes:
Has the Missing Plane L’Oiseau Blanc, the White Bird, Been Found? (
Checked my notes and the Camel was not the only revamp of an earlier Allied aircraft that John mentioned, so another is planned. I believe this puts 2 new and 1 revamp of Allied aircraft in the pipeline, but that info is a few months old at this point. -- AlThe Brown Camel is the revamp that was mentioned. -- Al
Gebhard, as mentioned a while back, I have no news on German or A/H aircraft. John did mention certain Allied aircraft, a revamp and a new plane, but this is old news now and we are still waiting for these. John has a very crowded schedule and finding room for new stuff must be very challenging. I would love to see a Pfalz D-III or IIIa, though I doubt if Bruno Stachel would. -- AlI will be happy to see any new WWI production planes being released but unfortunately, I don't have the space or money to collect everything and have to remain focused on the Imperial German releases. I really hope to see something new sometime soon, I would hate to see this line die out.
Gebhard, as mentioned a while back, I have no news on German or A/H aircraft. John did mention certain Allied aircraft, a revamp and a new plane, but this is old news now and we are still waiting for these. John has a very crowded schedule and finding room for new stuff must be very challenging. I would love to see a Pfalz D-III or IIIa, though I doubt if Bruno Stachel would. -- Al
Gebhard, as mentioned a while back, I have no news on German or A/H aircraft. John did mention certain Allied aircraft, a revamp and a new plane, but this is old news now and we are still waiting for these. John has a very crowded schedule and finding room for new stuff must be very challenging. I would love to see a Pfalz D-III or IIIa, though I doubt if Bruno Stachel would. -- Al
Had forgotten this was in the pipeline. It sure is a beauty. There is another new release in the pipeline, as well, and is also an Allied aircraft and will be well worth the wait for we WW1 aircraft enthusiasts as it is iconic, both the aircraft and pilot. -- AlBack in April 2022, John announced he would be releasing a Macchi M.5 seaplane as part of the KOTS line. It was supposed to come sometime in the summer of 2022. I’m guessing it’s been delayed…
Was absolutely thrilled to see this in today's releases. It is a gorgeous aircraft. Unfortunately for me, it is listed at $388, WAY out of my current budget allowances. I understand the need for price increases, what with all that has occurred over the last couple of years, so I hold only disappointment that I cannot afford this beauty. Honestly, I'm basically priced out of this hobby at this point, but I do love to look at all the beautiful stuff that John and the other makers are putting out. I can only wonder in horror what the JJD DH-2 would cost to produce, new, at today's price point. This is one fantastic looking seaplane. -- AlBack in April 2022, John announced he would be releasing a Macchi M.5 seaplane as part of the KOTS line. It was supposed to come sometime in the summer of 2022. I’m guessing it’s been delayed…