I'm afraid we got treated to a few O's pitchers that weren't ready for prime time. Throw strikes or find another job. -- Alhe was very much on point ...didnt even last 2 innings ........and we left the bases loaded in the first with 0 runs
Ain't that the truth. Bad couple of days in Md. At least the USNA won. -- AlMan, what a **** weekend, Terps Ravens, Orioles all lose ..O's got nothing to lose Tuesday, play with house money and hope for the best
That ship sailed a long time ago.
"Five teams won 92 or more games during the regular season (ATL, TB, MIL, LAD, BAL)Those teams are 0-7 in the postseason so far. All seven losses were at home."
Go ahead and spin this into a "This is good for the game" argument.
"Five teams won 92 or more games during the regular season (ATL, TB, MIL, LAD, BAL)Those teams are 0-7 in the postseason so far. All seven losses were at home."
Go ahead and spin this into a "This is good for the game" argument.
I don’t have to spin it. We have a playoff system. You don’t have to like it but that’s the format and it will be around through the 2026 season.
People tend to complain about a system after they don’t do well under it. You never hear people complain when it’s the reverse. I wonder why that is?![]()
The Red Sox last made the playoffs in 2021 as the top wildcard team, beat the Gashouse Gorillas in a one game play in game, got the top seeded Rays........and beat them to advance to the ALCS.
So this new broken toilet of a system has not had a negative impact on the team I root for.
As has been said in the thread already, this format is making the 162 game season somewhat meaningless if teams are going to get hot the last month of the season, sneak in and then make noise.
The Rangers blew the division the last weekend of the season, their bats went cold and they lost two out of three to Seattle, were the lowest seeded team...........and got hot, beat the 99 win Rays and are now one win away from the ALCS.
Great system; hey it works for them.
People tend to complain about a system after they don’t do well under it. You never hear people complain when it’s the reverse. I wonder why that is?![]()
I didn't complain as I was happy we won the East, but as soon as I realized we were going to be off for basically a week I had my own misgivings, hoping the long week off wouldn't hurt, can't say?? We won our Series against Texas this year but now getting our *** handed to us.
I didn't complain as I was happy we won the East, but as soon as I realized we were going to be off for basically a week I had my own misgivings, hoping the long week off wouldn't hurt, can't say?? We won our Series against Texas this year but now getting our *** handed to us.
2 series against Rangers this year we lost 2-1 at yours in April and then beat you 2-1 in May in Arlington . Outscored you 24-19 over the 6 games .
too much income lost.