This new issues of german paras caught me off guard as i thought that we might get some for normandy. Do these new releases mean that we are going to develop the italian theater possibly centered on monte cassino or anzio. What do you all think?
This new issues of german paras caught me off guard as i thought that we might get some for normandy. Do these new releases mean that we are going to develop the italian theater possibly centered on monte cassino or anzio. What do you all think?
i too would have preferred normandy, but welcome these FJs as a step in the right direction. i do hope there is more to come for these italian Front FJs. These FJ releases are a mixed bunch to me, as i would have preferred them in ambush positions, as they do in the rubbles of the monastery of Monte Casino.
the mg team is good for my ambush monte cassino diorama, the rest not too useful for my current diorama.
This new issues of german paras caught me off guard as i thought that we might get some for normandy. Do these new releases mean that we are going to develop the italian theater possibly centered on monte cassino or anzio. What do you all think?
Hi Hawkeye, could you please elaborate of the "new issues" of german para's? Sorry mate, but I've not heard anything about these new issues.^&confuse
As a Kiwi, Cassino & Italy hold a special place in our military history and as such would love to see more figures associated with this often over-looked period of WW2.
Check out the date of Hawkeye's thread mate, its from 2008.
Opps{eek3}:tongue:........i think its my shout lads.
Thanks for the heads up Rob.
Im saying nothing......................