March dispatches (2 Viewers)

I don't know that such a range makes sense as the Battle of Britain was mostly an air war. Other than planes, ground crew, support vehicles and buildings, what else is there? Not enough for a range. I hope he makes ground crew, etc. but I can't see it as a separate range.
I don't know that such a range makes sense as the Battle of Britain was mostly an air war. Other than planes, ground crew, support vehicles and buildings, what else is there? Not enough for a range. I hope he makes ground crew, etc. but I can't see it as a separate range.

I think its a fantastic idea.
Squadron Scramble
A Bofors gun and crew in an AA entrenchment
RAF Ambulance and Fire Engine
Fighter Pilots relaxing in the pub
Dads Army Volunteers
The Home Front
Endless possibilities

All the ideas you mention are very nice and I hope to see them made but as a separate range, just can't see it. Also can't see Andy getting that interested in making too many civilians either.
I think its a fantastic idea.
Squadron Scramble
A Bofors gun and crew in an AA entrenchment
RAF Ambulance and Fire Engine
Fighter Pilots relaxing in the pub
Dads Army Volunteers
The Home Front
Endless possibilities


After I read the suggestion, I wasn't sure on what it would entail but you bring up some good ideas there HArry- still though, gotta agree with Brad, great idea on paper, perhaps not a winner in the final stages- unlike the RAF- winners across the board.

Bofors- not sure why but everytime I hear that word I chuckle- I'm not talking some kind of evil laugh but more of a Beavis and Butthead laugh:D:D
All the ideas you mention are very nice and I hope to see them made but as a separate range, just can't see it. Also can't see Andy getting that interested in making too many civilians either.

I wasn't meaning a separate range Brad, just an addition to the existing FoB range. Civilians? Well, they were involved in WWII. Personally and just to revive an idea someone posted some months back, I'd love to see some newly liberated French, Belgian, Dutch tank-riding civilians.
I think we will be seeing the announcement of the new Alamo figures in the March dispatches.

King's Man
I wasn't meaning a separate range Brad, just an addition to the existing FoB range. Civilians? Well, they were involved in WWII. Personally and just to revive an idea someone posted some months back, I'd love to see some newly liberated French, Belgian, Dutch tank-riding civilians.

I think we're both saying the same thing so we agree:) Would love to see all the things you mentioned. I neglected to ask Andy about this the last time we talked so perhaps you could chew his ear off when you see him.
I don't know that such a range makes sense as the Battle of Britain was mostly an air war. Other than planes, ground crew, support vehicles and buildings, what else is there? Not enough for a range. I hope he makes ground crew, etc. but I can't see it as a separate range.

I think that an Air War/Battle of Britain/RAF/8th and 9th Air Forces versus the Luftwaffe range would have endless possibilities. There are literally dozens of different aces for personality figures, along with the air marshalls/generals like Bomber Harris, Jimmy Doolittle, etc. Then there are ground crews/dispatch riders/bomber air crews from the various air forces. Then the vehicles, anti aircraft guns, bomb trollies, bomb disposal units, etc. you would see at air fields for the various air forces. Diorama materials such as quonset huts, small weather towers, barracks blocks, modular pieces of runway/tarmac, etc. Not to mention a line of affordable (probably polystone) aircraft to complement the very successful strictly limited museum quality warbirds already in production.
If there were not enough figures for a whole BOB range how about a Britain 1940 range?.As well as all the above mentioned sets which would be cool you could have civilians/Home Guard/ARP/Fire service/Medical/Police etc.The possibilities are many and varied.There is a company called Asset that make this sort of thing,but i'm sure with the quality that K&C could bring to it they would be stunning.

If there were not enough figures for a whole BOB range how about a Britain 1940 range?.As well as all the above mentioned sets which would be cool you could have civilians/Home Guard/ARP/Fire service/Medical/Police etc.The possibilities are many and varied.There is a company called Asset that make this sort of thing,but i'm sure with the quality that K&C could bring to it they would be stunning.


Well Said Chap! I have your 6 o'clock on this one. Splendid idea.

