Message from Her Majesty the Queen to all USA citizens (1 Viewer)

Jack, we will be there in the spirit of our best western movies, as the cavalry will show up just in the nick of time. It goes with the old saying, "Better late than never". :wink2:^&grin -- Al

Yes, as history shows we yanks always like to wait until things get really in a fix before we allow ourselves to get overly excited. But, the bad guys better look out once we finally get around to throwing our "Hat in the Ring" so to speak. ^&cool

Besides, you British and Commonwealth boys usually do a pretty good job of holding the line until someone comes charging in to save the day anyway. Just don't mention the Prussians, or Americans. What did they ever do for Britain anyway??? ^&confuse :confused:

Now, to any of you from across the seas who might take offense to this line of thinking, I say this. If you are going to tee these up by making snide jabs at our independance (that was won by force of arms by the way, not just granted because the mother country couldn't pay to maintain themselves in your lands any longer) you are going to be met with the less than cordial remarks that come flying back your way. Those of us on this side of the pond (doesn't matter which one, can even be the Great Lakes) do not take kindly to derisive remarks (however lightheartedly intended) about our freedoms. :mad:

Yes, we like our 2nd Amendment, and all the rest of them for that matter. And because of it, all of the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined could not by force take a drink from the Ohio (River) or make a track on the Blue Ridge (Moutain) in a trial of a thousand years. Any potential invader would have to contend with an armed citizen behind every blade of grass. :wink2:

And frankly, cold beer (no matter how nat urine like) beats warm beer any day of the week. ^&grin
Yes, as history shows we yanks always like to wait until things get really in a fix before we allow ourselves to get overly excited. But, the bad guys better look out once we finally get around to throwing our "Hat in the Ring" so to speak. ^&cool

Besides, you British and Commonwealth boys usually do a pretty good job of holding the line until someone comes charging in to save the day anyway. Just don't mention the Prussians, or Americans. What did they ever do for Britain anyway??? ^&confuse :confused:

Now, to any of you from across the seas who might take offense to this line of thinking, I say this. If you are going to tee these up by making snide jabs at our independance (that was won by force of arms by the way, not just granted because the mother country couldn't pay to maintain themselves in your lands any longer) you are going to be met with the less than cordial remarks that come flying back your way. Those of us on this side of the pond (doesn't matter which one, can even be the Great Lakes) do not take kindly to derisive remarks (however lightheartedly intended) about our freedoms. :mad:

Yes, we like our 2nd Amendment, and all the rest of them for that matter. And because of it, all of the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined could not by force take a drink from the Ohio (River) or make a track on the Blue Ridge (Moutain) in a trial of a thousand years. Any potential invader would have to contend with an armed citizen behind every blade of grass. :wink2:

And frankly, cold beer (no matter how nat urine like) beats warm beer any day of the week. ^&grin

Point taken. Even for a citizen of a country which was granted independence rather than fighting for it, I well understand the power of that foundation story. I do note that you used 'we' four times, 'our' three times and 'us' once. Is there really that level of agreement in the US on the issues you have alluded to? Based on my watching of the Jon Stewart 'news' program {sm4} there does seem to be many alternate views, one of which (to someone who freely acknowledges the sacrifices made by the US in common cause with my country), seems to be a mistrust of your own government. Many of the statements I see (which no doubt are selected for impact rather than impartiality) suggest not a fear of an invader from without but enemies from within.
We have crossed between humour and seriousness, so I am conscious not to give offence for I have taken none - except for that warm bear rubbish. Australian beer is always cold and brought to us by a beautiful woman.
Point taken. Even for a citizen of a country which was granted independence rather than fighting for it, I well understand the power of that foundation story. I do note that you used 'we' four times, 'our' three times and 'us' once. Is there really that level of agreement in the US on the issues you have alluded to? Based on my watching of the Jon Stewart 'news' program {sm4} there does seem to be many alternate views, one of which (to someone who freely acknowledges the sacrifices made by the US in common cause with my country), seems to be a mistrust of your own government. Many of the statements I see (which no doubt are selected for impact rather than impartiality) suggest not a fear of an invader from without but enemies from within.
We have crossed between humour and seriousness, so I am conscious not to give offence for I have taken none - except for that warm bear rubbish. Australian beer is always cold and brought to us by a beautiful woman.

