Mel Gibson as a director (2 Viewers)

Can we all please give it a rest, without everything turning into a battle.

How has it turned into a battle? Seems the tone of the posts has been friendly.

I'll add, I appreciate Gibson as an actor and a director, didn't care much for "Braveheart" (Wallace was a knight with a coat of arms, not a woad-bedaubed Pict) or "The Patriot" (though I can watch it now, since I resolved not to worry about its historical inaccuracy), thoroughly enjoyed all of the Mad Max movies (though, did he have a hand in producing any of them? maybe the sequels) and the "Lethal Weapon" franchise. He's been good in other movies that were otherwise not so good, too, like "Consipracy Theory" and "What a Women Wants". But overall, no complaints.

I'm a writer. I must know how to write, right?


Indeed you do mate, indeed you do. Cúlpelo en Río. Salude a mi amigo.:D Forgive my poor Spanish if that didn't come out just right.
Indeed you do mate, indeed you do. Cúlpelo en Río. Salude a mi amigo.:D Forgive my poor Spanish if that didn't come out just right.

Should be Portuguese, though! :D

Sorry, didn't mean to sound hostile ;)
Should be Portuguese, though! :D

Sorry, didn't mean to sound hostile ;)
Yes you have to watch that attitude Brad; we certainly can't have any fighting in the war room.;):D I know it should be Portuguese but I would have really been on thin ground there.;)
Any of you Gibsonites see Apocalypto? It is a good one. -- lancer
Indeed you do mate, indeed you do. Cúlpelo en Río. Salude a mi amigo.:D Forgive my poor Spanish if that didn't come out just right.

Your poor Spanish is forgiven since my Spanish is poor as well!

Only Portuguese and English, please...


How has it turned into a battle? Seems the tone of the posts has been friendly.



I agree, we're so friendly we look like a bunch of old ladies discussing cat food and crossword puzzles over tea!


Any of you Gibsonites see Apocalypto? It is a good one. -- lancer


I've seen Apocalypto and I loved it! Specially that last scene. Those Mayan warriors watching the Spanish conquistadors landing on the beach: they have no idea it's the last thing they'll ever see!


Stereotypes about nationalities are just a way to overcome our insecurity about the unknown! (how about that for over the counter psichology?:D:D:D).

Yes it should have been in Portuguese, as my Brazilian brother said:D. No harm done though, maybe next time (fica para a próxima),:D

Mel Gibson seems to have gone off the deep end but I have always enjoyed his movies.
Generally apart from the lethal weapon movies I am quite a Gibson fan from the time of Mad Max (though Pt 3 was a bit lame). I think he is a talented actor and director. I recently saw Apocalypto and really enjoyed it.
The Patriot is not so much anti-English but totally unbalanced. Yes I believe the English could be dogs during their campaign but the black and white utopia portrayed in the movie just made me laugh. The English certainly weren't wanting to free slaves for any moral reasons but I think you would have struggled to find the harmony between colonists and blacks portrayed in that fiilm. I think there was one token white guy who had an issue with blacks in the movie. In the 18th Century South?! Give me a break. Not always a fan of Spike Lee but he wrote a great commentary on it.
As for stereotypes, well I believe they are always rooted in some kind of truth - just not applicable to all.
As for stereotypes, well I believe they are always rooted in some kind of truth - just not applicable to all.

Stereotypes are based on prejudice, actually, not in some kind of thruth. Just my two cents on the subject.


Stereotypes about nationalities are just a way to overcome our insecurity about the unknown! (how about that for over the counter psichology?:D:D:D).

Yes it should have been in Portuguese, as my Brazilian brother said:D. No harm done though, maybe next time (fica para a próxima),:D


Thanks God it's Portuguese! Otherwise I could not enjoy Fernando Pessoa's poems!


Just to hijack a bit the thread ..great the brazilian cinema!i watched lately "Tropa De Elite" and is a terrific movie..
Or me Jorge Amado!


Paulo, You're right! Brazil owe Portugal its language and culture. My grandfather left Portugal in 1911, a single young man, went first to Buenos Aires - Argentina, but couldn't get used to it. Then he tried Porto Alegre - Brazil, and felt at home instantaneously! Here he got married, started his own business, and died some 50 years later, the father of six girls, including my mother. Just a little bit of my history to prove I owe Portugal too!

If you ask me I prefer Machado de Assis or Erico Verissimo, not Jorge Amado, but he was a great writer as well, I have to agree.


Just to hijack a bit the thread ..great the brazilian cinema!i watched lately "Tropa De Elite" and is a terrific movie..

Cantinetozzo, Tropas de Elite is probably the best action movie ever made in Brazil! Not only it's action-packed, it's very funny too, a kind of local black humor that makes me laugh everytime I see it.

By the way: I would just LOVE to see BOPE (Batalhão de Operações Especiais - Special Operations Battalion) toy soldiers made by Figarti or some other manufacturer...

But it's only a dream, only a dream...



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