No, I'm amazed how far you've come in 40 years. I remember well the marches and sit ins, and freedom riders and the bombings and water hoses. If you are over 40 you remember them also, and the "separate but equal" schools and water fountains and bathrooms and every other part of that. This was all in my lifetime.
No I wasn't expecting good old boys on every corner. But, I've been through the South enough to know they are still there. And again, if you've been down there for a while, you know that too. Don't forget the Jena 6 case a few years ago. My point was that its amazing, given the history in at least my lifetime, and maybe yours, the changes that have occurred in less than a generation. You have to admit that's true.
I think your opinion of the South's progress to keep up with national social betterment is a little biased, slanted and inflamatory...
I really believe that as a whole...we are just a little more civilized than you might think...
racial prejudice is not accepted or welcome where I live..
I don't condone it...I abhor friends don't tolerate it...they wouldn't be my friends if they current girlfriend is black...I'm caucasion...
Jay...the old South is dead or dying...with it's demise...racism slowly disappearing more and more...I think with each new generation comes a little change...
racism does still exist in the South...I won't deny it...but it exists everywhere in the USA...
if anything I think you can make the statement...
"You are amazed at this countries integration"...
instead of when you say...
"Being through the South recently, it's amazing the integration in restaurants and hotels."
I don't understand why you single out the South...
I don't want our non American friends on the forum to get the impression that the is South lagging in social progress...we are not...
in your original post...where you were amazed in our give the impression that we are "the child" that is finally growing up...catching up with our "big brother"...
it's insulting...
your post feels like a pat on the back because we didn't lynch anybody last month...
I'm guessing your from a Northern state...I asked you along with two other questions in my first post...but you ignored them....
I'm aware of what is going on in my area...I hope you don't think racism only exists still in the South...
I'm 55...I have never seen a "black/white" fountain in my freedom riders...bombings...marches or water houses...I have never seen these...but I know they existed in some parts of the South once...
please don't stereotype the South...especially if you don't live here...
here's a fun fact about progress for the "not so" southern locale of Cleveland, Ohio...
it's an annual event called................."Beat Up A White Kid Day".....
for you non Americans unfamiliar with our geography of states...Ohio is a Northern state...not a Southern state...
I think there are pockets of groups of people everywhere that are still very racially segregated...
the only point I'm trying to make here is that your post was a little offensive and I don't want anyone unfamiliar with the USA...or the get the wrong impression about the South...