Here is the latest finished project off the bench. I was really happy to find this old kit earlier this year. U.S. Cavalry 1870's in 54 mm metal from now defunct EMI. Hope you like. :smile2:
What is there not to like....^&cool:smile2:
Just catching up on this thread MD. I must say your latest cavalry project just turned out absolutely spectacular. Very nice indeed . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Nice painting on both figures. I like the cavalry man. I noticed how much your painting improved in the last year. The figures are really nice. Better be carefull, we will be sending our castings to Dave's "painting service". John
Hi Dave
You have made an excellent job of this kit, love the facial details good job all round.
Regards John
Found myself with more time to work this week, so finished another one already.
This is Clint Eastwood as the Preacher in Pale Rider from Andrea Miniatures. Another nicely detailed 54 mm kit from the Golden West series.
I have a few work in progress shots for this one. Still use the grey auto primer and then usually undercoat in a layer of raw umber prior to adding colors.
Also posting the box art for reference.
And here are a few shots of the finished product. I have omitted the saddle-bags as I want to use them for something else. Went with a redder coat as in the movie. Also made the scarf a bit more blue because I thought it looked better. :rolleyes2:
Hope you like. :smile2:
Excellent job Mister Dave
Thanks much for the compliment. Stay tuned for another exciting Western vignette in the coming weeks.
Trouble with all the kits and painting supplies is I've now no budget for finished TS. :rolleyes2: