London June show Pics (2 Viewers)

Thanks for all the photos of the show. I appreciate the photos and time to share the show with us. Thanks Jeff , Andy, Rob, Simon and all the others involved in the show report. I also enjoyed viewing Simon's picture of the TF forum guys.

Thanks again. John
Rob, UKBOD, Simon, Trooper and Jeff thanks for your covergae of the London show. Some great shots and nice to see all of the cottage industries. The Scarlet & Gold and the Asset firgures are brilliant. I may have to pick up some of those.

Just one question? Nothing new on the WB stands??
Thanks to all my good "mates" who took the time to take some pics for us here on the forum to see, I'll gladly return the favor in Chicago this year...Sammy
Thanks to all my good "mates" who took the time to take some pics for us here on the forum to see, I'll gladly return the favor in Chicago this year...Sammy

Thanks Sammy.I must say that is one reason why I am always happy to take pics,I really appreciate you guys supplying the photos from Westcoaster and Chicago.:)

Many, many thanks to all those who tooks the time to take and post
pictures. I really enjoyed your efforts. However, the next time
perhaps you could include this------
Some of the single TROPHY figures Richard Rambridge had for sale




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Many, many thanks to all those who tooks the time to take and post
pictures. I really enjoyed your efforts. However, the next time
perhaps you could include this------

Superb Idea :D

Gentlemen of the Mother Country,
Now that the dust has settled and you have all return home, I would like to pass on many, many thanks for the great reporting and photos. We here in the Land Downunder do not get the opportunity to have these show and your photos are very much appreciated. It looks like a fantastic time was had by all, including young John (Obee). Thank you for extending him a typical British warm welcome. Cheers lads.
Hi Beaufighter,
To the best of my knowledge Nik at ATS does not have a US dealer but ordering from his website presents no problems, most orders being processed by return. The figures are true 54mm ie 54mm from soles of feet to top of head ( not to eyes or top of hat as some people on the forum have been arguing in recent months) Nik's website is Hope you enjoy the set. Trooper

Cheers Alan:

Hey, thank you so much for the information and follow up note which I got-both of which where very much appreciated. I imagine that the Memphis Belle crew will be situated next to their Figarti B-17 rendition in no time at all.

All The Best,
Although some Figarti Images have already appeared, I firmly believe sometimes you can never have enough.

Agreed! Hey, a RAF Version Matador would be a wonderful addition to the collection. Here is to dreaming! Once again, thanks everyone for the superbe photo-journalism.

Tally Ho,
Gentle London Show Attendee Friends,

It has been a significant pleasure to view the many excellent photos you took at the show. You are to be specially complimented for providing such fine coverage of this premier event. It is most commendable that you take the time to photograph the wonderful figures you see and it is exceedingly generous to share the event with us. Thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness. I very much appreciate it!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
First of all I think CS's FJ's are a huge step forward from their first figures,they look well painted and well crafted to me,James (Easy)was saying that its not the quality at all more the fact we are 'FJ'd out ' so to speak with plenty of them now, this I fully agree with. But if you havn't many you'll be pleased I'd say.

Love the Figarti Ambush Jeep.Only the driver is fixed in place so you can either use it in action or remove it for a convoy scenario.All the Red Ball stuff looked good today...and don't get me started on the Churchill AVRE;)


I had the jeep in Pre-order and picking it up on Wednesday, Thanks for the pics and your opinion. It settled my mind. But that truck with the cargo, sure is inviting.
Here's the photos of the Churchill AVRE which we showed in london.
Please note this is a prototype and there are likely to be some minor amendments but you get the picture of what a beaut she will be.




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Hi Raymond
Yes, it was designed to take out the pill boxes on the DDay landings.
Not an easy task as the tank had to approach to within approx 50 metres for accuracy and then withdraw in order for the crew to reload.
This couldn't be done from within the tank so they were exposed during the reloading sequence.

You guys took a lot of pictures.Thanks for all your hard work.I'd go nuts seeing all that stuff.:)
You guys took a lot of pictures.Thanks for all your hard work.I'd go nuts seeing all that stuff.:)

That's ok Mark it's all part of the fun day out.


Btw, what makes you think we haven't :D
I don't suppose anybody took any pictures from the Frontline display at the show?

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