Little Legion (3 Viewers)

Your welcome Brian and continuing playing with my Little Legion as they defend the Commissary Storehouse.......The Lt.

Be very careful my Lord General you don't want to upset thsi young lad taking aim.......Your Aide de Camp

Interesting auction on ebay for 3 Blackwatch Sudan figures.
Bear in mind the figures are being sold by Little Legion and the auction states this and that there is a website available.

Current bid price £72 excl postage.

Price on little legion website for 3 Sudan figures: £33.50 excl postage

Go figure
Arnhem44mad comes through AGAIN with some lovely sets that I KNOW you fellow Men of Harlech will enjoy:


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Arn hem44mad does have some very nice LL sets to go along with his new Tropy set. I see that poor trooper had his arm blown off, good thing it only looks like a "Flesh Wound." :D
Shaka invented the short stabbing spear. It was called iKhlwa. This is an onomatopeia for the sound it makes as it is withdrawn from your opponents axilla after it has initially been inserted to the hilt. He also made his warriors dance on devil thorns to toughen the soles of their feet. If you did not dance with enthusiasm the iKhlwa was used on you.
Great sets there Scott.
Where did you get the La Haye Sainte set. You are a lucky chap.:D:D
I don't recall seeing it on ebay over the last two years.
Interesting auction on ebay for 3 Blackwatch Sudan figures.
Bear in mind the figures are being sold by Little Legion and the auction states this and that there is a website available.

Current bid price £72 excl postage.

Price on little legion website for 3 Sudan figures: £33.50 excl postage

Go figure
That is just daft.
Shaka invented the short stabbing spear. It was called iKhlwa. This is an onomatopeia for the sound it makes as it is withdrawn from your opponents axilla after it has initially been inserted to the hilt. He also made his warriors dance on devil thorns to toughen the soles of their feet. If you did not dance with enthusiasm the iKhlwa was used on you.
Great sets there Scott.
Where did you get the La Haye Sainte set. You are a lucky chap.:D:D
I don't recall seeing it on ebay over the last two years.

I know a very special guy;):D
Your Little Legion Calendar for July photo provided from the collection of Lady Puptent of CTSC,

:cool:For all the hype Ferryman Daniells has been getting, he was almost overlooked on Chard's Roll. I like the NC handler also:cool:
Hope that the following making their apprearance will entice you an other LL disciples to join in the fun featuring your Zulu War figures at play my Aide de Camp.....The Lt.





Nice to see to see your LL figures, I must get mine out and start playing with them. Not this weekend though, just got back from the NASCAR Pole Day, will be at the Nationwide race tomorrow.:D
Looking forward to seeing what appears from your lands of the Zulus Mike and Deitz

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