Anyone get the Macchi seaplane yet and opinions of it? It sure looks good. -- Al
Tristan Shamp (tmanthegreat) has posted some beautiful photos of his new Macchi on the JJD Collectors FB group. Truly an exquisite looking model, especially as displayed by Tristan. He also posted the same photos on this forum -
Anyone get the Macchi seaplane yet and opinions of it? It sure looks good. -- Al
Many thanks for posting the excellent pictures, Tristan. It really is a beautiful model with loads of detail visible. You also display it so well. Very impressive. -- AlThanks Mike
Lancer, as Mike noted, I got a Macchi M.5 and it is a superb and highly detailed model with a very intricate design. The history behind the particular aircraft the model represents with its connections to the early days of US Naval aviation makes it a neat predecessor to John’s Interwar and WWII US Navy aircraft! Here’s the pics of my setup using the Thomas Gunn display mat with some of John’s WWI US pilots.
I also did an alternate setup with W. Britains figures, and I kind of like them better…
Many thanks for posting the excellent pictures, Tristan. It really is a beautiful model with loads of detail visible. You also display it so well. Very impressive. -- Al
egonzinc, in my display with the JJD figures, the specific sets are:Nice images! Can never get enough pilots too! Which is the non-Rickenbacker pilot on the second set up. You mentioned Britains, but I can't identify the figure TIA
Posted in May, 2021, I renew my call for these particular aircraft/units, especially the Lafayette Escadrille, either in their early camo versions of the N-11 or the later silver finish of the N-17. And, o yea, I would love to see a Lufbery Nieuport or Spad. Please. -- AlOk, John. We have Tigers, Vikings, Crusaders, 1066 and all that, but where are the Lafayette Escadrille Nieuport 11's? I'm also waiting on 56 Squadron's SE-5's and the Jasta 10 Pfalz D-3a's. I'm not getting any younger here.:rolleyes2:{sm4} -- Al
Great choices. One of the wishes for the WW1 aircraft could be in the pipeline.:wink2: I forgot to add that I would like to see one of Alexander Kazakov's Nieuports, either the N-11 or the N-17. -- AlYes! to all of those!
But once we have another SE-5, the Nieuports, and the Pfalz, that's the bulk of the more well known WW1 fighters.
do we do bombers (Gotha, DH4 etc)? Or Bristol fighters?
the big two seaters? float planes?
And....... I would love to see: Fairey Swordfish. and Hawker Hurricane.
And of course a P-47. if we are done with WW1. And... the Hellcat could be finished?
The new Eindecker is a very nice, colorful addition. Only issue I have is that I already have 2 JJD Eindecker's and a TGM Eindecker, so I will not be getting the new Udet version, even though I would like to. Still on hold for the new aircraft that is in the works, but the different versions of the older models is fine to keep the interest and the line alive. -- Al
Oh well, maybe September. -- AlPatiently awaiting new aircraft but getting older by the day here. The July 262 is nice but doesn't have any props and is missing the second wing. :rolleyes2: Oh well, maybe August? -- Al
SE-5's of 56 Squadron, Pfalz D-3a's of Jasta 10, McKeever's Brisfit, Halberstadt CL II's, Lafayette Escadrille Nieuports, 11's or 17's, I'll take any or all. -- Al
SE-5's of 56 Squadron, Pfalz D-3a's of Jasta 10, McKeever's Brisfit, Halberstadt CL II's, Lafayette Escadrille Nieuports, 11's or 17's, I'll take any or all. -- Al
Yep. This subject seems to be sort of in the doldrums right now. A new aircraft would sure go some way to reviving interest. Hint...hint...John? -- AlAl, My man I sure hope everyone is just to busy with family and enjoying the summer to post a like or their thoughts or are chances of seeing any new planes are not looking so hot. I still haven't given up and never will. MfG. Gebhard