Glad to hear that the Aussies know how beer is to be served. I personally can think of no better way than what you have described. And yes, there has always been a healthy mistrust of the federal government in this country, no matter which party controls the White House. I believe that the decision heads are just now starting to wake up to the realization that we may have gotten in a little too deep with our Red "friends" not too far away from you. Unfortunatelly half of the country wants to burry their heads in the sand and hope that this looming black cloud just blows over. This confuses the situation for our friends and allies who have traditionally relied on American leadership and hardware. Hopefully we can quickly get the new stealth fighter on-line to send a few your way so you can keep a lid on things. Unfortunately it'll be my generation (Aussies and Americans) that will have to deal with the bloody mess if things get out of hand. The next half-decade is going to be interesting.
Glad to hear that the Aussies know how beer is to be served. I personally can think of no better way than what you have described. And yes, there has always been a healthy mistrust of the federal government in this country, no matter which party controls the White House. I believe that the decision heads are just now starting to wake up to the realization that we may have gotten in a little too deep with our Red "friends" not too far away from you. Unfortunatelly half of the country wants to burry their heads in the sand and hope that this looming black cloud just blows over. This confuses the situation for our friends and allies who have traditionally relied on American leadership and hardware. Hopefully we can quickly get the new stealth fighter on-line to send a few your way so you can keep a lid on things. Unfortunately it'll be my generation (Aussies and Americans) that will have to deal with the bloody mess if things get out of hand. The next half-decade is going to be interesting.

Well we won't hear your planes coming because apparently when our submarines start up people in Hawaii have to adjust their TV volume!{sm4}
Well we won't hear your planes coming because apparently when our submarines start up people in Hawaii have to adjust their TV volume!{sm4}

I heard the crew of the subs have been issued with noise cancelling earphones so they can hear themselves think....{sm2}:rolleyes2:{sm4}

We'll take Prince Harry. Will we be able to send our deviates to the Crown Penal Colony
downunder also?
If so, you'd better increase the facilities at Botany Bay.

You can have Harry, and keep your deviates or send them to Queen Liz c/- United Kingdom, she started the thread afterall.
Yes, as history shows we yanks always like to wait until things get really in a fix before we allow ourselves to get overly excited. But, the bad guys better look out once we finally get around to throwing our "Hat in the Ring" so to speak. ^&cool

Besides, you British and Commonwealth boys usually do a pretty good job of holding the line until someone comes charging in to save the day anyway. Just don't mention the Prussians, or Americans. What did they ever do for Britain anyway??? ^&confuse :confused:

Now, to any of you from across the seas who might take offense to this line of thinking, I say this. If you are going to tee these up by making snide jabs at our independance (that was won by force of arms by the way, not just granted because the mother country couldn't pay to maintain themselves in your lands any longer) you are going to be met with the less than cordial remarks that come flying back your way. Those of us on this side of the pond (doesn't matter which one, can even be the Great Lakes) do not take kindly to derisive remarks (however lightheartedly intended) about our freedoms. :mad:

Yes, we like our 2nd Amendment, and all the rest of them for that matter. And because of it, all of the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined could not by force take a drink from the Ohio (River) or make a track on the Blue Ridge (Moutain) in a trial of a thousand years. Any potential invader would have to contend with an armed citizen behind every blade of grass. :wink2:

And frankly, cold beer (no matter how nat urine like) beats warm beer any day of the week. ^&grin

I agree. Sounds like a lot of effort just to get a drink from a river. Now if it was the Perrier river in France that might be worth considering{sm4}.
Hi All,

While this thread is supposed to be humorous it seems to be generating a lot of angst and several reported posts. Tone it down or the thread will be closed.

