lah (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Feb 25, 2006
i know i know this series is not much mistress for several collectors,even if to me it appeals only for historical reasons, however I have bought an old set lah01 just to see one of the first release of this great company and a gloss set, I thought that the models were more rude
instead I have discovered as they are to high level....very good

now i have my little treasure in my collection

Hey Max, i don't collect these myself as they disturb me somehow.However i can see their appeal as the uniforms are smart and i imagine look good in a large dio.They must appeal to a lot of people because they do seem popular.

You know - I dont think there popular in Isreal.

Very sharp looking figures - but, the political images are very hard for a lot of people to collect them - including me.
I have a couple, some of the old glossies. The new ones are sculpted too well. I couldn't have them in my collection.
Its funny how it can affect you isn't it?.I mean i have loads of other German troops and tanks,troops and Tanks that caused misery to my country and yet i collect them without blinking.I guess its all about symbolism with the LAH.But wouldn't want them in my house.

Its funny how it can affect you isn't it?.I mean i have loads of other German troops and tanks,troops and Tanks that caused misery to my country and yet i collect them without blinking.I guess its all about symbolism with the LAH.But wouldn't want them in my house.


Battle scenes are one thing - Political Marches are another.

The NAZI DEMOSTRATIONS are the image link for many people on all the bad things from WWII.
I collect this series purely for historical reasons, the old line...those who forget history.... Interesting though, I do not display it for many of the reasons stated and I also have a wife who is Jewish. She understands that it is not glorifying the regime in any way, but her parents/aunts/etc (earlier generation) would find great offense to the display. Therefore, they sit in boxes, I have never been a fan of the Hitler figures though, as that image is a tough one to see for anybody. I did like the staff car sets mainly for the cars of which Goering still eludes my collection! One day, when I open a museum ala Louis, I will set up a scene with shermans, t34s, stuarts, various artillery and show a complete allied offensive on the SS.

i think we all have the same
thought about the nazifascismo that caused over 70 million of dead

this are TOYSOLDIER and the collection of them born from the passion of the ww2 history

I really like K&C new WW1 line. But when I saw they made a Hitler figure I was like "What's that about"? Why is there a need for a Hitler WW1 figure? It's like there's a fascination with Hitler or something.
I really like K&C new WW1 line. But when I saw they made a Hitler figure I was like "What's that about"? Why is there a need for a Hitler WW1 figure? It's like there's a fascination with Hitler or something.

good sale for this figure, good sale for ws,ak,you know

I really like K&C new WW1 line. But when I saw they made a Hitler figure I was like "What's that about"? Why is there a need for a Hitler WW1 figure? It's like there's a fascination with Hitler or something.

Hitler is always a touchy subject and the LAH issue has been debated at length here before. I suspect most collectors take a great deal of joy from their collection and for some that joy is diminished if the subject is an unpleasant one. Others recognize that many unpleasant persons and events are a part of history. Personally, I look forward to seeing many WWII personalities - Churchill, Rommel, Mussolini - in the WWI series since it was probably the most important event in their lives in formulating later historical events.
Well, of course, there's a fascination with him. Many biographies and reams of paper have been written about him and will continue to be written, perhaps long after we've left this earth. It's a natural extension to make a Hitler figure and I have purchased the figure. I have also purchased three other K & C Hitler figures because he is a fascinating historical figure, one of the most influential persons in the history of the world, for better or for worse.
Well, of course, there's a fascination with him. Many biographies and reams of paper have been written about him and will continue to be written, perhaps long after we've left this earth. It's a natural extension to make a Hitler figure and I have purchased the figure. I have also purchased three other K & C Hitler figures because he is a fascinating historical figure, one of the most influential persons in the history of the world, for better or for worse.
i agree,this is the reality

I agree with Brad - historically you cant ignore the Nazi rise to the world stage - I dont fault anyone who collects them - I have bought a few of the LAH figures for friends as gifts who study WWII.

I just dont collect the line.
I collect them as they are part of my WW2 collection,I have always collected parade troops,I have just as many Britians household on parade,They are, and always will be. Collectable Toy figurines.. A VISUAL MOMENT IN TIME... of a world at war.
I think Andy may have taken on board some of the adverse statements here previously - my own included - as he has firmly moved the series in the direction of a pre-War "Parade Ground" type series, with SS, SA, police, Wehrmacht, H/Jugend and so forth.

I do not collect it personally but can see why it would have an appeal for many toy soldier collectors, and the parade-type sets historically would have outsold battle-scene type sets amongst many categories of collector.

What is a nice touch is that with the various buildings available, if you wanted to, you could put together 2 very contrasting dioramas of Berlin, i.e. a 1935 and a 1945.

However, I would prefer if he were to retire this series, and leave it to collectors of this series to fill their gaps with the old 1930s Lineol, Hausser, Elastolin and so forth, of which there is a large volume of material.
Gentlemen , if you find an item personally offensive you can simply voice your displeasure by not purchasing it. I do not feel there is a need to begin a lengthy period of conjecture because of the little Bohemian Corporal figure. I don`t have any of the LAH figures , because parade style figures don`t interest me (give me action & firing poses). While I have a best friend who has the LAH collection in its entirety & does not harbor any deep seated love for the ideals of National Socialism. He like many other people feel intrigued by the Nazis & that period of history. In addition I do not feel it just to catergorize all Waffen SS men as mass murders , many felt they were fighting for their country like any other soldier. The battlefield performance of the Waffen SS is self explanatory & would explain (in part) collectors interest in the sets. It is always wrong to generalize or stereotype any group of people (I.E. all SS or German soldiers are mass murderers) .. We`re ALL individuals.
In conclusion in the end Andy is a businessman & has a bottom line if the Hitler figures sell well for him. so be it , if you don`t like them don`t buy them.

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