Tally Ho,
Some good ideas there, and according to a comic I read years ago they did have rocket powered Spitfires on the drawing board. You just never know what Andy will bring up next :D
If there were not enough figures for a whole BOB range how about a Britain 1940 range?.As well as all the above mentioned sets which would be cool you could have civilians/Home Guard/ARP/Fire service/Medical/Police etc.The possibilities are many and varied.There is a company called Asset that make this sort of thing,but i'm sure with the quality that K&C could bring to it they would be stunning.


Yeah, I checked out asset's website a while ago Rob. They appeared in one of the London show reports.
They have some stunning ideas, but the quality leaves something to be desired when compared to K&C.
While the majority of us do like the action poses, I think there's a lot to be said for including non-action as well. Example? Well just look at FoB 006, 007 and 022. Don't these figures scream dejection and weariness?
The FoB range has always been one of my favourites, although I don't have too many of the figures. A situation that will be remedied in 4 weeks time - as discussed.
I think we are long overdue for a Battle of Britain range. It could be incorporated as part of FOV or as a "special".
This might dispel the seeming increase in complaints about too many figures coming out for "the same old battles".
I frankly believe we could use a slight change in direction by Andy although i ad mire what he has done and will do in the future.

"I hear the unrest in the bushes,it would be well to heed its message"
food for thought .

Aaaaah, Comics and Toy Soldiers, what bliss for those who want to ENJOY their hobby and are at the opposite extreme from self-opinionated and boring.
Ooops, keeps jumping out of the box. Back you go Zzzz, don't come out of there again until you've something relevant to say.
Louis, Harry, Rob and Marc

Thank you - I appreciate your positive reaction for my idea.

I think - like all of you - that there are quite a large number of opportunities for a "Battle of Britain" range. You wouldn't be limited to just British Forces - you would have German Forces as well. Also - like Louis mentioned - you have countless types of ground equipment and yes - even an affordable Warbird or two - that could be added ;)

Its nice to see positive "out of the box" thinking - instead of the usual negative comments we seem to be reading more of everyday.

Hopefully - Andy will take a look and think about it. It would go very well with some of those Warbirds he has already made.

Tally Ho !

Louis, Harry, Rob and Marc

Thank you - I appreciate your positive reaction for my idea.

I think - like all of you - that there are quite a large number of opportunities for a "Battle of Britain" range. You wouldn't be limited to just British Forces - you would have German Forces as well. Also - like Louis mentioned - you have countless types of ground equipment and yes - even an affordable Warbird or two - that could be added ;)

Its nice to see positive "out of the box" thinking - instead of the usual negative comments we seem to be reading more of everyday.

Hopefully - Andy will take a look and think about it. It would go very well with some of those Warbirds he has already made.

Tally Ho !


Just my opinion but Battle of Britain might be a bit too narrow as Brad has suggested. Would be nice if it were to be a sort of sideline to the FoB range and include the French and Italian airforces.
Again, its just my personal preference - but I'm much more interested in the 1939 through to around mid-1943 war years, when the free nations of the world were really "up against it". I'm not saying 1944-45 was a forgone conclusion, anything but that. But up until then, the Axis forces did kind of have it all their own way to a large extent, which makes the courage and sacrifice made by the western allies with our (let's be honest) mostly inferior weapons and tactics all the more humbling.

Just a few thoughts.
So let's hope Andy - or any other manufacturer who can deliver the goods - is listening.

I think that an Air War/Battle of Britain/RAF/8th and 9th Air Forces versus the Luftwaffe range would have endless possibilities. There are literally dozens of different aces for personality figures, along with the air marshalls/generals like Bomber Harris, Jimmy Doolittle, etc. Then there are ground crews/dispatch riders/bomber air crews from the various air forces. Then the vehicles, anti aircraft guns, bomb trollies, bomb disposal units, etc. you would see at air fields for the various air forces. Diorama materials such as quonset huts, small weather towers, barracks blocks, modular pieces of runway/tarmac, etc. Not to mention a line of affordable (probably polystone) aircraft to complement the very successful strictly limited museum quality warbirds already in production.

Why not------the component parts to make up a nice------Flying Tiger Display......:D:D:p:p:rolleyes:
Only kiddin' on that one (kind of), but the possibilities given what Louis has listed are obvious.

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