Hi All,

While this thread is supposed to be humorous it seems to be generating a lot of angst and several reported posts. Tone it down or the thread will be closed.

Really? Again? It's getting so you can't swing a dead cat around here without hurting someone's feelings.:rolleyes2: -- Al
Please take into account and credit the US accordingly that when we invaded and occupied the UK from 1943-45, we ultimately decided to give it back with only trace amounts of our 'Kulture' left behind to be contended with. :wink2:^&grin -- Al


I've still a few packs of Luckies and a couple of Hershey bars left over from your last occupation-guess I must have been "Americanised" as a scrounging Brit kid when I lived close to the USAAF base in Manston, Kent way back in the 60s ^&grin


I've still a few packs of Luckies and a couple of Hershey bars left over from your last occupation-guess I must have been "Americanised" as a scrounging Brit kid when I lived close to the USAAF base in Manston, Kent way back in the 60s ^&grin

Bob, please don't consume those items. I'm sure the tobacco is well past being useful. The chocolate is probably still good.:rolleyes2: At any rate, both are probably quite valuable as collector's items and relics of the last invasion of Great Britain.{sm3} -- Al
One thing about "taking the p@@s" "pulling legs" or what ever you want to call it, is that I was brought up to believe that you never do it to a stranger (you never know how they'll take it:)). You only ever "take the mick" out of a friend. I have always assumed this was the case throughout the English speaking world. Aussies never miss an opportunity with a "Pomm" for instance.:)
So anyone who doesn't see this as a joke should perhaps just view it as a back-handed compliment!^&grin

Hi All,

While this thread is supposed to be humorous it seems to be generating a lot of angst and several reported posts. Tone it down or the thread will be closed.


In the original post, there's an acknowledgement of flirting with the line. What's wrong with living on the edge? That's what makes these kinds of threads entertaining. Yes, there's some humo(u)r, politics and good natured Limee-Digger-Kiwi-Kanuck-Yankee ribbing. (Please accecpt my apologies if I left anyone out) Nothing worse has occured on this thread than what would occur in a barracks lounge or officer's club where soldiers, sailors and/or airmen from the respective countries would engage in if they occupied the same spaces for any length of time anyway. I think we all appreciate and take pride in what our respective countries have been through together and I am no different. I've meant no disrespect or offense to anyone, just firmly establishing the line from my perspective. So here's to beer, beautiful ladies and toy soldiers.

Shane :)
"One was just kidding sorry!!


This is funny because HRH is the least likely person to do this, hence it's a compliment.
One thing about "taking the p@@s" "pulling legs" or what ever you want to call it, is that I was brought up to believe that you never do it to a stranger (you never know how they'll take it:)). You only ever "take the mick" out of a friend. I have always assumed this was the case throughout the English speaking world. Aussies never miss an opportunity with a "Pomm" for instance.:)
So anyone who doesn't see this as a joke should perhaps just view it as a back-handed compliment!^&grin


I appreciate the compliment (however back-handed it may be). Your statement about Aussies never missing an opportunity with a Pomm reminds me of a passage I read a few years back regarding the Great War.

Western Front 1918:

One night, a lone sentry stands his post. He hears a ruffling in the distance. The sentry calls out,
-Halt, who goes there?
He hears the reply,
-Don’t shoot, Vive le France!
The sentry responded,
-Come forth Frenchman and be recognized.
A few minutes later the sentry hears another sound. He again calls out,
-Halt, who goes there?
He hears the reply,
-Don’t shoot, For God, King and Fatherland.
The sentry commands,
-Come forth German and be recognized.
A few moments later the sentry hears another sound. He again calls out,
-Halt who goes there?
The reply,
-Don’t shoot, God Save the King.
The sentry commands,
-Step forth Englishman and be recognized.
The sentry again hears a sound. He calls out,
-Halt, who goes there?
The reply,
-Who the hell wants to know?
The sentry politely requests,
-Step forth American and be recognized.


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