Movie Related Series Ideas (1 Viewer)


Actually IS there anyone on here who didn't enjoy BOB?.


I have never met anyone that didn't like it Rob.

However I have remembered another thing that annoyed me in SPR. Which is the US sniper guy who looked like he had never fired a rifle before. I know he was a left handed shooter firing a right handed weapon but he still looked awkward especially when he was talking/praying whilst taking a shot. Most people know how hard it is to even breath and shoot accurately, let alone talk whilst shooting. And the camera work was sloppy on a few shots where it showed the scope centered on one area of the screen and the bullet impacting on a totally different spot. That just can't happen in real life, unless of course the weapon isn't shot in correctly, and it would have to be out a heck of a lot.
You have a snipers eye for errors Oz!;).Will have to watch it again,i like being able to spot these things.I remember someone (it may have been UK Reb)posted a list of all the things that were wrong in Battle of the Bulge,it was this huge list and was great fun watching the film and spotting them.I know..i need to get out more!

So, Kelly's Heros is an absolute yes.......just a guess.

"See, look the bridge is it ain't."
Please tell me that BoB is "Band of Brothers" and not "Battle of the Bulge". I thought "Band..." was terrific while "Battle..." went as far in the opposite direction. This is just MHO of course and not meant to start WW3 which seems to be well under way on some other threads. -- lancer

Actually IS there anyone on here who didn't enjoy BOB?.


I don't have HBO, so I haven't seen more than parts of some episodes, when I was visiting someone who does have it. But when watching it, I've asked myself how accurate it is, and whether it's intended to be accurate or more of a drama. I haven't followed up on those questions, to find out.

To illustrate my question, I'll use the examples of "Tora! Tora! Tora!" and "Midway". I think TTT is a historical drama that stays as close to the facts as possible, without being a documentary. And I think that was the producers' and directors' goal. On the other hand, "Midway" has elements added that interfere with the actual historical story, in my opinion, and so, I can't enjoy it.

But I do enjoy Rob Livingston in just about everything he's been in, whether it was a good movie or series, or not, going all the way back to "Swingers".

Lancer, it can get confusing can't it, and BoB could also mean the 'Battle of Britain' movie :eek:

For me 'Battle of the Bulge' is just good fun entertainment with a small dash of history so I don't get upset about it's many inaccuracies.

I have 'Band of Brothers' on DVD and it seems pretty accurate to me but of course they had to take some liberties because of the lack of contemporary armor etc. The author, Ambrose does lay things on a bit thick at times but he is an American writing for a largely American audience. And imo to much is made of the contribution by elite units such as the 82nd and 101st compared to regular outfits that were at the sharp end for much longer.

I have seen similar books from Australian authors that have a very patriotic and somewhat biased view of the Australian contribution to WWII battles. And of course the only foreigners in 'Battle of Britain' that got a mention were the Polish pilots.

The main thing to remember with movies is that time is money, and lots of it. Movies have to keep the audience interested and if they tried to include everything and everyone involved, the movie would drag on to long and people would get bored. The other factor is that there was a good amount of propaganda from all sides before, during and after WWII and much of what was said in the press etc was taken as gospel. If movie makers went out of your way to assure accuracy the sad fact is that most people would find the facts to hard to accept and prefer the fallacies they had grown to used to.
Lancer, it can get confusing can't it, and BoB could also mean the 'Battle of Britain' movie :eek:

For me 'Battle of the Bulge' is just good fun entertainment with a small dash of history so I don't get upset about it's many inaccuracies.

I have 'Band of Brothers' on DVD and it seems pretty accurate to me but of course they had to take some liberties because of the lack of contemporary armor etc. The author, Ambrose does lay things on a bit thick at times but he is an American writing for a largely American audience. And imo to much is made of the contribution by elite units such as the 82nd and 101st compared to regular outfits that were at the sharp end for much longer.

I have seen similar books from Australian authors that have a very patriotic and somewhat biased view of the Australian contribution to WWII battles. And of course the only foreigners in 'Battle of Britain' that got a mention were the Polish pilots.

The main thing to remember with movies is that time is money, and lots of it. Movies have to keep the audience interested and if they tried to include everything and everyone involved, the movie would drag on to long and people would get bored. The other factor is that there was a good amount of propaganda from all sides before, during and after WWII and much of what was said in the press etc was taken as gospel. If movie makers went out of your way to assure accuracy the sad fact is that most people would find the facts to hard to accept and prefer the fallacies they had grown to used to.

Theres a good point here,we don't often here about ALL the different nationalities that took to the sky over this little island in 1940.(God bless every one of them by the way)

The main thing to remember with movies is that time is money, and lots of it. Movies have to keep the audience interested and if they tried to include everything and everyone involved, the movie would drag on to long and people would get bored. The other factor is that there was a good amount of propaganda from all sides before, during and after WWII and much of what was said in the press etc was taken as gospel. If movie makers went out of your way to assure accuracy the sad fact is that most people would find the facts to hard to accept and prefer the fallacies they had grown to used to.
It is absolutely true that movies are a major investment and generally tailored to capture the greatest return. Thus there is the inevitable consequence of compromises in accuracy. I do think these consequences are born out of a screen writer or director desire to tell a more interesting story rather than to distort it to meet a popular viewpoint. Frankly, I think most movie audiences are much more interested in being entertained than educated. Thus while the result in many cases may appear to follow a well established notion, I think that is more often coincidence than intention.
It is absolutely true that movies are a major investment and generally tailored to capture the greatest return. Thus there is the inevitable consequence of compromises in accuracy. I do think these consequences are born out of a screen writer or director desire to tell a more interesting story rather than to distort it to meet a popular viewpoint. Frankly, I think most movie audiences are much more interested in being entertained than educated. Thus while the result in many cases may appear to follow a well established notion, I think that is more often coincidence than intention.

I know I'm in a minority group at the movies these days as I don't have any piercings or tattoos and I need two hands to use my mobile phone :D But I still think you can combine Entertainment and Education. Of course the Education you receive from movies has as much to do with the personal agenda of the Director as anything else.
I just thought of another figure I'd like to see, based on a movie: How about a Wehrmacht mess sergeant, on horseback, with various mess tins hanging from his saddle, based on Gerd Fröbe's character in "The Longest Day"?

Or the hapless Major Pluskat? He had the distinction of appearing in 2 of Cornelius Ryan's books, because he commanded a shore artillery battery at Normandy, and he was also present at the siege and fall of Berlin. And if the sculpt is modeled on the actor who played Pluskat, Hans Christian Blech, the figure could be recycled as Conrad, Col. Hessler's batman (Bursche) in "The Battle of the Bulge".


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