Little Legion (6 Viewers)


The mistake that a lot of the makers make is to have the colours unferled in all their glory while coghil/Melvill make the run. They were actually encased in their leather flag carrying case. But they woul not look as good , what!

OK you got me there. I was going to say tha All the Kings Men did no t do that. But it was partially unfurled.:eek:
OK you got me there. I was going to say tha All the Kings Men did no t do that. But it was partially unfurled.:eek:

Not according to history my Lord General and Melvill along with the loss of the flag also loss his sword during his flight from the field of Isandlwana. (Yes he did pay for his airline ticket:D:D:Dto anwer your pre determine comment on his flight) Once again your humble Aide De Camp......The Lt.
Surgeon Major Reynolds tend to a wounded member of B Company....The Lt.

At the risk of real controversy one has to ask whether Mel and Cog caught an early flight from Islandwan to the Buffalo. There are some wh think so. Lt Snook of the Regiment thinks this is a gross slur on two brave men. I have been to their grave. It is an interesting debating point.

I believe that Coghil was first out with his wounded knee, making him useless on the battlefield. Melvill probably left afterwards with orders (debatable) from Pulleine. Very interesting stuff, this history we love. Hope all is well. Mike
Mike Snook takes great exception to people who suggest they left early. I tend to side with him on this topic. I have heard sopme really extreme revisionist stories about how Melville and Coghill were not actually killed by teh Zulus but committed suicide on realizing they would be accused of cowardice. Snook in his book How can a man die better refutes this allegation. To be fair no other serious historian has made sucha claim about Melville and Coghill. I heard Ian Knoght lecture in 1999 and he also dismissed such claims.
So most serious students of the war accept the official version
The official version is that they saved the colors and were awarded the VC for their efforts.
From what I've read of their plight Melvill and Coghill met up after leaving the camp and were joined for a short period of time by one other who parted company. It's known the Melvill lost the flag while crossing the river and was joined on the banks once he cross it by Coghill whose horse was shot from under him. They stood back to back fending off the Zulus Warriors until they were overcome. Melvill had neither sword or flag during his last stand he lost his sword enroute. This is just a very brief summary of the plight. You may want to spend some time visiting the Rorke's Drift VC site for the subject has been well talked about and debated.....The Lt.

Well put, Joe.
The rorkesdriftvc site is wonderful to read through on these lesser subjects. I do agree with Mike Snook that Melvill was probably ordered by Pulleine to depart the battlefield with Colours. Coghill probably left on his own for self-conservation reasons, and did not have any command at that point. Mike

Anyway, enough of a hiatus for Little Legion., all because everyone is going A over T on the new Britains. How about a FLH trooper from Mike's earlier days? Mike


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And don't forget the NMP! Mike
PS. Is it really LL or possibly Trophy?


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Both look like Trophy to me. I have never seen them before
They both look like Trophy, but the first is early LL, per Mike Norris, or at least that's what he told me when I bought it a couple ago. Mike
They both look like Trophy, but the first is early LL, per Mike Norris, or at least that's what he told me when I bought it a couple ago. Mike

Wish he had kept the earlier look, it seems these were done shortly after he started on his own after leaving Trophy. Great little figures and note the color of the Natal Mounted Policeman Uniform......The Lt.
More for you to consider picking up as the tide turns in your favor my Lord General......The Lt.


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