Always loved your wagons Joe, never mentioned this before, but the way you made your bags around the wheels, the way they bulge through the spokes so realisticly, always liked that. Nobody else gets that effect, nice work Joe, you are The Maestro,
A little more playtime to pass the time away. Deitz you'll note one of the 24th Foot in the wagon is opening a case of ammo and another is on his way to the second wagon with another which I'm sure will do the trick............The Lt.
Similar to the Trophy thread on slight differences in figures. I have two different versions of the same set produced by LL. Both are Z2 24th Carrying Ammo. The set on the right is the earlier set.
Just noticed this is now available on the LL website....who is getting one ?
Just noticed this is now available on the LL website....who is getting one ?
I'm waiting for Brian to distribute his wealth! 205 pounds sterling means...beaucoup bucks!
Brian here the Little Legion's Calendar for the month of May. Starting tomorrow if you set aside $2.00 a day and check it off on this calendar you've got the set...The Lt.
who is getting one ?
It is nice to see you playing with your LL figures again, they were getting jealous of your Britain figures.